
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, August 5, 2011

Church raid: Khalid to see Sultan, issues interim gag order

Church raid: Khalid to see Sultan, issues interim gag order

Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim has issued a gag order on all state executive councillors, pending receipt of a report from JAIS and an audience with the Sultan, over the recent raid on the Damansara Utama church.

“Until this action is taken and the issue is resolved, all state executive councillors are prohibited from making any statement on it. Good intention and purpose do not justify actions that fail to exhibit justice and wisdom when leading the community,” Khalid said in a statement issued on Friday.

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Khalid's gag order comes a day after maverick executive councilor Hasan Ali rushed to pre-empt him by defending the JAIS move. Hasan also insisted that the JAIS raid had discovered the church was trying to proselytize the Muslim guests attending a dinner function at the Dream Centre building, which is owned by the DU church.

Senior pastor of DU church Daniel Ho has denied the accusations and expressed disappointment with the JAIS and police "trespass". He called on Malaysians not to "condone this breach of Freedom of Assembly and Association as provided by Article 10 of Federal Constitution".

Meanwhile, speculation is swirling this was part of another Selangor UMNO plot to topple the Pakatan state government. Hasan is known for his closeness to Selangor UMNO members and had tried to promote a merger between PAS and UMNO in the aftermath of the 2008 general elction.

Fingers are also being pointed at Khusrin Munawi, the Selangor state secretary, who was foisted on the Pakatan state government by Prime Minister Najib Razak. He is believed to be an UMNO plant, waiting to be "activated" before helping to chop down the Selangor Pakatan government from within.

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Although JAIS reports to the Sultan and most of its appointees are from UMNO, MB Khalid has already apologised to all Selangorians for the raid. The swift response was praised but many believe that Hasan should be punished.

"What is a matter of concern and must be viewed seriously is the public defence of the JAIS action by the State Executive Councillor Datuk Hassan Ali issued shortly after Khalid’s statement expressing regret for the raid and asking JAIS to submit a full report on the incident – as it is an act of breaking ranks in the Selangor state government," DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang said in a statement.

On Wednesday night after 10pm, some 20 to 30 officers from the police and the Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor, some in uniform and many in plainclothes, entered the Dream Centre building, which is a privately-held building, without a warrant. The enforcement officers interrupted a dinner held by an NGO, Harapan Kommuniti, taking photos and video. They took down the details of the Muslim guests, and when asked by the organiser, said they were acting based on a complaint. However they could not produce a copy of the complaint.

Hasan, who holds the post of executive councilor in charge of religious affairs, had defended the JAIS move. In a statement issued late on Thursday, he denied that a 'raid' had been carried out, alleging that it was an “examination” based on a report that Muslims had attended the church's “break fast” event.

He insisted the function was not a charitable event as painted by the DU pastor, but a deliberate attempt to proselytise Muslims.

“Based on our preliminary investigations, we find that those involved in the event can be charged under Section 10 of the Syariah Criminal Offences Enactment 1995. We also found evidence of proselytisation towards Muslims," said Hasan.

It is believed that MB Khalid will be issuing a statement after the JAIS report is scrutinised. An internal probe may be ordered.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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