
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Setting fire to news portals: Ezam's threat a criminal offense, says Surendran

Setting fire to news portals: Ezam's threat a criminal offense, says Surendran

PKR vice president N Surendran took Senator Ezam Mohd Nor to task for threatening to burn down news portals Malaysiakini and Malayisan Insider over articles they had filed on the Jais raid on the Damansara Utama Methodist Church.

"We are appalled that a sitting member of the Dewan Negara has uttered such words and threatened publicly to carry out criminal acts. This is an outrageous threat to the property and offices of these two news portals; more seriously it is also a threat of grievous harm or death against their staff, writers and other occupants," Surendran said in a statement out on Friday.

"Freedom of the press is an essential pillar of any proper democracy. It is disturbing that a Senator from UMNO, which is the backbone of the BN government, has threatened mob action and arson upon the news media."

Surendran said Ezam's threat was yet another attempt by UMNO to clamp down on "independent, impartial, balanced coverage to the public".

"It is well known that the print media are under the strict control of the government and subject to permit conditions under the Printing Press and Publications Act 1984. This threat of the UMNO senator also proves once again that UMNO and BN have no respect for the rakyat's freedom of expression and speech under Article 10(1)(a) of the Federal Constitution," said Surendran.

Clear by now UMNO behind the Jais-DUMC raid

Ezam's comments come amid revelations that Prime Minister Najib Razak and Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud had used taxpayers money to buy 'positive publicity' to raise their global image and to promote their projects abroad. Yet not once did Ezam, a former PKR Youth leader, mention their wrongdoings but instead vowed to go after the two local news portals.

"We are saying here that we will launch an all-out war to defend our faith if they (anti-Islam elements) do not stop (and) use their agents - Malaysiakini and Malaysian Insider - which were biadap (rude) towards the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais). Malaysiakini, Malaysian Insider, we are giving you a very last warning. Our warning is a serious one. If you do not stop this rubbish, we are going to burn you down!" Ezam said after Friday prayers at a Shah Alam mosque.

Ezam was referring to a religious row that had erupted after Jais raided the chruch in Damansara Utama, where an AIDS NGO was holding a dinner for about 120 people, of which 12 were Muslims. Jais barged in without permission and questioned them, taking their details. They are now trying to arrest the 12 for attending the dinner. Jais officials also accused the AIDS NGO and DUMC officials of trying to proselytize the Muslims, which the church has denied.

Selangor Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim is waiting for the Jais report before taking action but he has apologised to the Church for Jais entering their premises without any warrant.

By now, it is clear the latest Christian bashing has been stirred up by UMNO in abid to embarrass the Khalid administration. Selangor UMNO has vowed to take back the state in the next election and is perceived to be drumming up Malay support by using the Christians as their battering ram.

Ezam has committed a criminal offence

Surendran also remined Ezam that he had committed a criminal ofence with his threat. He called on the authorities to act immediately against Ezam.

"Needless to say the making of this blatant threat is a criminal offence under our laws. The police and the Attorney General must take immediate action against Ezam Mohd Nor under sections 503 and 505 of the Penal Code, for criminal intimidation and mischief," said Surendran.

"Those who commit criminal offences must not be allowed to escape prosecution simply because they are from the ruling party or aligned to the government. To do otherwise would be to uphold the rule of men, and not the rule of law."

- Malaysia Chronicle

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