
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, August 6, 2011

Raiders over a Lame Act

The supposedly unJust Agency Inquisition Squad's intrusion of a multi racial dinner at a Church in Pakatan ruled Selangor acting on a report is not surprising given the role these defenders of the faith are supposed to do.

After all if you want to ensure that not one of your brader's soul will enter hell because he or she is tainted with infidel's teachings and attempts at conversion, you'd act swiftly and your actions don't need piece of legislation, safe your duties to protect your own flock right?

Given their role to defend the umat, do they really need to bother if they trample on any other religious beliefs or action or even an non religious or community action even if the latter is supposed to live out the 1Malaysia thingy and all that?

So the hue and cry over insensitivity and all that won't bother those who feel they should be praised for saving souls than condemned as acting like Gods or their 'devilish' act smacks on insensitivity, bigotry, paranoid or plain arrogance.

So those who are performing their duties to save souls don't think their investigation should be turned into a political issue. But then is not JAIS a political creation and protected by politically created institutions and even laws like the ISA against those who belittle them or the God that they believe bestow them divine rights to trample or rather enter any premises in search of lost souls and punish those attempting to convert their braders to false Gods and hell, huh?

The report in the media below gives their side of the investigation.

The Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) has insisted that the raid on the multi-racial dinner held at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) last Wednesday was right and done to protect the interests of Muslims.
Jais director Marzuki Hussin said: “It was done to protect the Muslims and I hope the issue will not be turned into a controversy”.
“No arrest was made but we just did an examination (after receiving a report about some Muslims attending an event at the church)....

This is not the first time our modern unJust Agency Inquisition Squad' has been insensitive to another religion. Can we blame them when they have the backing of politicians and politically created institutions? Already there is this policy in BolehLand that majority decides and rules.

So being the majority in faith, they have that political right to intrude, investigate, invade and insult anyone they so please and they don't thing their action anything insincere to save souls and prevent their braders and systars from going to hell or they act insidiously if they inevidently trampled upon others' civil and religious rights right?

They are just doing what the political masters have for over 50 years been drumming into the minds of BolehLand folks that majority rules and wins and the minority sorry you just tow the line or get out or get locked up. It's that simple.

Even if an alternative government even being the majority thinks otherwise that majority doesn't give them the right to subject minorities to unjust and unfair treatment and strive to promoter a clean way of ruling, there are religious institutions and other political groupings under a BN banner who think being fair and equal and even adopting a pluralistic approach is deemed illegal, wrong and 'satanic'!

So is this a political issue that will blow in the face of Pakatan? The thing is are not all such agencies political in nature? Have they not done such acts under any government? The hypocrisy of it all is it is not a religious issue because the appointees are political in nature. So it is as political as it gets pleaseee! So it's nonsense the Pakatan Selangor government is trying to seek a higher authority ruling on this or even MCA and UMNO fellos trying to blame the Pakatan government. We have seen these holy men acted just as controversial in previous governments and in the other states too!

So should Pakatan or even BN be blamed if you put your people there and they act according to the political power you gave these agencies huh? And what is this about who is being more Islamic in words and deeds if the ultimate objective of any Muslim majority and one with political power is to create an Islamic state and serve to protect their umat huh? Let's not try and talk about sensitivity if these holy men regard other religions as pagans and their followers infidels and take action anything, even the slightest hint be it word of mouth, sms or blog and pounce on their own umat as well as those who cause their umat to 'sin' huh?

It's very easy for our modern Inquisition squad to justify their actions without feeling any guilt or need to apologise. The fool proof reasons for our modern squad to act without any regard for legal procedures safe a religious one is to scream the 'P' word and label it as a 'P' act, which is not to be mistaken with anything associated with a bovine creature but more an act that bears its sound.

So in the examination exercise in the church you scream 'proselytising' on a hunch, a report even a text message and you find these white robes at times the blue coats backing them up.

The other 'P' word that seems to slip off like lard in the tongues of these squads is 'Haram' acts or 'Prohibitions', like holding hands or hugging in public between opposite sex who are not legally married or even legal ones are not supposed to show such public affection, even a poco-poco line dance, or a wellness yoga activity, even open houses visits at another religious festivities!

So how can we avoid such controversial actions of our inquisition squads, where controversies are only seen from those who are not in the majority religion group but not to these squads?

Would it need other religious groups to apply for permission and submit names of Muslim people attending their functions so that such situations won't arise? With the fingerprinting of illegals so successfully carried out why not use biometrics on such events to keep separate the sheep from the goats and wheat from the chaff?

It's like getting a halal certificate if you want to sell food these days. Similarly you need a halal certificate from our squad so you can go about your function without your guests being harassed or running helter-skelter or kids being tramautised receiving their Holy Communion or your Muslim guests being treated like criminals!

But the odd thing is why is the person who reported it only singled out this event and not the ones we all know are even publicly broadcasted and with the media snapping away Muslim leaders shaking hands with the Head of billions over Catholics or being garnered with huge gajra at a religious do at the 'rock cave'?

And why is our inquisition squad unable to see such events like the proverbial, dust in their eyes and rush to find the needle in the haystack?

Perhaps other enforcement agencies such as our MACC or even immigration fellos can learn from our inquisition squad how to sniff and snuff out such P's acts!

While these inquisition squads do not think their actions anything controversial or politically motivated, many will see them as raiders over lame reasons and to justify their lame actions, right?

Non Muslims must accept the fact that you are being watched and your actions is guilty until proven right like how the kind of justice is being carried out these days huh?

Shucks with our inquisition squads latest action, no more berbuka puasa with my Muslim friends or post Hari Raya gathering we can supposed! So religious celebration and community related ones now will purely be an internal affair yes? Perhaps keeping with the sloganeering 1Malaysia translated now to keeping things to 1Religion, 1Race affair huh? - YAHMEH!!!

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