
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Musa Hassan should just shut up and go

by Din Merican

Last Sunday I wrote about Musa Hassan’s revolting interview withMingguan Malaysia. Since then, several other news reports have surfaced where Musa has lashed out more pointedly at the Ministry of Home Affairs for interfering in the affairs of the Police Force. While not specifically naming the Home Affairs Minister, Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Hussein Onn, the target of his attacks was quite obvious. Musa even said that he was no aware that Hishammuddin was going to announce that his contract would not be renewed and that the DIGP, Tan Sri Ismail Omar, would be the new IGP.

Hisham: “Musa… you jangan paksa I keluarkan keris ok?”

Musa wants to hang on to his job, but sorry,enough is enough

Those statements by Musa are very revealing that he was not ready to step down yet despite having been given 2 contract extensions. That Musa was hoping for another extension. That Musa did not want Ismail Omar to succeed as IGP. That, now confirms the rumours that have been swirling around since March this year within PDRM and the Home Ministry that Musa has been bad mouthing Ismail Omar as “Tak ada karisma. Tak bersedia. Dia Bengap sikit. Muka pun nampak Bongok”. For Johoreans the term “Bengap” and Bongok” are very strong words. Johoreans use it only against enemies or people they dislike to run them down as unworthy opponents. But why would Musa use such words against his own DIGP? Wasn’t Ismail Omar handpicked by Musa to be DIGP? Wasn’t that part of the PDRM’s succession plan?

Congratulations to Tan Sri Ismail Omar on being appointed the new IGP!

No Amount of Acting can erase his ” Unreliable Witness” image

Therein lies the real cunning character of Musa Hassan @aka Musang. Musa never wanted any immediate real successors. The succession plan was just a Sandiwara. One must not forget that Musa Hassan’s younger brother is the famous actor Dato’ Jalaludin Hassan. Another younger brother is politician and former Ampang Jaya MP, Dato’ Fuad Hassan. So Musa has all the tools and skills of an actor and a politician whereas what he needed to be was an officer and a gentleman. Musa has never been the latter.

Now, that fits in with the plot that Musa hatched against former Director CCID, Dato’ Ramli Yusuff, whom Musa got rid off in 2007. Musa conspired with the AG Gani and MACC to frame Dato’ Ramli and made Dato’ Ramli looked like “The RM27 Million Crooked Cop”. In Lawyer Rosli Dahlan’s trial which ended last Monday, the MACC IO Saiful Ezral finally admitted that there was no truth to the RM27 million story. That story was fanned by the mainstream media quoting “sources within ACA close to the investigations”.

Ramli and Rosli never charged for corruption

IO Saiful Ezral also admitted that Ramli and Rosli was never charged for corruption because the MACC did not find any evidence of corruption. And since the MACC could not find any corruption, the MACC decided to charge Ramli and Rosli for offences of non-declaration or incomplete declarations. These are just technical offences. Already, Dato’ Ramli has been acquitted of all charges, but MACC still does not want to withdraw the charge against Rosli.

It seems the Chief Registrar's instruction that trials under the anti-corruption laws must be completed within 1 year has not been adhered to in this case. Two and a half days of Court time has been wasted.

MACC uses hard core criminals to fix the innocent

IO Saiful Ezral also admitted that the only “informer’ who gave them a written statement was a known criminal, Moo Sai Chin, and the MACC believed Moo because he gave his statement “voluntarily” to the MACC. When asked where Moo is and why Moo is not in court to accuse Dato’ Ramli directly, IO Saiful Ezral admitted that Moo is missing. Moo cannot be found. Moo is on the run. Moo has gone into hiding. And yet the MACC charged a Police Director and a respected lawyer based on just the words of this criminal whom the MACC regarded as a credible informer!

All that have been said above reveal Musa Hassan’s hands in eliminating potential successors in PDRM. Musa had already wound the rumour mill that there was no one in the present echelon of PDRM that could succeed him. To Musa’s mind, the plot was very simple – if there is no likely candidate, then he can perpetuate his extension. Until today, which is already the 8th of September, Musa still struts around as IGP and refuses to let go of his post.Traditionally, all IGPs would already go on leave once the successor has been identified. But not Musa Hassan. He just hung around in the faint hope of a contract extension.

Respect Your Minister as we are under civil rule

Musa is now on a war path against Hishamuddin. Musa is angry with Hisham for announcing his non-extension as IGP. Hishamuddin is stopping Musa’s lobby for a third extension despite the grim picture that Musa has painted that even if you scrape the barrel, there is none who can succeed him as IGP. Ismail Omar is unfit to be IGP.

