
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, August 20, 2011

Surely there are more than 12 errors in voters roll

your say'Let an audit firm do an integrity test on the database as well as the system to discover all the errors and come out with a clean bill of health.'

EC says errors in electoral roll just 0.0001%

Henry Hock: Election Commission chief Abdul Aziz Yusof is crying like a baby, "Not fair! Not fair!".

Didn't he know that one drop of poison will spoil the whole bucket of milk? How does he quantify that it is only 0.0001% error in the electoral roll? Is he saying that this small percentage of fraud are the only ones that the NGOs successfully exposed?

What about those mistakes that are yet to be exposed? How about the detrimental consequences that had caused by this tiny percentage of fraud?

In our first-past-the-post electoral system, a slight percentage of fraud can give the other party a majority vote and become the government of the day.

DannyLoHH: Would the EC chief spare us the diatribes against the messengers and seriously start looking at all the irregularities reported?

Brushing them off as a minor problem or admitting that there are errors but only a small percentage with no facts and figure to back up your claim doesn't win public confidence in the EC.

The more the EC chief talks, the more he undermines EC's credibility. As the way things are progressing, EC is looking and sounding more and more like an Umno stooge.

Hati Panas: The question is whether the error is intentional or genuine. And if Abdul Aziz knew that he is human and humans do make mistake, why then was he so arrogant in not wanting to work with Bersih 2.0 and clean up the electoral roll?

Onyourtoes: That is the problem with Aziz, who can't see how percentage and maths work. So you think 0.0001 percent is insignificant and unimportant.

You are talking about 0.0001% of the total number of voters in the country. But what if that 0.0001% is concentrated in one or two constituencies, which in turn affect the election outcomes of these constituencies?

The outcome of these two constituencies may well decide who get to form the next federal government.

2cts Worth: EC, you are beyond redemption. Your mistakes weigh a ton in spite of the ridiculous figure you conjure up, and the percentages do look nice and neat on paper. Just reveal how many thousands are cloned and how many are phantoms in the electoral roll.

Kleo: 0.0001% of 12.4 million is just 12 errors. Does Abdul Aziz think we're stupid or what?

People Power: I think more than 12 cases of irregularities have been highlighted so far... it means Aziz erred in his 0.0001% figure. With new irregularities being highlighted almost on a daily basis, it doesn't seemed minor anymore... it's more like the tip of an iceberg.

Wira: Yes, the found errors may be 0.0001% out of a total of 12.4 million names. However, the probability of finding these errors is in the region of 1,000 ppm (people per million) (0.1%) or a total of 12,400 cases, total electoral roll wise.

Anonymous_3da6: Abdul Aziz, this is a computer system where even 0.000001% error is not acceptable.

We are not worried about the known errors but it's the not discovered errors that we are more worried. How many are there?

One suggestion is to let an audit firm do an integrity test on the database as well as the system to discover all the errors and come out with a clean bill of health. There is no point asking the rakyat to point them out so that correction can be done.

This shouldn't happen in the first place. It's your job. So do it!

Anonymous_3ea8: If there's only 0.0001% of error in the electoral roll, then the EC must be incompetent because it took them so long to rectify the issue and if that's the figure, then what exactly are they cleaning every day since they never blame the system used.

Anonymous_3e8f: It is due to the diligence of PAS andMalaysiakini that such errors are being highlighted.

I wonder how many thousand of other errors have not been discovered. Whether it is 0.0001% or 0.000000001%, the "errors" are for the benefit of Umno. Therefore, elections are not on a level-playing field.

Malaysiawatch4.blogspot: It is not a question of the small percentage. It is more about the integrity of the EC's expensive IT system. Surely the data is not just input by clerks without any supervisor using another programme to verify and authorise the entries?

These erroneous '00' numbers should have been immediately thrown out and sent for further checks. What kind of software is the EC using?

AB Sulaiman: Abdul Aziz seems like the husband caught in extramarital sex by his wife. He threatens, cajoles, swears, try to make amends, does anything but the one most important thing - admit doing it.

'What are the criteria for EC to amend voters roll?'

Quigonbond: Consider the more sinister implication - EC can at its whim and fancy make appear and disappear voters.

What would stop them to resort to this desperate measure when the Special Branch learns that BN is going to lose the general elections?

October's start date for PSC (parliamentary select committee) to work on this issue (if at all) will be too late. This needs to be fixed now, first by the EC coming out clean on their SOP (standard operation procedures). Failing which, voters shall be entitled to take the EC to court.

The EC should also immediately explain how an individual voter can seek immediate redress on the election day itself, if it is found that his/her name is struck off the electoral roll or transferred far away without his/her consent, for there is no worse frustration than to go to the polling station as a Malaysian citizen who has registered to vote only to find one has been disenfranchised.

DannyLoHH: Indeed the flightiness, whimsicality, and arbitrariness of EC in "correcting" the electoral roll is alarming.

On one hand, the EC had said that they can't simply get rid of the so-called phantom voters as the law doesn't allow them to do so as the commission has to hold inquiries and must locate the phantom voters to verify their status before they could remove the suspected phantom voters from the electoral roll.

Yet, in this case, whenever clear evidence is presented and reported by Malaysiakini, the EC proceeded to either delete or edit the voter roll. Suddenly, the question of legality of removing the voters name from electoral roll doesn't arise anymore.

Kgen: EC secretary Kamaruddin Mohamed Baria expects us to swallow his explanation.

We all know that voters can share the same name. It's when the same name is registered twice with slightly different MyKad numbers that shows fraud is going on.

The EC appears to have cloned thousands of voters for BN who can vote twice. No wonder they will not use indelible ink. The people must force the use of indelible ink or the election will be a sham. - Malaysiakini

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