
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, October 24, 2010

Only Umno can protect Malay rights. Really?

By Viktor Wong

Umno president and BN chairman Datuk Seri Najib Razak declared today that political power must remain in Umno’s hands to protect the special position of Malays. He also promised that his administration would not roll back affirmative action policies to protect Malay interests.

Really? If that so, can you tell us what Umno has done to bring about the betterment of the Malay community for the past 50 years? What has Umno done for the Malay people for the past 50 years of Umno's governance in both federal and state levels?

If Umno was really protecting the Malay rights, why had Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad gone missing? Why had Proton always suffer massive losses? Why is Felda suffering some huge losses and accumulating its bad debts? Why about nearly 80 per cent of the Malays are still in poor conditions, with no money to spent, could not feed their children nor sending them to schools, no electricity or water supplies in villages and some are even getting poorer and their sufferings are even worst?

If you are protecting Malay rights, why are all these happening? If you are really protecting Malay rights, why is the Malay community split into different political segments? If you are really protecting Malay rights, why do you still need Malay rights groups and NGOs doing all those jobs, shouting and jumping here and there, and some even spoke louder than you?

If you are really protecting Malay rights, why is the community's economic distribution had turned into a grave imbalance situation with one segment of the Malays getting richer and wealthier, thus calling themselves "Bangsawan Melayu" while the other segment of the Malays are getting poorer and worst still being sidelined and called "golongan bawahan"?

Can Umno explain all these please? After 50 years of your rule and governance, and the Malay community had even yet to reach 30 percent equity goal. So, what Umno has been doing for the past 50 years?

We all knew the answers very well. Umno had spend all those 50 years in gathering all those wealth and riches only for their own leaders, families and cronies instead of distributing them fairly to the Malay community which they are still claiming to be "protecting", sort of!

Where had all those funds gone to? Why are the bumiputra shares in the listed companies reducing almost everyday? Why despite after 50 years of Umno's rule and governance, the economic well-being of the Malays had not improve but instead went off to become worst? Why after 50 years of Umno's rule and governance, the Malays are still losing out in all sectors?

Don't put all these blame onto PSM, PRM, PAS, PKR or DAP because they don't even exist yet when Umno started its governance over this nation in 1957 and Umno had ruled since then till today. Don't ask PSM, PRM, PKR, PAS or DAP but put all your questions onto Umno. The money are in their hands for more than 50 years.

Najib said only Umno can protect Malay rights, is that so? And why are all those negative elements still hurting the Malays until today? No point seeking for explanations, they will keep on blaming others just to protect themselves.

courtesy of Socio-Economy, Political & Education

1 comment:

  1. Nep ended more than 20 years ago.
    It is sad to see the Malaysian Malays having to depend on the quota system in order to survive and still craves for more.
    It is like drug addiction.Once it is injected into the body, the mind will have difficulties shaking off the "gian" feeling.
    Madey is a medical doctor but he is injecting the Nep vernom into the Malays.
    Glad to know that there are many who understand such addiction (nep)and managed to shake it off.
    What was intended to be good back then turned into a poison. It poisoned all the umno people.

    Only apno can defend the malays?
    Is this written in The Malay Almanac?
    Nowhere in the Al Quran that say only apno can defend the Malays.
    Nonsense. As apno is just a group manager.
    If the manager slacks, sack him.Sack all of them.
    Appoint some other groups whom might be better in managing the country.

    Another reasoning is, apno always say progress.
    Thats right, to have a 100 storey height building is progress !
    Having the GST means that we are developed !
    But they never tell any of you that the highly developed countries changes their govt all the time.
    Japan throws out their Prime Minister every now and then.Britain did it , Aussies done that, Americans have a colored President.
    Don;t have to mention Singapore as Singapore is not a country ( according to Nazri ).


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