
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, June 26, 2011

Datuk T's 99.9% goes up in smoke as PKR's counter-tape goes viral

Datuk T's 99.9% goes up in smoke as PKR's counter-tape goes viral

The charges have been read, the Datuk T fined an unbelievably puny amount and a campaign launched to glorify the trio as Malay heroes but what has it accomplished?

Political auditors tallying up the pros and cons may raise Anwar Ibrahim’s hand and declare victory for his Pakatan Rakyat coalition. But the Opposition Leader will readily admit the toll has been terrible for himself and family.

Even so, the pain and anguish they must have suffered is nowhere near the blow to the nation’s psyche and pride.

Thanks to Prime Minister Najib Razak insistence to use sex to knock down his political rival, Malaysians of all walks in life from rich and poor to young and old have subjected to worst daily diet of sex, sodomy, and porn.

As for Najib and his advisers, they suffer the loser’s damage. Perhaps the worst but as they say, he who eats chilli feels the heat the most.

And the unkindest cut of all is that after spending millions on his advisers to come up with this really ridiculous plot, the coup de grace that Najib had hoped to deliver at the Datuk T trial actually provided the best entree for the PKR to launch their counter-tape on You Tube, 'Why it can't be Anwar'. (scroll below to watch video)

Saturating sex point

At the centre of it all is the public’s pre-occupation with sex. A carnal simplistic yearning that would have Sigmund Freud smiling since it was his theory that man and woman are primarily driven by sexual impulses and nothing more. His ideas are still controversial today and pivotal in the field of psychology. Yet, one has only to take notice of the recent going-ons in Malaysia to concur with Freud’s observations.

You see, Malaysians are fed up. They have reached the ‘so-what’ stage.

So what if the Datuk T lawyers had announced that American experts had surmised the actor in the porn video is 99.9% similar to Anwar Ibrahim.

So what if all along, Datuk T was standing on the moral high-ground and saving the country from a dubious character such as Anwar Ibrahim.

So what? Who cares?

Fact is, Malaysians are sick and tired with all the shadow-play orchestrated by their government leaders, who should know better and be spending time doing the really crucial things - like saving the country from bankruptcy or narrowing racial polaraization or improving living standards or bringing to fruition a minimum wage package and dozens more.

Breaking the chains of mental slavery

Malaysians are tired of being held in mental-slavery to ideas flashed at them from a media controlled by the governing establishment. Media that shows government propaganda meant to box in their minds and to make them agree to what the government thinks and says.

If anything, the Datuk T case only highlights how low, law and justice and common sense have sunk in the past couple of years.

Malaysia now glorifies men who openly distribute pornography. Its government now allows prime-time television to openly discuss and showcase sexual content.

The Prime Minister upholds double standards in meting out justice in the courts of law - 3 years jail for a bus driver who showed pornography in a bus and RM5,500 for two Datuks and one Tan Sri who screened the same sort of porn to the nation.

And if anyone thinks this sex-tape episode will end with the Datuk T trio being fined, they should stop dreaming. UMNO bloggers are all set to spice it up further. Indeed, the scandal will continue to have a life of its own. It is therefore not surprising that PKR launched its own documentary and analysis on the sex tape.

In the PKR’s 30-minute clip, MP for Sungai Petani Johari Abdul, turns 'Hercule Poirot' in an attempt to refute the claim that it was Anwar Ibrahim in the video filmed having sex with a prostitute. A logical move to present an alternative view to the government’s splashed out on the mainstream media.

Hoisted with his own petard

And Najib Razak, being the wishy-washy Prime Minister that he is, merely managed a weak “let the people decide if it is Anwar Ibrahim” when approached for his comment on the latest development.

Yes, let the people decide but why then did the Prime Minister allow the laxity that led to the courts openly siding him against Anwar and reinforcing the UMNO insinuation that it was Anwar. Let the people decide but why allow the government media to smear his political rival and bombard the minds of Malaysians with porn.

It is clear the Prime Minister has failed to defend the nation’s ethical and moral value when he allowed the sex-tape to go viral on a public stage. Can Najib help to answer the questions of a 7-year-old who asks why a man wearing a towel in front of a woman sitting on a bed is constantly shown on television, and also, what does “sex” or “sodomy” mean?

Indeed, Najib is hoisted by his own petard. He rakes up memories of Kinabatangan MP Bung Mokhtar’s sexist comments about women drivers being “slow” and “oblivious”.

The Prime Minister is both slow and oblivious to the public’s view that holds him responsible for plunging Malaysia to the lowest ebb. Whether he realizes it or not, in his quest to turn public perception against Anwar Ibrahim, he has also assassinated the innocence of a generation of young Malaysians.

The whole sex-tape incident will continue to play on the nation’s landscape, with more experts coming forward to say with 99.9% certainty that is Anwar Ibrahim, and with more still saying that they are 100.0% sure it is not Anwar Ibrahim.

Sex in two positions and oral as well, while the nation goes bankrupt

But so what? Who cares?

While the politicking rages on, the country is heading deeper into inflation. Hard times are already here, living costs have rocketed and wage-earners will have to tighten their belts even more. Or is this what Najib really intends - to deflect public attention from their daily woes.

The mockery of freedom of speech and expression will continue to go unabated. One can now get arrested for hasutan or incitement by merely wearing a Bersih t-shirt. If wearing a Bersih tee is incitement, then what the hell was Ibrahim Ali doing when he ranted racist comments threatening harm against the Chinese.

Meanwhile, corruption will continue to flourish under the ‘watchful’ eye of a limp Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission that oddly answers directly to Najib. Millions of taxpayers’ money will still be spent servicing and maintaining submarines that can’t dive and to promote Malaysian tourism on Facebook.

So what if the actor is 99.9% similar or 100% not similar?

Malaysia is already headed for the dumps, accelerated and turbo-charged by a slew of sexual innuendo designed by a government desperate to cling on to power and the nation’s wealth.

But “slow” and “oblivious”, Najib and the UMNO elite don’t seem to get it. - Malaysia Chronicle

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