
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, September 15, 2010

No, Dr Chandra Muzafar. The non-Malays are not "belly-aching"

Ramon - helped draft the New Economic Policy
Ramon Navaratnam

LETTER Prof Chandra Muzafar`s interview in the NST dated September 8th 2010 comes out quite balanced, although he glosses over some important issues. These significant issues need to be clarified if the `empathy` that he appeals for, in his NST interview entitled A Plea for EMPATHY IN ETHNIC RELATIONS, is to be realized .

1. He argues that there is a ``Gap in the way a lot of Malays and the Malaysians of Chinese and Indian descent , look at the nation``

It is clear that he does not describe Malaysians as Malaysian Chinese , Malaysian Indians and particularly ``Malaysian Malays`` ! And why not ? There in lies the main reason for the Perception GAP in our ethos and commitments as equal Malaysian Citizens. History will show that it is arguable as to which race came earliest to settle in Malaya. Some will claim its the Chinese , or the Indians or the Malays . But what is certain is that the Orang Asli were the real original people in our land.

What academia could do is the go back to the available archaeological research to establish the truth . I had hoped that Prof Chandra would have settled this issue as an academic himself? Once these facts are established by proper research , then this aspect of the Perception Gap , will be easily solved.

2. It is creditable that Chandra frankly ascertains that ``there is no Social Contract as such , but nevertheless the Constitution embodies a certain arrangement that was arrived at before independence ``

Chandra Muzafar
I agree with Chandra that our people do accept the Constitutional provisions pertaining to Special Position of the Malays and the legitimate of the other communities . But part of the problem of Perception Gap , is that there are deep concerns on part of the Non Malays that the legitimate interests of the non Malays have not been adequately or fairly addressed . They are discouraged that the MALAY Special Privileges have gone on well beyond the planned 20 year period of up to 1990 .

Many NEP policies have been abused and have been continued , much to the disappointment of the Non Malays , thus causing this Perception Gap to widen . The mainly Malay Government and especially the Civil Service has not shown sufficient Empathy for the equitable application of the NEP to provide for the ``legitimate interests of the Non Malays`` . Thus they are legitimately and very anxious over this skewed implementation of the NEP due to what Chandra calls ``excesses `` .

Therefore Non Malays should not be unkindly described by Chandra as `` bellyaching `` and worse still should not be hurtfully dismissed by some extremists as aliens in their own country .

3. There is also much that is made out about the generosity of the ``Social Contract `` in giving citizenship to about one million Non Malays and mainly Chinese individuals . But it must be realized that the perceived thinking behind this good move was based on the quid pro quo for the continuation of the Special Privileges of the Malays . The citizenship was also given in order to win the hearts and minds of the especially the Chinese to fight against deadly struggle with the Communist terrorists who were mostly Chinese ?

Hence, the so called Social Contract should not be regarded as some special favour given to the Non Malays, as this aggravates the Perception Gap in our general understanding of our national values and heritage .

4. I believe that the NEP has contributed much to our relative stability and the great socio economic strides that our country has made since Merdeka . However we have to sadly admit that the level of National Unity has declined over the years and particularly since the 1980’s. Furthermore we are now consequently caught in the Middle Income Gap

That is why it is so important for our ONE MALAYSIA to succeed .

Malay View?

1. From the Malay point of view - I have heard my Malay friends complain that the Malays too feel that they have lost out since Merdeka !

They claim that the most of the poor Malaysians are Malays. That is true . But it is partly due to the fact that the Malays were mostly in the Rural Agricultural areas of the country during the British times. They have only come out in larger numbers to the towns ( where they could earn higher incomes , if they are employable ) , after Merdeka in 1957.

However because of the Governments successful NEP fight against Poverty the Poverty rate which was about 50% of the population in 1960 , has improved remarkably to less than 4% at the present time . Hence the Malays and others in the low income groups have gained significantly .

2. In terms of Employment - thanks to the NEP again , and the democratization of the Education System, thousands of Malay Graduates from Primary to secondary levels ,have been employed in all sectors of the Government and Business sectors of the economy .

About 20 Government Universities and especially MARA have given preference to Malay entrants and produced thousands of Malay Graduates who are employed at senior levels in the Civil Service and the private sector

3. Following the Restructuring target of the Nep , the 30% Equity Ownership in the Corporate sector is again arguably achieved or even exceeded . Official interpretation is that this Equity target is still around 20% . However because of conflicting assessments , it would be imperative to have an internationally recognized study that will ascertain once and for all – as what is the real accomplishment

It would be useful for Government to Commission a high powered study on this matter – so as tio clear the present doubts of Investors .

4. The whole public service of about 1.2 million employees is mainly composed of Malays. The Armed Forces , the Police , the Judiciary and the Teaching profession is dominated by Malays

The major Utilities like the Railways , Telecommunications , Airlines , Shipping , huge Government Linked Companies (GLC’c) etc are dominated by Malays .

5. The Cabinet and State Executive Committees , except Penang are again led by Malay s.

Hence it is not clear what else needs to be done to assure the Malays that their position is very secure at all levels of society


Nevertheless there is still this Perception Gap that Chandra rightly says has to be bridged . But how is this to happen ?

That is the Challenge Malaysia faces.

But the New Economic Model introduced and championed by the Government under Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib’s leadership , appears to be unfortunately challenged by some parochial and narrow vested interests at this time This resistance has to become soon if Malaysia is to move forward and not remain caught in the Middle Income Trap !

Finally however , Its not very difficult to strengthen empathy in our ethnic relations and to bridge the Perception Gap , if only we become more aware of the urgent need to regard all Malaysians as our own brothers and sisters and to treat them all Fairly as Malaysians - without regard to our different races , religions and political affiliations .

I wish to stress that our Prime Minister’s call on Hari Raya for Muslims to be Moderate is vital . His timely call would also apply equally to Non Malays, amongst whom we also have extremists . But if we all practice Moderation and show Empathy to each other - we will surely , become ONE MALASIA and TRUE MALAYSIANS God Willing .

Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam
Chairman - Asli Center of Public Policy Studies

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