
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, August 19, 2011

Either IT system needs revamp or EC is lying

your say'Now that EC admits it is human error, the next question is how many such human errors still remain in the system?'

EC says 'James Bond voters' is human error

Ruben: I cannot imagine the Election Commission's (EC) computer systems not detecting these errors during the data entry by the clerks.

This is really a fundamental requirement of IT systems to verify that correct codes are entered. Thus the IT system should have flagged that '00' error online and not allow it to be saved.

There are two explanations:

1) The IT system cannot be relied upon for allowing such simple errors and needs to be revamped, or

2) The EC is lying through its teeth.

Either one sends shivers down my spine.

Anonymous_3da6: It boils down that the computer system used by EC - it is no good and full of errors. How did the computer system passed the quality assurance test in the first place or was there no such test done in the first place?

Now that EC admits it is human error, the next question is how many such human errors still remain in the system?

If the EC system synchronised their database with NRD (National Registration Department), then all these errors would have been picked up as they won't match any records in the NRD database.

My question is, what does the EC mean when they said their database is being synchronised with NRD everyday? This doesn't make sense.

So is EC going to do a full audit on their database to ensure all these 'human' errors be picked up? If the EC doesn't know how to do it, I believe there are many IT consultants willing to advise them on how to do it without any cost.

Right now, I don't believe EC database can be used at all after so many errors have been highlighted. The existing EC database is corrupted and filled with error records.

Disgusted: It's a case of 'now you see it and now you don't'. The moment fraud is detected, the EC and the NRD spring into action to either legitimise the fraud or erase evidence altogether, and then claim that opposition is making an issue out of nothing.

When caught red-handed, they claim it is a mistake. That's why Bersih is there to make sure all this is cleaned up, and the electoral roll and election process is foolproof.

Bersih must insist on the use of indelible ink. There is no point of having a biometric system given that illegal immigrants are currently being registered under the system.

What is there to prevent them from slipping a few hundred or thousands into the electoral roll as voters in return for citizenship?

Tkc: When Mismah's case was first highlighted by Malaysiakini, the EC's excuse was that the databases between the EC and NRD were not in sync (for seven months, yeah, right!).

After more discrepancies were discovered, EC said that its database is now synchronised with NRD's on a daily basis. So for seven months, there were no updates and then all of a sudden it is updated daily.

Two more questions for EC:

1) Which database is the master - EC's or NRD's?

If the NRD's database is the master (which should be the case), then the EC has no business updating its own database unilaterally because it will cause the two databases to go haywire i.e. more synchronisation problems.

2) Why is Mismah's (and a lot of other instant citizens') middle number is '71' when Mismah's country of origin is Indonesia, which carries the number '61'?

Regardless of whether this is a technical or human error, is anybody going to be held accountable for those errors and be punished accordingly?

Smalldog: Lots of erroes, eeroer, errore, oops ... erroe, error...

Pakatan: BN will 'run over us' in polls panel

Ghkok: Surely common sense dictates that a committee tasked to look into electoral reform has to be totally independent and politically neutral. In fact, the first step should be to set up an independent royal commission to look into electoral fraud.

All the evidence surfacing everyday must be investigated first and foremost. The culprits must not be allowed to get away with it. Investigation, followed by prosecution and sentencing. Then only, work on electoral reform.

Push for a royal commission with international participants. The rakyat will support that move. The rakyat does not want Pakatan to join that meaningless PSC (parliamentary select committee).

Fair_Election: In the first place, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak can never play fair. Calling for a parlimentary select committee just buys time for the EC.

We already know that EC's reputation is badly damaged, Najib's image is tainted, BN is in chaos, and we should strike where it hurts most. It is obvious that Bersih 2.0 has brought Najib and company to their knees. We should not just stop there.

Call for Bersih 3.0, and organised rallies at the national level - both East and West Malaysia. What can the FRU or police do? Will Najib call for the army to stop Bersih? The government knows that even in the army, not everyone supports them.

Umno is just putting up a brave front. In reality, Umno is at its most vulnerable after 54 long years. - Malaysiakini

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