
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Of proselytization and the BN's lack of common sense

Of proselytization and the BN's lack of common sense

The Selangor Islamic Religious Department or JAIS' raid of a multi-racial dinner at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church continues to draw strong public criticism as the days go by:

Malaysians are increasing agitated that the BN government is helpless and unable to settle the issue, while many quarters are taking the opportunity to start fanning the fires of racism and religious bigotry.

Christians meanwhile, are aghast and disillusioned about the sad state of affairs. Attacks on the Christian community have not ceased, and Christians are at a loss that the government continues to keep silent and allow the Christians to take the bashing. Sincerely, they have lost all hope in the BN Government.

Muslims too, shake their heads in disbelief that such a small incident can blow out of proportion, painting the Muslims in a dim light.

The unity and harmony that we value are continually being shredded and torn into tatters by this so called champions of religion and race. This people are really playing with fire. They are being used by higher powers to act indiscriminately without giving a thought to the effects of waging a psychological war that will destroy this country.

A world of their own

Certain Muslims in this country think the world revolves around them and that their beliefs are divine and cannot be questioned. Simply put it, these so called champions are really not very bright. They cannot even think beyond 2 steps ahead, and yet they are put in charge of sensitive departments.

Muslims should be encouraged to mix with other communities to bond and form a unity and friendship. This glue will ensure a successful nation. But until today, these authorities have been very successful in keeping Muslims and non-Muslims apart. All the laws that are now in place put Muslims in a very precarious position, every time a Muslim tries to be part of the community of non-Muslims.

Today, Muslims are terrified to be in the company of non-Muslims especially in any social function. This is such a glaring misdemeanour that should have been rectified a long time ago, but then the government always has a reason why Muslims should be kept apart from the others.

Muslims should also not have to go through the humiliation of being policed by JAIS and questioned about their faith. JAIS while being an enforcement body should instead draw up programs to help and nurture the needy, the backward, the backsliders and the weak to enforce their beliefs in Islam.

Muslims must take pride to honour and serve the Religion and place it on the highest pedestal. There are many that have downtrodden the religion, ridiculed it and made use of it for their own selfish gains. Such high-handed action has only tarnished the reputation of Muslims who were once proud of their beliefs.

Continued policing has not done much to alleviate sinners, but has only caused them to be more cautious to prevent being caught. Dissemination of information to encourage Muslims to walk the path of the righteousness will be more effective than policing them.

Nonsensical for Islamic lawyers association to encourage a cover-up

If the BN government had been stricter to ensure that Muslims and Islam in this country are recognized and respected, there would be more Muslims supporting the government. But BN has always been paying lip service to Muslims and ignoring them, and that is why many Muslims have turned to PAS.

Most PAS members simply cannot stand the blatant abuse of the religion by UMNO.

Muslims are angry at the thought of such intolerable actions by JAIS as 12 Muslim diners have been hauled up to JAIS to make statements in an investigation.

If anything happens to our unity, and if the nation is torn by civil unrest, it will be the fault of the politicians, whom we have so dumbly elected to serve this country.

JAIS – an enforcement body formed to protect Muslims from the forces of evil are at a loss. If they are not seen to be working, or raiding or stepping up their enforcement, then they will be accused of not working and just idling away. Once they do, they will be accused of unfairly policing the Muslims, while at the same time bear the scorn of non-Muslims who fail to understand the point in such raids.

But MMLA – the Muslim Lawyers Association has asked JAIS not to make the report public, which has also aroused the anger of Malaysians, who want to know the real story and not a cover up.

The most silly mixed-up state of affairs

The argument is all about an accusation that Muslims are being proselytised. It is quite a ridiculous accusation, but then most arguments are born from ridiculous points of view in the first place. It doesn’t matter whether there is any truth in it, but as long as it involves Muslims, something must be done.

And before the report was received by the Chief Minister, it was already publicized by Berita Harian and Utusan, that there were efforts to proselytise Muslims, with monthly offerings up to RM1,000.

This shows that the Barisan Nasional government is really not serious about the current state of affairs in Malaysia at all. Daily, everything is being done to stoke the fires of racism and religious bigotry even right up to the 21st century. How can Malaysians be that stupid to continue voting in the same dishonest government that keep taking us for fools?

Laws have been enacted to prevent Muslims from converting to other faiths. However, there are no laws to prevent non-Muslims from embracing Islam. This has always been an issue in our multiracial and multicultural society, and care has to be taken that such religious issues are not politicised. We must maintain respect for all religions in this country. And because of this Buddhists and Christians do not conduct raids on mosques. What if they did conduct raids on mosques and everyone cannot change their faith?

Did we ever question why Buddhists, Christians and Hindus did not make any laws to ensure that no one is allowed to embrace another faith? What about atheists? Do they have rights and can they ask for laws that prevent practising atheists from embracing any faiths?

Today, there are some Malays and Muslims who think the country belongs to them, and that non-Malays are not the true citizens of the country, all thanks to our lame educational system. If the younger generation continue to think like this, this country is doomed.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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