
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, March 19, 2011

Maximus on wrong side of the controversy

your say'I agree with Maximus. Both sides should meet halfway. The Home Ministry should start stamping thousands of the Quran in a similar manner...'

Al Kitab row: Compromise and move on, says Maximus

Singa Pura Pura: "I do not want to say if it is a defacement," said Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Maximus Johnity Ongkili.

I'll say it for you then, Minister. It is not only a defacement. It is a defilement. You don't touch the Bible as you would not the Quran. Both are holy.

"This is a government decision and we must accept it."

Yes, Minister. Take it in like all the filth that have been thrown our way for half a century. Way to go, Minister.

"They should sit down with Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein and work out the details and arrangements. The less spoken in public the better."

Why don't you speak to him on our behalf. You are the minister. You are his colleague in the cabinet. A cabinet of equals, mind you, Minister. Perhaps the lesser you speak in public, the better, Minister.

Disgusted: Compromise for whose sake Maximus? For your sake, is it? So that you and the regime that you support can continue its rule to wipe out the peace and prosperity that this nation once enjoyed.

Day by day things are getting from bad to worse for non-Malays. Thousands of capable Malaysians are fleeing the country because they can't tolerate the regime that is so corrupt, lawless and bigoted. The cost of living is going up exponentially and our standard of living is going down. The quality of life for ordinary Malaysians is not improving in any way but with escalating cost of everything, people can hardly make ends meet.

The only solution is to change the very regime that is the cause of all the troubles. Fifty-three years to prove themselves is a long time, more that any other regime in the world. As the whole world around us is changing and progressing, we seem to be regressing politically, economically and socially. Enough is enough, change is the answer.

Lover Boy: Hishammuddin Hussein, this Al-Kitab issue is your baby. First, you send a minister without portfolio from Sarawak to do your job and Idris Jala was made to look like a stupid Christian. Now you send the minister of science, technology and innovation from Sabah, who talked about making "compromises". This has made him look like a complete idiot.

Hishammuddin, you and your silly colleagues say that the stamping of the Al-Kitab is because of the 1982 cabinet directive. The Christian Federation of Malaysia says that the 1982 directive does not contain provisions on the serialising and stamping of "For Chistian Only" on the Bible. If you have screwed up, just admit it instead of sending two clowns from Sabah and Sarawak.
For your information, my Quran from the Saudi embassy has no serial number.

Fat Cat Ros: Maximus' comments are nauseating. It is time for East Malaysian Christians to open their eyes and see for themselves their so-called leaders who only think of protecting their self-interests.

Anonymous_251d: "This is a government decision and we must accept it." So if the government ask you to jump off the cliff, you would do that even though you know you will certainly die. What if the government make stupid decisions - are we to accept them with open arms?

Abasir: I agree with Maximus. Both sides should compromise and meet halfway. The Home Ministry should start stamping thousands of the Quran in a similar manner to prove that the "content is more important than its appearance".

Those who question the government's decision will then know that it is always fair and that stamping a holy book is not defacement in any way.

Stories: So stupid. Giving up a constitutional right is called compromise?

Bishop Paul welcomes PAS stance on Al-Kitab

Lusiapa: Bishop Paul Tan is certainly not a person to play the fool with. His carefully chosen expressions to describe this current preposterous situation are indicative of his learned qualities as a religious leader. He will definitely remain steadfast in his stand and will not compromise, simply because there is nothing to compromise.

The government was wrong ab initio. At these very trying times, the Christian Malaysian community must unite and show complete solidarity in their opposition to the government's attempt to stifle freedom of worship in this country.

They must draw inspiration and courage from this shepherd to defend their constitutional right as Christians at all costs.

OneFair: PAS has shown that this party is more rational on interfaith matters. PAS has indicated that their party is not radical/extreme even though it has banned the sale of gaming tickets in Kelantan but is willing to talk and justify the action taken.

All Malaysians should seriously consider a balance two-party system so that no high-handed tactics and actions are taken.

Ghkok: Bishop Paul Tan is surely taking a very enlightened and principled stand on this issue. He deserves our respect and admiration. Although I'm not a Christian, I fully concur with his approach and line of thinking on this matter as well as that of the PAS Ulama Council and the position as stated firmly by Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian in his blog.

The leaders of Pakatan Rakyat has spoken rationally, intelligently and logically on this issue as compared to those from BN. Pakatan has proven to be united, credible, professional, principled and dignified, in their stand on a range of national issues. Our country is definitely ready for a Pakatan federal government.

Atan-Toyol: I would like to ask the Perak mufti, what is the 'hukum', or 'fatwa' if you like, if a Malay-Muslim is found in possession of the Bible? Does that make him/her murtad?

To me, it is quite interesting to read all religious books for knowledge's sake. Islam does not prohibit reading of other religion's holy books; otherwise the Quran would not start with the command "Read!" (or Iqra' in Arabic).

Anyway, I shall wait for the edict from the 'grand mufti' of Perak, who seems to represent all the muftis in this country. - Malaysiakini

Malay : Everyone of us MUST RESPECT every one's religious beliefs. By defacing the Malay Bible without prior consent is really out of line and those responsible MUST BE PUNISHED. Now saying SORRY is too late to close the matter.

The current BN government must learn its lesson NOT to use RELIGION to meet its end and political agenda. Rather than creating religious integrity among us, they seem to divide us for their political agenda to be achieved.

Using the excuse that ISLAM is the official religion and to ridicule other religions must immediately STOP.

The Malaysian Federal Constitution guarantees others religions could also be practiced. So we need to respect this.

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