What is happening now is Musa is using all his resources within the mainstream media to prop up his image. He wants to make Hishammuddin look bad. He has a close relationship with Lourdes Charles of The Star and others and they are trying to spin a new tale. Unfortunately, he is looking like a ranting mad man in his death throes. He does not understand Malaysia is under civil rule and the IGP answers to a Minister. General Douglas MacArthur paid a heavy price for disobeying President Truman. The Home Minister is kind to Musa Hassan by not extending his contract only, in stead of having him investigated for his links to the underworld.

Normally IGPs go on leave prior to relinquishing the post, but not Musa Hassan who was waiting for his contract extension. No shame.

An Incorrigible Conspirator and Fixer

In PDRM, it is known that Musa had conspired with previous IGP Tan Sri Bakri on a smear campaign against previous IGP Tan Sri Norian Mai, which resulted in Norian’s term not being extended. Then towards the end of Tan Sri Bakri’s term, Musa did the same thing which led Musa to succeed him as IGP. Musa’s scheming ways in developing friendship with his superiors until he can discard them can already be seen in the 2007 spat he had with the previous Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Dato’ Johari Baharom. He was the best of friends with Johari until he became IGP, and then his true colours showed.

Their relationship became so acrimonious and they hurled accusations at each other that the MACC had to “clear” both of them. RPK had written about the “police created blog” by then director CID Dato’ Christopher Wan at the instructions of Musa Hassan. RPK had also exhibited the Statutory Declaration by Musa’s ADC attesting to Musa’s links to the underworld and to that shadowy character BK Tan.

And a shady underworld character too

Musa’s links to the criminal Goh Cheng Poh @ Tengku Goh became so clear when Goh named Musa in several affidavits that were filed to obtain his release. In the end, the people who detained Tengku Goh – the six rank and file policemen, the Director CCID and Lawyer Rosli Dahlan were all arrested and charged and Tengku Goh went free. With all that mud, no succeeding IGP needs to continue or want to inherit that kind of legacy.

The New IGP is gracious towards his predecessor

That brings to issue the gentlemanly statement of Tan Sri Ismail Omar that he owed it to Musa and has been “well trained by Musa to take over as IGP”. Some have chastised Ismail for that statement. One such person is Tunku Abdul Aziz. In truth, Ismail was just being gracious in a Malay way. The Malays would always express gratitude to their predecessors, elders or seniors for what they have become. So, let’s not be too hard on Ismail Omar for being the good Malay that he is. But Tunku Abdul Aziz also has his point and I support him. Tan Sri Ismail Omar has to be more careful with his words. This is not the time to be gracious. Musa was not gracious to him by calling him names like “Bengap” and “Bongok”.

There is nothing Ismail should be grateful to Musa for making him DIGP. That was not out of Musa’s liking for Ismail. That was for Musa’s own ulterior motive and self interest. To Musa’s mind, Ismail would not have the “acting” and “political” skills to project himself and as such Ismail could never outshine him. Indeed, Ismail may not have those two skills, but Ismail has much more.

Unassuming Tan Sri Ismail Omar has Masters Degree in Law

Ask anyone in PDRM and they will all attest to Ismail’s decency as a man, a competent cop and, above all, scrupulously honest person. Ismail is more academically qualified than Musa; he has a Masters in Law. Ismail would be the first graduate of the International Islamic University (IIU) to rise from the officers’ ranks of PDRM to become IGP.

Ismail is more academically qualified than Musa.

He was Dato’ Ramli’s junior in university and hopefully he would be as fearless as Dato’ Ramli in pursuing criminals, and not shield or protect them like Musa. Ismail may not appear outstanding in a crowd and that is only because he is shy.

I have seen many unassuming civil servants who have turned out to be outstanding leaders of organisations they lead. The late Tan Sri Azizan Zainal Abidin of Petronas is a good example. His successor Tan Sri Hassan Merican follows exactly in that footstep. Look also at Raja Tan Sri Raja Muhamad Alias who brought FELDA to what it is today. He is so unassuming that he would not even use his honorific and hereditary titles and just want to be known simply as RM Alias. Those were the days when civil servants and public officers were just that, before they became infected with the politician’s disease and started building cult personalities for themselves. So let’s give Ismail Omar a chance.

There was actually a succession plan laid by Tan Sri Hassan Marican but by now, we all know it has been "shredded".

Musa: Shut Up and Go Quietly

As for Musa, I have just one short advice – Shut up and go quietly!The government has enough information on you and your activities, and can direct MACC to commence investigations, if you persist in being a blabber mouth. Abu Kassim would love to charge a Big Fish in order to salvage his own reputation following his resignation pledge. Remember, you have no power now to inflict damage to our country. Even the AG, your buddy fixer can turn against you. Welcome to the real world.

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