
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Obituary for PPP

My Uncle was so sad after reading a leaked WikiLeaks’s cable, where US diplomats in Malaysia submitted a report to Foggy Bottomon the Perak political situation. In the reportPower struggles in Perak, he saw with great dismay:

Perak had been a bastion of the ruling BN coalition since Malaysia's independence in 1957 until the March 2008 general election, when the opposition PR coalition stunned the BN and took control of the state government by winning 31 of 59 state assembly seats.

Within the PR, the Democratic Action Party (DAP) won 18 seats; the People's Justice Party (PKR) won 7 seats; and the Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) won 5 seats. Although the DAP earned more seats than their coalition partners combined, the position of Chief Minister went to PAS assemblyman Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin, because the Perak state constitution stipulates that only a Muslim can hold the position of Chief Minister (CM).

On the BN side, the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) won 27 of their 28 seats while the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) took the remaining seat. Two other BN partners, the Malaysian Peoples Movement Party (Gerakan) and Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC), were all but rendered obsolete as neither won a single contested seat.

So, prior to the frog season, out of the 59 State seats, DAP won 18 seats, PKR 7, PAS actually 6 (not 5 as per the US report), UMNO 27, and MCA 1.

Forget about Gerakan and MIC wakakaka, but considering we are talking about Perak, who was missing?


Yes, the People’s Progressive Party – none other than the Seenivasagam brothers’ PPP.

This is what Wikipedia has to say about the
People’s Progressive Party:

In 1969, as a strong opposition party, PPP was nearly able to form the Perak State Government, but fell short of just 2 seats in combination with the opposition to form the state assembly when 2 of its members crossed over. The success of PPP was mainly due to the Chinese vote, though many of the top leaders then were Indians.

My Uncle was sad because he was an ardent admirer of DR Seenivasagam, a man he described as the political King of Ipoh. He lamented that after DR passed away, SP, the elder but less astute brother fell for Tun Razak’s invitation to be part of the Barisan Nasional. PPP joining the ruling coalition spelt its death knell.

Today the PPP is virtually non-existent, apart from a backdoor Senator-pretender (who frog-ied to MIC but, I believe, did not have his senatorial term extended). The 2008 general and state elections brought out that reality very clearly, and personally for my Uncle, poignantly.

Note the last line of the Wikipedia article, namely “The success of PPP was mainly due to the Chinese vote, though many of the top leaders then were Indians.”

Yes, DR & SP Seenivasagam ruled Ipoh principally on overwhelming Chinese support. Hinraf, eat your bloody hearts out wakakaka.

No MCA or DAP bloke could have touched the Seenivasagam’s, and that said something for the brother's popularity with Ipoh/Perak Chinese - it's not unlike Penang Chinese devotion for Karpal Singh.

The only reason DAP made some headway in Perak in 1969 was because of the loose pact between DAP, PPP and Gerakan, where obviously DAP was seen as an ally of PPP; even PAS agreed not to split the votes in an anti-Perikatan (Alliance) campaign in 1969.

And people say the Chinese are racists. But why did those Ipoh/Perak Chinese proved them wrong by supporting the PPP's Indian leaders in those days?

The secret lies in the Wikipedia article on PPP, where it states of the party then “It was hugely popular party upon inception, particularly due to the popularity of the brothers who spoke up for justice, equality and the common man.”

Read this again:
“… the brothers ..... spoke up for justice, equality and the common man.”

That’s the f* secret.

Today the PPP is nothing more than an Indian-based party, with very little or even zero support from the Perak Chinese. Its power base in Perak has been taken over by the DAP, a party alleged by many in PKR wakakaka to be a sino-centric party.

But alas for those jealous detractors, DAP so happens to be a party which has the most number of Indian MPs and ADUNs, more than MIC and all Indian-based party combined could put together (if you wish, you can add PKR Indian members as well, including Gobala wakakaka).

Despite losing one Indian (Punjabi) ADUN some months ago due to the seasonal tadpole season, the DAP still has:

Karpal Singh, Professor Rama, Kula, Manogaran, Charles Santiago, Gobind Deo, John Fernandez, and

(in NS) S Veerapan, K Arumugum, P Gunasekaren, (in Penang) Professor Rama again, Jagdeep Singh, Tanasekharan, R Sanisvara Rayer, (in Perak) A Sivaesan, V Sivakumar. A Sivasubramaniam, (in Selangor) M Manoharan, and

Senator S Ramakrishnan - (DAP’s other senator being Senator Tunku Aziz).

But all the above haven't ameliorated my Uncle’s sadness at the lost glory of the Seenivasagam’s party.

How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished! – 2 Samuel 1:27 (KJV)

PPP = Pathetic Pitiful Party

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