
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 12, 2011

Fact of Law than Semantics Matters

So finally after so long the official response from JAIS is out after the highly as usual politicised laced incident between these religious officials, cops and the DUMC fellows.

One must tread carefully on the correct word to do or what perception to make when these objects are involved:

-Hall in a church
-People we can safely say of the majority races including Malays
-Religious affiliation of the people we can safely say the majority religions including Islam
-Food served
-Speech or words spoken
-Religious officials around
-Cops around

The above are immutable evidence.

Now come the ambiguous parts though some choose to believe they are as immutable facts:

-Not speech but prayers
-Not Christian prayers because Islamic words also used
-Not thanksgiving makan makan for a community work well done but subtle conversion
-Muslim presence intention not for thanksgiving makan makan
-Not what organisers claim as thank you makan makan because anonymous report said otherwise
-Not a raid but a check, a visit, an investigation
-Official because law allows
-No need explanation becuase law allows
-Police to prevent untoward incident than help raid
-Not check on makan makan but intention behind it check on Muslim presences

So is the issue about semantics or freedom of association or freedom of religion or the fact of the matter is that the law allows the check, visit, raid or what have you?

And if the Muslims are asked to attend counselling, doesn't it imply that to the Jais, they already broke the law and the counselling demand itself is evidence that the church was not holding a thanks giving but trying to do some subtle conversion perhaps?

If the officials can decide on the stop orders to attend counselling, they must have heard very incriminating behaviour by these organises and that the mystery complain or report they received was 100% correct and truthful!

And why is only one party, the Muslims who attended were 'punished' while evidence must be gathered against the organisers to prove they are guilty and should be ISA-ed for being a threat to the security of the official religion and the country, no?

And what trouble was the cops trying to prevent? From the organisers evading arrest, stopping the visit or nabbing those Muslims trying to 'escape'? Their tagging along is evident that JAIS has the law to do what they are doing, even if it's based on some mysterious report by whatever channel doesn't matter right? Wonder if they got an sms from that Catholic Blogger Alliance Penang fello that this Christian group are not good fellows with Bersih links!

The Christians and the rest of BolehLand won't care the hoot if the organisers are hurled up if they broke the law prolyestising to Muslims! They deserved it kau kau because they know it is illegal, against the law in BolehLand to do that. They can do that in London or Holland or Singapore no one cares. But in BolehLand you are stupid and give a bad reputation to other churches who don't try to be smart or saints or martyrs!

But the worry for non Muslims is not that these JAIS officials have every right to barge or rather pay a courtesy call or visit or friendly chat but that each time they hold an event, they will be a nervous lot to suddenly be surround by clerics in robes with cops behind them to 'watch' over every action they do.

Even if the audience does not have Muslims it's not an issue. They need to get that green light 'halal' OK from these JAIS fellos before they can continue in peace!!!

It is the fear, anxiety of non Muslims that they will be visited by both their friendly cops and religious officials at the same time for any non religious function they organise in their vicinity or with their support!

It doesn't matter if they waited for the event to be over. The fact is that this 'big religious brother' is watching your every move is intimidating enough.

Noone can talk reason or opposed their presence because you are asking for trouble with the cops around to prevent anyone from obstructing these religious officials action right?

They have the right and as they always say, the LAW that allows them. And the ruler being the Head of the religion, you act of defiance can be interpreted as a matter of fact you are going against the ruler and you are going to commit sedition and even treason for insulting the Ruler, King and country for that matter too right?

So it's not about Muslims being present at any event. It's the 24/7 anxiety of not knowing when you run foul of the law based on some anonymous tip or what have you.

Wonder if the Catholics having community worship in their homes will similarly be tipped off and land themselves into trouble for having an illegal gathering and praying and worshipping when their neighbour is a Muslim or their prayers heard opposite a Muslim home!

Think exaggeration here? It can happen right? It's easy to prove it. just tip off JAIS if your neighbour is holding a prayer worship and tell them it is causing Muslim distress and the fear that their children will also infect yours because they play together and what have you!!!

The JAIS action only seeks to create suspicion among non Muslims and those Muslims who think everyone is out to convert them and threatened the faith of over billions of Muslims and call JAIS to save souls threatened or find out if any are among the crowd!

