
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, August 15, 2011

DUMC or dunce or duping?

DUMC was reported below by Malaysiakini making false and erroneous claims and accusation against JAIS:
Church: Jais acted 'without proper authority'

Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) slammed the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) for carrying out a raid on their premises on Aug 3 “without proper authority under the law”.

NONE“We reiterate the fact that Jais and police officers came into Dream Centre without a search warrant,” said senior pastor Daniel Ho in a statement today.

“They intruded into the thanksgiving dinner and interrupted the programme. They took photographs and videos when they came in,” he said, adding the officers continued recording and photographing even after exiting the hall.

“The Jais officers issued several stern warnings to the organisers for refusing to cooperate with their demands.

“In the meantime, many plainclothes personnel rode into the Dream Centre compound with motorbikes and some of them went around the compound,” said Ho.

DUMC's statement comes after a week of silence on the raid

The pastor however remained silent on allegations that the church had been proselytising Muslims. since 20 to 30 Jais officers raided the DUMC premises without a warrant last Wednesday.

“We respectfully submit that this trespass, search and seizure by Jais and police actions were without proper authority under the law,” said Ho.

NONEYesterday Jais issued its first official statement on the matterdenying

"No force was used by Jais enforcement officers on that night...only after the event attended by 100 attendees was over, did the inspection take place inside the hall," said Jais director Marzuki Hussin (right).

"Reports that Jais conducted a raid, used force and gate-crashed the dinner are all wild accusations," said Marzuki.

Last week Ho had blasted the authorities for trespassing on a HIV/AIDs benefit dinner by non-profit organisation Harapan Komuniti held at DUMC's hall, without producing a warrant or the alleged complaint that Jais said their visit was based on.

Incidentally the same venue also hosted an electoral reform forum organised by the Association for the Promotion of Human Rights (Proham), featuring Bersih 2.0 chief Ambiga Sreenevasan and Election Commission deputy chairperson Wan Ahmad Wan Omar. - Malaysiakini

Are they so dunce or trying to dupe the public?

JAIS acted according to the following law and it allows search without warrants.

More on the law here, here and here

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