
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 26, 2011

Guan Eng's white-flag tactic: Reject the Umno 'Animal Farm', DAP retaliates

Guan Eng's white-flag tactic: Reject the Umno 'Animal Farm', DAP retaliates

The DAP finds the article published on page 12 of the 25th of August’s edition of Utusan Malaysia to be interesting. Utusan is saying that the DAP allegedly uses the “white flag” tactic to win sympathy votes to win elections. The question is, what is the function of a political party?

A political party’s function is to appeal to the people to give the party the mandate required to govern the country. If being humble and appealing to the public for funds is a tactic and wrong in the eyes of the ruling party and Utusan Malaysia then I suppose they should condemn Barack Obama and other political parties worldwide. All politicians and political parties all over the world gather funds from the public. This is a common form of campaigning. Being humble is the key as the citizens are the bosses of the land and we are merely appealing to be given the chance to govern and manage the country in an alternative manner.

Perhaps corrupt rule has become a norm in this country. Perhaps using taxpayer’s money to campaign is now supposedly legal in Malaysia. Maybe Barisan Nasional now feels that the citizens of Malaysia are not electing “wakil rakyat”s anymore but rather arrogant dictators. Instead of serving the people, BN now feel they are chosen royalty and elections are merely an irritation that should be abolished since they treat power as if it is their inheritance and public funds as their personal bank accounts.

Barisan Nasional has become the colonial power that they removed in 1957. During the British colonial days, UMNO accused the British of plundering the nation’s resources for their own benefit, today’s UMNO leaders are doing the exact same thing. We gained independence in 1957 but we lost our freedom today. The DAP urges all Malaysians to unite to reject political parties that consider corruption a norm. Just like George Orwell’s Animal Farm, it was once:

“Four legs good, two legs bad” but it has become “four legs good, two legs better”.

- Ng Wei Aik the DAP assemblyman for Komtar

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