
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hasan Ali Is Pakatan's Ibrahim Ali

By Masterwordsmith

Hasan Ali was relieved from his position as the head of PAS Selangor last June for various reasons. Part of it was his inclination to side with UMNO goons despite his position as the number one man in PAS Selangor. Under his EXCO portfolio, several projects were awarded to UMNO goons, reason were they are much more capable than any of Pakatan's companies. Loads of crap.

Malaysia is plagued by the 'Ali Problem'. We have Ali Baba businessmen - Umno Malays who help Chinese cronies to get rich. Then there are followers of Ali, the Shi-ites being arrested for spreading Islam and Ibrahim Ali, Dr Mahathir's spanner-in-the-works to undermine Najib and bring him down.

Now, we have Hasan Ali (regarded by many as Umno's Trojan Horse in Pakatan, the man who is rooting for the Umno-PAS 'Malay unity' talk) whose role in the JAIS raid of DUMC could be the undoing of PAS. Upon closer analysis, one wonders of the possibility of it being an Umno conspiracy to get PAS to do something stupid that will hurt Pakatan. A case of history being repeated?

Down Memory Lane

After the 1999 general election, the then Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad declared that since Malaysia was already an Islamic country, PAS was not needed. He argued that Umno was then the largest Islamic party in the world. PAS, he claimed, was then only a quarter or less the size of Umno in terms of membership. With that, the one-upmanship tussle between PAS and UMNO began.

From thence, Dr Mahathir goaded PAS by saying that the Islamic party promised all sorts of things before the elections, but now that they were running two states, Kelantan and Terengganu, they still had not delivered on their promises. He questioned, "Where is the promise of Islamic laws?”

PAS fell into the trap. Without the consensus of its other three coalition partners in Barisan Alternatif (PKN, DAP and PRM), PAS unilaterally announced that the Terengganu state government was going to introduce Islamic laws in the state. Following that, PAS launched its Islamic State Document (ISD) and introduced Islamic laws in the Terengganu State Assembly and that was the beginning of the end for the opposition coalition.

Subsequently, DAP distanced itself from the ISD by leaving the opposition coalition and embarking on a ‘No to Islamic State’ campaign. That had a devastating effect on the 2004 General Elections. PAS paid a very high price for that move.

Then, PAS was under pressure. They had been called 'liars' and were accused of cheating the voters by not delivering its election promise. If they had not done what they did then, the rural electorate would have swallowed the Umno propaganda hook, line and sinker and all would have been lost. So it tried to deliver what it had been mandated to do by the voters who voted for it. And PAS did just that. It fulfilled its election promise.

Fortunately for us, since the 2004 general election, when PAS lost Terengganu, almost lost Kelantan, and saw its 27 Parliament seats reduced to just nine, PAS has stopped talking about the ISD. DAP knows this. To PAS, ISD is an embarrassing mistake that is history. Unfortunately, some resurrect this ISD to stigmatize the head of what could be the most successful and powerful opposition party.

Since PAS is gaining ground not just among Malays, but non-Malays as well, a spanner has to be thrown into the works - this time under the guise of the JAIS raid of DUMC. If history is repeated and they naively react to the church in an unfavourable manner, for sure they would suffer backlash from the voters in the next GE.

The Hasan Ali Factor

In September 2009, Hasan Ali plunged the Pakatan Rakyat into controversy with Muslim voters by unilaterally calling for a ban on beer sales.

Then he stepped on the toes of his colleagues in the Selangor state executive council by deliberately taking aim at non-Malay colleagues such as Ronnie Liu and Teng Chang Khim. According to party insiders, he has been intentionally spinning issues he has against them with a Chinese versus Malay-dominance twist.

According to Malaysian Mirror, "his goal, they claim, was not only to raise communal feelings amongst the Malays but also to set the stage for Umno leaders such as Khir Toyo to attack the Pakatan."

In 2008, Hasan Ali was the one who urged PAS to form the Selangor state government with Umno instead of alliance partners PKR and DAP.

Back then, DAP colleague and Klang MP Charles Santiago minced no words when he called for PAS to discipline Hasan, demanding his removal both as state commissioner and exco member.

