
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, August 6, 2011


Ibrahim Ali, a "frog" himself seems to be talking by claiming that Malaysians must be calm and give time and wait for JAIS to give its report.

Read this news where he claimed:

Ibrahim Ali calls for calm over church raid

The Malay right-wing group Perkasa today asked all quarters to stop pointing fingers over the issue of a raid by the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) on a goodwill dinner at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church on Wednesday night.

Its president Ibrahim Ali said it was needless for all quarters to overreact in the political interest.

"Jais should be given the opportunity to prepare a complete report.

"Jais should be accorded respect as it is discharging its duties as entrusted by law," he said in an SMS to Bernama.

It was reported that Jais officials, accompanied by police, had raided the dinner being held at the church's rented premises over suspicion that Muslims were present.

- Bernama

This month is the holy month of Ramadhan, and Muslims are expected to do good deeds and carry out their fast.

The dinner was in aid of a charity, a noble cause and well meant during this holy Ramadhan month.

The JAIS officials raided the dinner without a warrant, which is a violation by itself.

And whatever report that JAIS is going to show will not carry any weight. The Muslims are never barred from other religious places and giving their noble support for a worthy cause must be appreciated.

It seems that JAIS, which seems to be under "UMNO" control although the Selangor State government is under the Opposition, PR, will need to get the blessing of HRH Sultan of Selangor, as the Head of Islam in Selangor to immediately revamp the JAIS organisation completely by appointing new unbias individuals so that such a similar situation will not recur in the future.

Ibrahim Ali holds NO GOVERNMENTAL POSITION but seems to speak like a PM or DPM. Even Perkasa is not supported by all Malays or Muslims in Malaysia. Its time Ibrahim Ali 'minds his own business and shut-up', and let those concern to resolve this 'sensitive' issue. Ibrahim Ali is another individual who looks for cheap publicity.

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