
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

MIC: We’ve not neglected Tamil schools

Information chief Mogan dismisses Pakatan claims, saying new location for Tamil school in Regent Estate, was secured through party's efforts.

TAMPIN: MIC information chief VS Mogan scoffed at criticisms by Indian leaders in Pakatan Rakyat that the party was doing little to protect the Tamil schools in the country.

He said MIC deputy president and Human Resources Minister, Dr S Subramanian had recently secured a three-acre plot of land for a new school building in Regent Estate, Gemencheh.

Mogan, who is also the Negeri Sembilan exco holding the estate affairs, human resources and environment portfolio, the Regent Estate Tamil school’s 20-year wait was resolved by the MIC.

“How can the Indian leaders in Pakatan claim that MIC has done little to secure the welfare of Tamil schools in the country?” asked Mogan.

He said a series of talks were held with IOI Plantations, the owners of the estate since 2008.

“I worked on this issue and brought it to the attention of A Kohilan Pillay, the then deputy minister of plantation industries and commodities, who was a great help.

“IOI agreed to provide three acres of land but a location was not identified and it was only when our deputy S Subramaniam stepped in recently that a place was secured, ” said Mogan.

Dilapidated condition

He added that the new plot of land in Taman Regent was less than one kilometre from Gemencheh town and was a convenient location because the majority of residents in the area are Indians.

“The school, which was built in 1935, has an enrollment of 200 pupils. It is in a dilapidated condition and also a distance from the residential area,” said Mogan.

Early this year, during the state assembly sitting, Mogan and DAP’s Repah state assemblyman S Veera traded barbs over school issue.

Mogan ticked off Veera for a statement he made to the Tamil press claiming that he (Veera) was the one doing all the work to secure the land for the Tamil school.

Mogan hit out at Veera during the assembly with a Malay proverb: “Lembu punya susu, sapi dapat nama”. (Claiming credit for somone else’s effort).

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