
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 23, 2010

'U-turn' on KK clock tower decision shocks ex-minister

KOTA KINABALU: The controversy over the 105-year-old Atkinson Clock Tower here has exposed an appalling lack of concern for heritage sites by the state government and its agencies.

Despite the dilly-dallying by government officials over the plan to build a 16-storey building next to the quaint structure, an ex-minister revealed that the government had already approved the project.

Sabah Housing and Town Development Authority (SHTDA) chairman Rubin Balang said that there had been no objections to the plan for a mixed-development project complete with a car park next to the clock tower.

He said the state cabinet, the central board and Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK) as well as the state museum department, the caretaker of the clock tower, had all given the go-ahead for the project on SHTDA land several years ago.

The project was supposed to have taken off a long time ago but it had to be delayed on technical grounds, he said.

The sudden turnaround by government officials including Chief Minister Musa Aman, who reminded government agencies to exercise care when approving development projects, has left the SHTDA boss stunned.

Rubin, a former state minister, said the proposed high-rise mixed-commercial development project would not have a negative impact on the clock tower but would instead enhance its image.

He said the development and building plans for the joint-venture project between SHTDA as the landowner and a private developer had been approved without a hitch by the state government and its agencies.

The project, he said, would give a much-needed facelift to the area with proper infrastructure that would make the clock tower a real tourism attraction.

Rubin said this was especially in view of the fact that the number of tourists visiting the Atkinson Clock Tower was not encouraging in spite of it being one of the few remaining structures that give a glimpse of the state capital's history.

Visitor-friendly area

Rubin is convinced that this could change once the upgrading works are completed side-by-side with the new development, which would also see a new hotel coming up.

“As a former minister in charge of culture, I'm aware of the importance of the Atkinson Clock Tower. That is why I requested that the project would not in anyway affect the clock tower,” he said in response to the strong public reaction to the proposed project.

He said the SHTDA was mindful of the advice from Musa and tourism, culture and environment minister Masidi Manjun to ensure all government policies and rules are followed before approving the plans.

“I totally agree that we must not do anything to harm the clock tower,” he said.

Rubin added that the project would cost SHTDA nothing because apart from building its own commercial building, SHTDA’s partner would also be building another tower for free.

“We want to make the area visitor-friendly so we need to put the proper infrastructure in place like car parks and at the same time boost the tourism industry,” he said.

Rubin said as a partner in the joint-venture project, SHTDA has expressed its commitment to the museum department that the Atkinson Clock Tower would remain a historical icon.

courtesy of FMT


  1. Semoga kerajaan akan membuat keputusan terbaik mengenai perkara ini.

  2. Jangan sampai apa yang sepatutnya kita banggakan hilang dek ditelan pembangunan semasa. Saya fikir kita tidak perlukan semua itu (bangunan tinggi2) sudah terlalu banyak dan jika pun inginkan lagi bangunan baru sila cari tempat yang lebih sesuai...

  3. No more shopping malls and hotels please!

  4. The 105-year-old Atkinson Clock Tower should not be disturb. It needs to be protected and preserve.

  5. If the government still insist on building more shopping malls or hotels, make it be some other location and not the tower. I trust the government will do what is right.

  6. the objections that has been shown by the majority people of Sabah should be enough to thwart the project..

  7. Macam mana pula menteri yang sebelum itu langsung tidak tahu pasal benda tersebut?

  8. Projek itu diluluskan lebih 15 tahun yang lalu. Iaitu pada tahun 1997/1998. Pada masa itu, Yong Teck Lee merupakan KM dan itu kerajaan Yong, mungkin dia lebih jelas berbanding orang lain.

  9. There must be some misunderstandings here. Clarification is needed.

  10. Biasalah tu, SAPP memang suka meletakkan kesalahan di bahu orang padahal ketua dia tu memang memegang jawatan tersebut.

  11. Central Board meeting will be held tomorrow. So wait and see.


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