
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 4, 2011

How dare Palanivel challenge Najib!

by Dr. Dzul
Yes, has Najib become a laibility to not only Umno but as well the BN, that the newly minted MIC’s Minister-cum-President dares challenge him? Or is it because Najib is too well known and has a penchant to appease everyone and hence, get nothing done? The answer could very well be atttributed to both. He has opened too many war-fronts of later, to remain illusive and oblivious of the pending catastrophe that could deny him the opportunity to lead his party and the BN into the next GE. The ranting, rumbling and perhaps emerging ‘mutiny’ in his party are vsible. Amanah led by Ku Li et al, could very well be the tip of the icerberg. Be that as it may, as election is looming ever closer, describing Najib as a very troubled or embattled Prime Minister is currently an understatement. Will he survive the ‘onslaught’ before the dissolution of the parliament for the 13th GE? – Dr Dzul.