
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Desperado BN/UMNOohNO! Politics via RM-Desperado Datuk T!

When Desi was alerted by mGf dpp and Jon from KL to read Rockybru's yesterday afternoon, I was still watching CNN - I do that everydie the past two weeks to keep track of Japan and Libya -- so I thanked them for dIe alert, said would peep in later.

Now it wasn't the sort of new level of "gutter politics" I was expected, but a useful "LINK" from Rocky's led to a Datuk T's antics of trying to bring Opposition Leader (my party chief BTW mention so that my ER know where I'm kambing from...) DS Anwar Ibrahim down.

After Sodomy I and Sodomy II still in progress, this Datuk T must be paid BIG money to hold a video screening at Seri Carcosa. I wished I had a sponsor in his/her/its league so I can proceed organising BUM2011 now in limbo -- OR IS THIS T GUY DOING NATIONAL SERVICE,in his corrupted mind?

I patiently waited for this moUrn's MSM reportage before I do this comment -- I think the goings-on in Japan with its terrible quake-tsunami aftermath of nuclear and humanitarian woes, and the "uncertain and quick-changing" scenearios played out before my very/weary eye in Libya/Yemen/Syria/Bahrain were good enough to keep Desi on sitting knife edge -- badder than watching "24" but REALITY being played out via the idiot box the past two weeksentertaining and educating Desi more than Jack Bauer... Maaf I digress...THAT'S A BUMmer's privilege to abuse wantonly and randomly, so please get aboard the Bloggers' band-wagon, koboi style oso cun!

Let me just give extracts from Rocky's**** and The Star's frontpage++++ lead (I spent RM1.20 for de kopi OK, although I lead a chuch mousey writHer's life!), OK!? -- hey that's a rhetoric Q,no need answer or AP from ye K! --


Monday, March 21, 2011
Have you watched Anwar's sex video?
NO, I have not watched the video. I was not invited this morning to Carcosa for the special screening of the explosive sex video for journalists. And because I have not watched the video, how can I believe that's him on the video thumping away a Chinese-looking woman, said to be a prostitute? But I can't say I don't believe, either. I am skeptical but I can't do YB Nik Nazmi and declare that it's a doctored video even though Nik Azmi has not watched the video. Remember, we thought it could not have been Chua Soi Lek in that sex video from Batu Pahat, but it was. We thought it could not have been Vijendran, but it turned out to be him.


Tuesday March 22, 2011
Sex video shocker

KUALA LUMPUR: The release of a video recording of a man resembling an opposition party leader having sex with a foreign prostitute has shocked the nation in the latest scandal to rock the country.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, speaking at a press conference at 5.30pm – some four hours after news of the recording’s existence first got out – denied that he was the man and dismissed the whole thing as a political ploy.
Anwar gesturing during a press conference at the PKR headquarters in Petaling Jaya to counter claims about a sex video. — ROHAIZAT MD DARUS / The Star

A mysterious Malay man, who identified himself as “Datuk T”, released the video at Carcosa Seri Negara. Invited newsmen were shown the almost 22-minute video under much secrecy and security.

“Datuk T” gave the politician and his wife a week to quit politics and threatened to make public the video through some NGOs if they did not.

The revelation of the tape also overshadowed other events and even rendered the Parliament debates tame as both sides of the divide digested the latest scandal.

Related Stories:
Sex video becomes talk of the town in a matter of hours
Cops not involved in sex video, says Najib
XXXXZaid: It is standard PKR reaction
High security and secrecy before screening
Video of man resembling politician shown to pressmen
&&&&Anwar: I’m not the man
PAS may review ties if video is authentic


Sdr Anwar in his reaction is best read at The Star at report marked&&&& as you have to see the picture which does give one sight of his body language, with wife Wan Azizah at his side-- brave womann of PKR, I'm mighty proud of this Prez!

My take on all this "expose" shows the desperate state of the powers-that-be that fear Anwar-becoming-PM most, which of course means the present, and some past, leaders of UMNO (Along with cronies in MCA, PIC and other hangers-on...).

I must also urge readers to take note at item marked XXXX that a former UMNO leader who joined PKR and tried to burn down the house when he couldn't reach the deputy Prez' seat last year, also joined in the gutter politics -- may the gOoD Lord keep Anwar save from the ilks of now KITA's chief Zaid Ibrahim, UBF's chief Jeffrey Kitingan and "the moneybagman behind the scene" Soh Chee Wen whom I have written much about as the triumvirate who acted/act as the "moles" trying to destroy PKR and Anwar from within.

I am truly amazed how low Malaysian gutter politics has descended. We had already made headlines a decade ago with Sodomy I; yet the powers-that-be refused to exercise somemilk of humanity. MALAYSIA, HOW LOW CAN YOU GO?

before we hang our heads in shame when Datuk T and more clones of the same ilk keep trying to displace Libya and Japan from the international news headlines?

Who indeed, weep for NegaraKu, I have lamented many times...
GOD save us from these desperadoes who make Desi shake his head in sorrow:

Will Malaysia also meet its near-"Apolcalyse" enddimes before of some Malaysian's heinous acts

for the almighty dollar -- RM20million, to beat She Nyet Foong's recrd?-- Datuk T???

IF THE ROYAL MALAYSIAN POLICE ARE SERIOUS IN DOING ITS WORK WITHOUT DOUBLE STANDARDS, the first person to nab would be "Datuk T" for screenig a "porn movie" at Seri Carcosa, and also another bunch of MPs at Parliament House lounge.

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