
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sugar-Coated $$$

In the past, they impressed us with millions - in the tradition of the six million dollar man, perhaps? These days, the figures run into BILLIONS. Today, The Malaysian Insider reported that Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced today a RM1.4 billion welfare allocation to around 500,000 underprivileged recipients including senior citizens, the disabled and widows of army and police personnel.

According to the report, the allocation which would be disbursed monthly under the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry’s newly-launched initiative called Program Kebajikan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (KAR1SMA) was increased by RM200 million from last year’s RM1.2 billion for 424,000 identified recipients. The PM said the increase in aid to the needy is in line with one of the main pillars of his administration’s philosophy which is to uphold social justice. The rationale given was that the underprivileged represent a large group and without intervention, they will remain a marginalised and we would have failed to uphold social justice. You can read more about it here.

Now are we expected to have a trumpet fanfare? Or drum rolls? Or cause for celebration? No doubt RM1.2BILLION sounds like a HUGE amount of money but hey - the reality is that the figure is RM200million more than the allocation for the previous year. So, what's the big deal?

Ah - the difference is those ringgit are sugar-coated. Cosmetics. To make some happy? To make is seem as though yes, the government cares. A Carrot and Stick policy perhaps? Vote for us and you will get more?

Let's put things in the right perspective. Since March 2008, what has happened?

The 1Malaysia policy was put into place together with IMalaysia Clinic and lots of $$$ spent.

Then, it was announced that we have to change our lifestyle because subsidies have to be reduced as they cannot afford to mollycoddle us that way anymore. Subsequently, the prices of goods and fuel escalated.

The rakyat is now getting angry and angrier and poorer and poorer as our purchasing power is diminishing day by day!

And out of the blue, the PM has announced that they have identified the marginalised who need help so they can become independent! And he is doling money to try to pacify some with the wishful thinking that by doing so, he can win their votes.

Is this the way? In July last year, Datuk Seri Idris Jala warned that Malaysia could in 2019 end up bankrupt like Greece if the RM74bil annual subsidies are not slashed. This article quoted the National Economic Advisory Council’s New Economic Model (Part 1) report and noted that aggregate investment levels (in products and services) as a percentage of GDP have been declining ever since the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-1998. The same report also mentioned that the contraction was driven mostly by a decline in private investment. So what does that mean? It is not possible that the country's fortunes can change for the better in such a short time to justify such a large expenditure on welfare!

What is the rationale for this move? Is it for the benefit of the country or for someone/a party's political survival?

Instead of handing out walking sticks, shouldn't the money be used to:

  • IMPROVE education standards
  • Ensure the poor have basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing
  • Improving infrastructure
  • Providing piped water and power supply to rural areas
  • Improving hospital services
  • etc etc

Such a large sum of money to be disbursed MUST be discussed in Parliament. This is the rakyat's money. How can a decision be made just off the cuff like that with no proper debate or proposal etc?

More details MUST be given!!!

Does the PM think that by sugar-coating the ringgit this way, people can forget the recent blunders such as in Bersih 2.0 or the FBC issue?

We are still reeling in the deafening silence of the government on the FBC media issue!!! FMT had reported that Najib had allegedly paid FBC Media over RM57 million in 2008 and 2009 for programmes to prop up his image and that of the government on BBC and US-based CNBC and CNN.

In 2010, the BN government paid FBC Media another RM42 million for a “global strategic media campaign”.

In June this year, FMT reported the Dewan Rakyat was told that close to RM1.8 million was spent to create six Tourism Malaysia Facebook applications. Deputy Tourism Minister James Dawos Mamit said that each application cost RM293,072 to develop, or RM1,758,432 in full.

Three months go, it was reported that the allocation prepared by the government to carry out the National Youth Day amounted to RM1.5 million. In a reply to Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang (Marang-PAS) Ahmad Shabery said that the total costs amounted to RM27 million, where most of it was obtained via sponsorship from the private sector!!! Whether it was public money or money from the private sector, it was still RM27 million that was spent!!!

And now, it is 1.4BILLION RINGGIT.

If you want your blood pressure to rise and to start an adrenalin rush, just add up all those figures and I am sure it will be a mind-blowing experience!

The Malaysian Insider put it succinctly in this editorial:

This strategy was used by Tun Abdullah Badawi after his fitness to lead Malaysia was questioned by Tun Dr Mahathir Muhammad and after his early promise of reforming the country dissipated into flip-flops, missteps and pandering to his party’s demands.

He increased the salary of civil servants and even put cash in the pocket of Malaysians through a one-off RM600 payment.

Underlying this move was the view that even though the ground had soured on him considerably by 2007, putting money into the hands of Malaysians would make them put their bitterness aside and vote him in again.

We know how that strategy played out.

By March 2008, he called elections and Malaysians dealt his Barisan Nasional (BN) its bloodiest nose and paved the way for Datuk Seri Najib Razak to take over the reins.

Maybe what’s disappointing about politicians or leaders using money as the panacea of weak rule is that it reflects a belief that we can be bought.

Najib is doing the same now.

People, the time has come for us to put in place a government that is prudent with its expenditure. And you know who has NOT been prudent. After almost 54 years, the excessive spending has left such a bitter taste in our mouths and memories that no amount of sugar-coating $$$ can un-do the damage. We are bleeding and bleeding and it is up to all of us to put a stop to that!!!

- masterwordsmith

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