
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

stampede in the gorge !

When was the last time you had the misfortune to visit a government office ? I did today and boy was I shocked at the "laziness" these government offices permeated. Well I can understand that this IS the holy month of Ramadan and can also try and forgive the pace the staff got this going at 3pm, but that is not what I'm entirely concerned about.

My concern is the lack of the 1Malaysia bullshit from Najib ! Where is the many colours of the different races in these government offices ?? All I saw was just 1ONE race of what Najib has been harping the past 2 years or so ! Where are the
"mata sepits" and the "pariahs" ? Are they not Malaysians too ? Is there still a quota in every government job ? Why are the various races that are supposed to reflect Najib's 1Malaysia, not reflected in equal numbers in every government office so that when times like Ramadan, the Malays can relax a bit while the other races can keep the government machinery well oiled and in top performance to serve the tax-paying public, no ? And the same will be so too when the other races have their various festivities. "People first....Performance now".......ayie....Mr. Prime Minister ?

I don't know how it is with Opposition run states. I really hope the situation there is different with the state government employing all races at all levels and not keep the lowly positions like gardeners, drivers and toilet cleaners for a certain race and the better positions for others. Can somebody tell me if Selangor and Penang gives every race, I mean every race must include all races, not just Malays, Chinese and Indians... a level playing field equally without being biased and prejudiced as seen in Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur ?? I really want to know if indeed the Opposition is practising what it has been preaching i.e. equality for all and employment based on merit and not on quota of race and religion.

Going by what the Home Ministry reports ( here ) today, it'll be easier for an Indonesian or Bangladeshi to find employment with this government here then the 2nd. class citizens or
"pendatangs" and the indigenous natives (the true bumiputeras) of Malaysia can ever dream off !

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