Hasan Ali was also the one who publicly slammed Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim's Select Committee for Competency, Accountability and Transparency for holding a public inquiry on the way Barisan Nasional assemblymen had spent their state allocations.

Blogger and now ADUN Jeff Ooi said in his blog:

"It's now a foregone conclusion that Hasan Ali is not a solution but a part of the problem for the PR state government."

Nobody will discount the possibility Hasan will help Umno stage a Perak-like coup d'etat that Najib had openly called for.

Why Hasan must go

Hasan Ali's superficial but over-indulgence in the Islamic State overtures will do nothing to resolve the after-effect of a corruption-ridden government under Khir Toyo, which now continues to fester even among the top echelon of the civil service.

Hasan Ali's Islamic overtures, be it a munāfiq posturing or otherwise, has even aroused the anxiety of the investor and the non-Muslim communities. A large cluster of the electorates who voted in PR -- lock, stock and barrel -- to deliver total revamp of BN-styled governance is feeling rudely unsettled. If PR can't rule the Selangor state, can it do the whole country?

If Hasan Ali thinks he can be made the BN-plus menteri besar by bringing the 8-member PAS representation in the Selangor state assembly to cross-over to join Khir Toyo, he must have had wet dreams. Nobody would ever think local PAS leaders like Saari Sungip shared Hasan's wavelength.

Even PAS vice-president Mahfuz Omar said Hasan should not have kicked up the matter in the open as it was tantamount to attacking the principle of separation of powers enshrined in parliamentary democracy.

Here, we should ask a pertinent question: What and who is Hasan manoeuvring for if not to destroy the new political baseline PR has garnered against BN?
Tay Tian Yan of Sin Chew Daily also wrote about Hasan Ali in this article. CLICK TO READ. Pay careful attention to the last part of the post.

In a Skype interview with Raja Petra Kamarudin, the Blogger in Exile, made the following statement in his usual flamboyant and sensational style:

[7:56:09 PM] RPK the Blogger in exile: For a long time PAS Selangor has been keeping this tumour called Hasan Ali from the public.

Hasan Ali was relieved from his position as the head of PAS Selangor last June for various reasons. Part of it was his inclination to side with UMNO goons despite his position as the number one man in PAS Selangor. Under his EXCO portfolio, several projects were awarded to UMNO goons, reason were they are much more capable than any of Pakatan's companies. Loads of crap.

He is also very close to Tan Sri Rozali, CEO of SYABAS, in fact neighbour, and there have been several accusations that he has received some fat 'contributions' from Rozali. In short, Hasan is on Rozali's payroll.

A sore loser, nowadays Hasan seems to be trying to undermine the new head of PAS Selangor, YB Dr. Abdul Rani Osman. Dr. Abdul Rani is clearly annoyed by a lot of unprecedented actions taken by Hasan ever since he was relieved of his position. Nevertheless, Dr. Abdul Rani has tried to keep it from the media spotlight to avoid it turning into a media circus.

At the moment Dr Abdul Rani is abroad and Hasan has seized this opportunity to appear in the limelight once again.

The JAIS task force comprise of JAIS, PDRM, Immigrations, Municipal councils, Narcotics and several other agencies. In this sort of large scale operations, the head is usually picked from high ranking PAS leaders. Normally, they won't act without permission from the top. Hence the raid in Damansara is believed to have been orchestrated by Hasan Ali.
The Malaysian Insider also carried a post HERE which said that "The end game is to force the conservatives in PAS to lash out and force DAP to react, leaving Pakatan Rakyat in an untenable position."

Clearly, PAS needs to be very careful. It must realize that it is treading on eggshells. Having won considerable support from the non-Muslims who now trust PAS even more than PKR, any wrong move about the DUMC raid can set PAS back to pre-2004 levels.

PAS has to realize the high likelihood of this trap. They want PAS to react negatively and if they do, guess who will be the first to jump on their backs to say that PAS is extreme or Taliban and so on?

Hasan Ali should follow Ibrahim Ali into Umno. Hopefully, Azmin Ali will do the same and Pakatan Rakyat can be spared the agony of having to live with THREE TROJAN ALI'S.

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