
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 13, 2011

The greatest lie


The greatest lie

During the Sarawak elections, Najib said that the greatest lie of the century was told by Anwar when he claimed that Putrajaya will fall into the hands of the Opposition on 16 September 2008.

I think Anwar was indulging in poker bluff but Umno wet its pants! They immediately despatched 50 BN MPs, the most suspect I suppose, to Taiwan ostensibly to study agriculture! This was a great lie by BN, wasn’t it?

The greatest lie, I think was told by someone who allegedly shared, sexually, a Mongolian girl with his crony but denied ever knowing her or meeting her – after the poor girl was blown to smithereens with the army explosive C4.

What about the other lie that someone never met Saiful, but when photos of this someone with the lad emerged, this someone admitted that Saiful had met him to ask for a scholarship?

An ex-half-past-six prime minister will also qualify to have told the greatest lie of the century. Remember his statement that Anwar’s black eye was self-inflicted?

Police tattoo

By all accounts the recently held police tattoo was a runaway failure. It was badly organised and spectators were kept waiting almost forty-five minutes because the police top brass were late! According to a spectator the only redeeming feature was the event in which the police played the role of jesters. It appears that at long last the police farce had found its true calling.

Anyway, even God appeared to be angry and the heavens opened up and the downpour appeared as if water-cannon was aimed at the police on the ground from above – with one difference. God the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate did not lace the water with chemicals.

Bushmen come out of the bushes

At long last the bushmen have come out of the bush! Policemen will no longer hide in bushes or behind trees to apprehend traffic violators. Finally, the police have realised that as enforcers of the law they must not do it by stealth or by springing surprises. Even foreigners have commented that our police show a great love for bushes and trees! Some have even said cynically that our police have gone “green” and eco-friendly. At least in one area our police have decided to act in a civilised manner. Better late than never.

Nuclear reactors

While countries like Sweden and Germany have announced that they will give up nuclear power for their energy needs, Malaysia appears to be going headlong into constructing nuclear reactors. Chernobyl and Fukushima tragedies mean nothing to our Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) and the Umno-dominated BN government. Muhyiddin has announced the government’s decision to go ahead with building nuclear reactors. Why not?

Umnoputra contractors and their cronies may be rubbing their palms with glee at the prospect of making billions. They are looking forward to negotiated tenders with built-in provisions for cost-overuns.

All too often such negotiated contracts have resulted in Umnoputra contractors shortchanging the government (i.e. the people) with inferior materials and shoddy work. The evidence of this is glaring – collapsing computer labs, stadium roofs crashing, leaking roofs (remember the Parliament?), cracking flyovers, etc. These are the examples of NEP at work – in a disastrous way and totally detrimental to the country.

Ex-PM Abdullah Badawi said that Malaysia has first world infrastructure but a third world mentality when it comes to maintenance.

Anwar and the pornographic tape

The sex-fixated Umno is at it again to fix Anwar by hook or by crook. The first sodomy charge collapsed but Anwar was fixed for abuse of power and Anwar served six years in prison. If the same law was applied to the half-past six prime minister who fixed him, he would have served more than 100 years in prison for the long list of abuse of power that he was guilty of! But given the type of police and the judiciary, he continues in his usual ways and is hailed as a great statesman.

Although the three Datuks had committed a heinous crime in keeping with the laws of the country, they walked free because a biased and rotten police force treats Umno criminals differently from other Malaysians. Zaid Ibrahim, a lawyer, who watched the pornography tape in a public place says that he had committed no crime. He claims that the tape is a documentary! Fine. Let’s turn Carcosa into a Movie House.

We have enough of such documentaries like the 18 Viji videotapes, the videotape of Soi Lek in action in a hotel in Batu Pahat. I wonder if videotapes exist of Baginda and his crony frolicking in a Paris hotel with the Mongolian girl or the same trio in a Singapore hotel indulging in natural and unnatural sex. These would make interesting viewing for the likes of Zaid.

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