
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 3, 2011



Hat-tip to blogger Scott Thong for the image above.

By Hartal MSM

2×5 or dua kali lima: Like Pakatan, like blind followers.

Erna Mahyuni writing in Insider explains why she has “mostly given up on Pakatan Rakyat”.

In her article ‘Press freedom is not selective, Pakatan‘, she writes:

“Once I believed DAP could be the closest thing to a non-racially aligned party But I was mistaken.”


“Blackballing Utusan Malaysia and Free Malaysia Today from your press conferences is childish and self-defeating. True press freedom means being prepared for the media to hurl brickbats as well as bouquets.”

Like us, Erna can also anticipate the Pakatan mentality. She writes: “I can hear in the distance Pakatan supporters calling me ‘a Barisan Nasional’ stooge.” (Sound familiar? …)

Meanwhile …

Raja Petra Kamarudin wrote in his ‘No Holds Barred’ column of Feb 28:

The opposition supporters do not understand what freedom of speech means. To them, freedom of speech means freedom to criticise the government and not freedom to criticise the opposition. And if you criticise the opposition, then you are a traitor to the cause, a Trojan horse, someone who has been bought off, and so on. These people need to grow up and mature and understand that freedom works both ways — you can criticise the government while others can criticise you.

See ‘The opposition’s understanding of freedom of speech’ in Malaysia Today.

Sharifuddin A Latiff’s article ‘Malays find it hard to trust DAP‘ appears in FMT today, and as expected, the DAP staffers and cybers are quick to shoot their arrows, in typical fashion — “This writer (Hartal’s Shar101) is a truely [sic] an UMNO stooge”.

Their responses are so predictable: “what crap by this BN linked trooper”/”his pay roll masters”.

We challenge ‘Gunasegaran’ (who posted the comments in FMT) to prove his wild accusations. We dare you to provide evidence that Hartal has received any money from BN. He who asserts must prove — If you cannot prove, you’re guilty of defamation.

It’s become a knee-jerk reaction that DAP supporters go around slandering and libeling anyone who criticizes the party. How can you be sure that one day you yourself won’t fall victim to them?

Then we have the horde of DAP supporters suffering the same Tourette’s Syndrome (= uncontrollable repetition) as great leader Caliph Umar Lim. Click (pdf mossad) to see how LGE rants against Israel.

It appears to be the DAP credo that the more you repeat yourself, the more convincing you are. One reader ‘Peter’ put in four comments and another one going by the pseudonym ‘Too Much’ put in four as well.

Instead of rebutting Shar’s article, these Pakatan supporters prefer taking potshots by labelling — “stupid statements”, “rubbish”, “disgraceful piece”, “shallow thinking”. Peter even hurled this little spitfire — “dont be writter [sic]. Go join Perkasa”. — Wow! Such level of maturity.

Malay in DAP a sight like polar bear in jungle

More hilariously, there’s the claim that the alleged ‘venom’ against Malay race in cyberspace comes — get this — not from DAP but “from UMNO cybertroopers with the purpose of portray [sic] DAP in bad light. Real DAP supporters do not engage in such”. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

That’s like saying all the venom spewed against Jews and Israel that you come across locally do not originate from Malaysians but from Zionist agents (masquerading as Muslims and Ng Wei Aik-types) for the purpose of portraying Malaysians in a bad light as anti-Semitic.

Finally, this reader’s comment takes the cake. John disagrees that DAP is as Chinese-centric as portrayed in ”Malays find it hard to trust DAP‘. John says: “… DAP [is just] a bit more “Chinese” than multi-racial than DAP wishes to”.

Only a little bit?


DAP Selangor: Jenice Lee, Hannah Yeoh, Charles Santiago, Teng Chang Khim, Ng Suee Lim, Ean Yong Hian Wah, Gobind Singh Deo, Tony Pua, Lau Weng San, Teo Nie Ching, Teresa Kok, Tiew Way Keng, S Ramakrishnan, Lim Soo Hong and T Kannan. DAP Perak: Ngeh Koo Ham, V Sivakumar, A Sivanesan, M Kulasegaran, Nga Kor Ming, Ong Boon Piow, Lim Pek Har, Teh Hock Ke, Wong Kah Who, Paul Yong Choo Kiong, Teh Kok Lim, Chen Fook Chye, Yew Tian Hoe and Leong Mee Meng.DAP Penang: Chow Kon Yeow, Prof P Ramasamy, Jagdeep Singh Deo, Lim Hock Seng, Ng Wei Aik, Lim Hui Ying (Guan Eng’s sister), Wong Hon Wai, Teh Yee Cheu, Harvindar Singh, Lay Hock Peng, Chong Eng, Gooi Seong Kin, Law Heng Kiang, Koay Teng Hai, RSN Rayer, Phee Boon Poh, Lau Keng Ee, Tan Hun Wooi and Lim Siew Khim.

Only a little bit Chinese? Podah!

- Hartal MSM

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