
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, August 18, 2011

Electoral fraud: And you did nothing, Dr M?

your say'Mahathir, I'm pretty sure the opposition worked with EC to ensure they lose - you knew this and allowed them to get away with it. It makes perfect sense.'

'Opposition also involved in polls hanky-panky'

Ben Hor: "In my time, even the opposition engaged in such tactics. At one time, there were 50 persons registered in one house. We don't know how, but they managed to register the voters into the constituency," said Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Now whose fault was that to let that happen? Is it the opposition's fault? Or the National Registration Department's? Or the Election Commission's?

The problem is Dr M, you knew about it and you did nothing about it. You, the head of the country, should be blamed for closing one eye to the fraud.

Kgen: The opposition is in no way able to engage in election hanky-panky as BN controls all the instruments of government, like the EC (Election Commission) and NRD (National Registration Department).

Fifty persons registered in one house? Who allowed it? Did the opposition twist the EC's hand to allow them to pack pro-opposition phantom voters into one address?

If at all such irregularities occur, it is hanky-panky by EC and NRD for the benefit of BN.

Quigonbond: Mahathir, is it the opposition's fault that during your time, the EC failed to enforce the law by permitting 50 people to be registered under the same address? It is the failing of your government which led to the very same failings today.

Pointing your finger at the opposition is pointing four other fingers at yourself, and merely shows that BN has been at it for a very long time.

No fair-minded Malaysian would condone electoral fraud, whether it is BN or Pakatan Rakyat. A fair win is the only thing that brings legitimacy to the eventual winner who is to occupy the Parliament, cabinet, state assembly and state exco.

Hence, instead of playing the blame game, which almost certainly BN will take a large share of it, Mahathir should act like a statesman and call for truly free and fair elections, starting with equal time and space for all political parties in the mainstream media.

Thisia: The fact that Mahathir said, "Even the opposition engaged in hanky-panky during polls" means that the BN government has also been doing it for a long, long time.

And the fact that the BN government has the backing of EC, makes me very certain that BN has doing this hanky-panky for the last 50 years.

Azizi Khan: Dr M, I am pretty sure that opposition worked with EC to ensure they lose the election. Yup, it makes perfect sense to me.

And it also makes perfect sense to me that you knew this and with all the immense arsenal at your disposal, allowed the opposition to get away with it but arrested them for something totally different in Operasi Lalang.

Oh wait, you were not responsible for that too.

Feelletdownbybn: "Here, the opposition has even won in some states," said Mahathir.

Without cheating, the opposition could even win more states. Anyway, thank you for admitting that BN cheated by saying that the opposition also cheated. What you are effectively saying is that both the BN and opposition cheated in elections.

Only that we don't believe the opposition has the might to cheat like the BN did. With all the government machinery behind BN, the chances for the opposition to cheat is almost nil.

By the way, did you notice that the EC chief and his deputy talked like they are more pro-BN than the BN politicians themselves?

Anonymous_5fb: Mahathir, I don't care who did this hanky-panky. Two wrongs don't make them right. You knew about the hanky-panky, and you need nothing?

If this is not hypocrisy of your 'Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah' and 'Pimpinan Melalui Teladan', what is?

Cannon: It took Bersih to rouse the ire of voters against electoral fraud and force the issue of electoral reform upon the BN government. Since Bersih 2.0, more and more dirt is surfacing.

The cumulated evidence is pointing to pervasive cheating in past general elections by the BN coalition, abetted by EC and NRD. Finally, our Great Helmsman has tacitly admitted the occurrence of election cheating by BN under his watch.

The opposition and civil society must apply pressure on the BN government to clean up the electoral system before the next general election, failing which the people should stage Bersih 3.0 rally in all the main towns across the nation.

Anonymous: So the truth is out now - everyone cheated in the past. Assuming that the opposition also cheated, does two wrongs make a right? Shame on the man who hold the highest office in the land for condoning this.

Surely he owes it to his people that this should have been put right and those responsible, including the EC, be punished either for conspiracy or negligence.

Tuah PJ: Thousands of foreigners got citizenship in Sabah just to keep you and your goons in power. Have you no shame to say the opposition were also involved in hanky-panky? You started it. - Malaysiakini

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