
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Will 8th Cabinet meeting tomorrow still end up empty-handed with no disciplinary action against the two principals who made racial/religious slurs against students in school despite 1st incident occurring 55 days ago?

By MP Lim Kit Siang

The question many Malaysians are asking is whether the eighth Cabinet meeting tomorrow will still end up empty-handed with no disciplinary action against the two principals, one in Johore and the other in Kedah, who made racial and religious slurs against students in schools despite the first incident occurring 55 days ago on August 12.

Another case of disgraceful conduct by public servants was discussed by the Cabinet last Wednesday – the derogatory, offensive and insensitive reference to the Chinese and Indian communities as “Si Mata Sepet” (“Squinty-eyed”) and “Si Kaki Botol” (“Alcoholics”) by the National Civics Bureau (BTN) deputy director Hamin Husin at a closed-door Puteri Umno function – but there was no satisfactory outcome although the open mockery of the Prime Minister’s 1Malaysia policy by public servants further undermined Najib’s authority, credibility and legitimacy.

The Cabinet meekly asked the Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Sidek Hassan to investigate the racist remarks by Hamim, who have meanwhile received the endorsement of Perkasa to lodge a police report under the tutelage of Perkasa.

Where does the Cabinet come in on this. Do the Ministers have any leadership role? Or are they completely impotent and irrelevant!

The Najib Cabinet risks being regarded as the Cabinet-joke in the nation’s history under six Prime Ministers – with a Deputy Prime Minister who openly repudiated Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia concept by declaring that he is Malay first and Malaysian second; a KPI Minister who cannot pass the KPI in his own political party, denounced by his President-predecessor and party adviser as “an ostrich” who ran away from problems; and Cabinet Ministers most of whom dare not take a clear-cut stand whether on 1Malaysia or New Economic Model, the two signature policies of the Prime Minister.

All Malaysians await the outcome of tomorrow’s Cabinet meeting – whether there is going to be more procrastination and “tai chi” over the gross indiscipline of the two errant school principals and the BTN deputy director in openly flouting Najib’s 1Malaysia concept.

I am waiting for the outcome of the Cabinet tomorrow to decide whether to move an emergency motion in Parliament on Monday to demand an urgent debate on these two issues.

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