
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, August 16, 2011


BROKEN….. Dr. Felix showing the broke down lights, behind is the empty rubbish bin center without bins.


MANY residents here in the kampong Tanjong Aru Lama here complained to the Sabah DAP Tanjong Aru Branch Chairman Dr. Felix Chong Kat Fah during his early morning walk about in the water village here.

He was accompanied by the Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu and other members to go deep into the various problems arising here especially those are directly affecting the people here.

The kampong folks here told the DAP that the newly constructed concrete walk way has quite a number of items needed rectification and put right. They said the new lights installed there had failed to light up shortly after the commissioning. The do not see the DBKK come to repair the lights. They said it is very inconvenience for them during the dark hours.

The sewerage piping work for the new toilets to each house is badly done and many plastic pipe have fallen loose due to the badly done brackets which are not securely fasten on to strong supports. Some already had come loose and floating in the sea. They wonder how long these pipes can last to stand up to the wave of the sea. It is true some pipe had already showing sign of breaking up.

Dr. Felix Chong noticed that there are plenty of abandoned old foot bridge timber structures are left not removed from the sea after the new foot bridge is completed. The created an ugly scene in the water village. He said how can this be the so called ‘model water village’.

SEWERAGE…. loosen and floating plastic sewerage pipe.

COLLAPSE….Near-collapse water pipe on small timber support and loose joints.

HYDRANT….. the only fire hydrant at front of foot bridge.

The government had spent millions of ringgit to get this village to be a model village, but the things happening here are not going to qualify it as what the government is planning on.

The other complaint is that there are many rubbish bin centers built on the concrete foot bridge, but there are no rubbish bins and no collection service provided until today. How come the rubbish bin centers built but not for use, or may be the government has no money to buy rubbish bins, or cannot get workers to work here?

The flower pots built on the side of the foot bridge is now used for nothing. There is no earth and no flowers planted. The people here feel that this is a total waste of public fund. It is actually meant for the beautification of the environment but seem all not in good use. They said if the government does not want to plant something there, why build these flower pots in the first place.

The water supply piping here is true ridiculous and anytime the water pipes will fall into the sea when the small timber pole and brackets supporting the heavy water pipe become rotten or hit by strong waves.

There are many sections showing signs of collapsing and sinking. The pipe joints are given way and that will cause leaking soon. The people complained about the frequent cut off of the water supply here in Tanjong Aru Lama Water village. They asked why there is no proper new water pipeline to be reinstalled on the new concrete foot bridge which will be more secure and will not collapse.

There is only on fire hydrant can be found at the entrance of the foot bridge, but no other fire hydrants installation further towards the end of the foot bridge. They are worried that in case of fire the Fire and Rescue department cannot be able to get their hoses near to the fire which is far from the hydrant. It is better for the water department to consider when redoing all the water supply piping work here also include the installation of more fire hydrant points.

Dr. Felix expressed his concern over the many issues from this Tanjong Aru Lama and he hope the authorities and DBKK will take immediate action to put right the complaints here.

Dr Felix Chong Kat Fah, Sabah DAP Medical Advisory Bureau chief cum Tanjong Aru branch chairman.

- Sabahkini

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