This incident shows that non Muslims are powerless and can be accused of all wrongs by mere suspicion.

Of course many will argue, you need to look for evidences and facts and to do that, they need to go find out themselves right? Given this, no one should make a fuss or politicised it because even if one Muslim is present it's enough to say 'evidence' found.

Even if none was present, you still need to go through the investigation and check to establish the fact or falsehood of some tip off right?

Should we object if the JAIS hotline is advertised everyday and should not feel intimidated or think we are some theocratic inquisition kind of rule and state huh?
Non Muslim don't believe anymore that they are given the freedom of worship because such non religious event are also casting fear and further doubt on what they can or cannot do in the presence or even absence of Muslims!!!

Perhaps the best for non Muslims is for JAIS to impose a 'halal' ruling that any non Muslim relgious organisation organising anything should give a list to them and get a halal certification and put it in their church notice board or temple wall they got a JAIS halal certification that they can carry out their religious obligations because JAIS has been satisfied the Sunday mass is and soley a Christian affair, no?

Wouldn't requiring other religios to get such 'dog tag' animal license solve a lot of unnecessary anxiety, misinterpretations as well as political opportunists for fighting a lost cause huh?

Think it's absurd? It's BolehLand remember, anything 'boleh jadi' remember!
You need permission for almost anything that has the slightest hint of weakening the umat!

So corporations beware of holding events were haram drinks or cocktails are served or in religious compound other than suraus.

And other religions should do well to post a warnng at their compounds like those we read on what happens to trespassers on private property right?

So JAIS it is not about semantics but rather the LAW that gives you sweepoing pwers and you using it at the slightest pretext and hint that worries non Muslims.

If the law is explicit and gives one the authority, there is no room for anyone to even cast suspicion and question that authority right? The law gives one the right to doubt you and also turn doubts, assumptions or lack of it into law too. The ISA and EO are case in point.

And since JAIS is trying to tell everyone and noone seems to want to listen or accept the fact they got the power so their acts or visit is justified under any circumstances and should never be misinterpreted nor politicised too right?

That being the case, no need for Pakatan or even BN to need to explain especially to non Muslims huh?

And the church's press release on the incident should be a lie and reporting falsehood then and JAIS' press release is an immutable fact and should be accepted as true right? After all, the underlying point is, the Fact of Law give them every right to be present there doesn't matter before, during or after the event - Or a visit, inspection, investigation or even a raid!

After all religious officials have done all these actions before so what's this fuss this time. Remember the raid on a foreign couple late night at a holiday resort or a young couple hurled up for holding hands? To our religious department and officials, they have every right to do what they did on the foreign couple or the non Muslim paktoh couple than this church visit, yes?

So supporters of JAIS actions and JAIS themselves see no wrong, why should the others too right? You don't question in BolehLand the laws of the land. Haven't we been reminded and told enough by both religious officials and politicians too, huh?

Friday August 12, 2011
Jais: It was a check, not raid
SHAH ALAM: The Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) said it did not conduct a raid on the Damansara Utama Methodist Church, adding that it was only a “check”.
Jais director Marzuki Hussin said the “check” to look for Muslims was conducted together with the police at 9.45pm on Aug 3, adding that this was provided for under the Syariah Criminal Enactment (Selangor) 1995.
He said the department had received information that a buka puasa was to be held together with a thanksgiving dinner at the church.
Marzuki said discussions with the organisers was held outside the function hall of the church, which did not constitute a raid, adding that Jais had not acted aggressively or trespassed into the church.
“In fact, Jais officials asked for permission to enter and were allowed into the hall where they waited. They conducted the check after the ceremony was over at 11pm,” he said.
Stressing that Jais enforcement officers did not act aggressively that night, Marzuki said he was disappointed that Jais' action had been deemed unethical, although the officers were only performing their duties.
“Only after the ceremony, which was attended by about 100 people, was over did we perform the check.
“In less than 10 minutes, Jais enforcement officers and the police were directed to leave the hall by the organisers.
“Although the act challenges the powers of Jais and the police in enforcing the law on Muslims, Jais and the police did not detain the organisers or make any arrest,” he said.
He said 12 Muslims were present, adding that they only had their particulars recorded and were asked to attend a counselling session with Jais. - YAHMEH!!!

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