
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 11, 2010

The miracle that PAS will perform with God’s help

PAS is dangerous, says Umno and MCA. They are a threat to this nation. They are unreasonable. They have no respect for non-Muslims. But today, while PAS showed respect to a deceased non-Muslim Member of Parliament, the Malay Supremacist leader, Ibrahim Ali, showed contempt.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

England's anti-Islam extremist group clashes with police

A right-wing extremist group, the English Defence League (EDL), which often launches protests against the spread of Islam in Britain, fought with police in the city, north of Leicester in the nation yesterday.

Four people were arrested and a police officer was hospitalised.

Almost 1,400 police officers including some equipped with riot equipment and some on horseback were deployed to control about 1,000 activists from EDL who gathered at Leicester for a demonstration.

Police said various objects were thrown to them and an officer rushed to the hospital.

EDL supporters, formed a year ago, started a tour around the country to launch a demonstration against the spread of Islam and Syariah law in England during last summer.

The group claimed that it is done peacefully, but critics say it was racist and potentially disruptive.

Last Saturday, about 700 members of a leftist group called United Against Fascist launched counter protests in the nearby area.

Both of these groups which have different faiths were fought during a similar gathering last year in several cities such as Leeds and Manchester. -- Malaysian Digest


Not only does England have an anti-Islam extremist movement, Malaysia does as well. But while in England it is called EDL, in Malaysia it is called MCA. And MCA has declared that it shall continue to support Barisan Nasional and speak with one voice.

MCA said it supports Barsian Nasional. So that means Barisan Nasional will also support MCA or else MCA will not support Barisan Nasional. Does this also mean that Barisan Nasional supports MCA’s anti-Islam stand? And is not Umno the head honcho of Barisan Nasional? And would this also mean that Umno supports MCA’s anti-Islam stand?

Both Umno and MCA have warned the Chinese not to support Pakatan Rakyat. If Pakatan Rakyat wins the general election then PAS would form the government. And this would mean that Malaysia would introduce the Shariah, the Hudud laws being one of the Shariah laws.

PAS is certainly a party that can move mountains. PAS contests only one-third of the seats in Parliament but yet it is able to win more than two-thirds of the seats. Maybe this is because PAS has God on its side and anyone who has God on its side can perform miracles. So PAS, which contests only one-third of the seats in Parliament, is able to win more than two-thirds of the seats with God’s help.

This has to be so is it not? PAS can’t amend the Constitution to turn Malaysia from a secular state into a theological state unless it has at least two-thirds of the seats in Parliament. And since it contests only one-third of the seats and is still able to amend the Constitution this must mean that it has two-thirds of the seats in Parliament. And if it contests only one-third of the seats and yet it wins two-thirds of the seats in Parliament then this can only be a miracle and this can only mean that God’s hand is at work here.

Today, in Parliament, they gave a one-minute silence for the Member of Parliament for Batu Sapi, Edmund Chong Ket Wah, who died in a motorcycle accident. Though he is not a Muslim, all the PAS Members of Parliament stood up to honour him with a one-minute silence. The PERKASA Member of Parliament, Ibrahim Ali, however, did not stand up. He sat down and continued speaking loudly on his mobile phone.

PAS is dangerous, says Umno and MCA. They are a threat to this nation. They are unreasonable. They have no respect for non-Muslims. But today, while PAS showed respect to a deceased non-Muslim Member of Parliament, the Malay Supremacist leader, Ibrahim Ali, showed contempt.

Did MCA protest? Did Umno protest? The PAS Members of Parliament did. The PAS Members of Parliament were outraged at the lack of respect towards a non-Muslim Member of Parliament demonstrated by the champion of Malay rights.

Why should Ibrahim Ali, the champion of Malay rights, stand up and show respect with a one-minute silence for a deceased Member of Parliament who is neither Malay nor Muslim?

And they tell us to beware of PAS because if it contests one-third of the seats in Parliament it will definitely win more than two-thirds of the seats and Malaysia will cut off the hands of all the Chinese and Indians. I suppose they are trying to say that all Chinese and Indians are thieves and robbers and that is why their hands are going to be cut off.

Actually, in the unlikely possibility that Malaysia does implement Hudud, which will result in the hands of thieves and robbers being cut off, it will be the Umno people who will suffer this punishment together with their cronies in MCA and MIC who plundered this country.

Hey, maybe Hudud is not such a bad thing after all.

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