
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Umno's role in JAIS-DUMC is fast becoming unstuck

Umno's role in JAIS-DUMC is fast becoming unstuck

The JAIS raid on the Damansara Utama Methodist Church is becoming an issue that refuses to go away, until and unless JAIS explains itself and shows evidence of its claim. So far, what we have been treated to are circumstantial evidence appearing on Facebook pages and You Tube claiming that attempts were indeed made to convert Muslims to Christians. This is dangerous and could further widen the religious rift already so evident in Malaysian society.

Proselytizing of Muslims by members of other religions is not technically prohibited by federal law. Muslims in Penang, Sabah, Sarawak and the Federal Territories are also allowed to proselytize. However, it is prohibited in the other 10 states and can lead to lengthy jail sentences and many strokes of the cane. The issue is a contentious one since the interpretation of what constitutes an act of proselytizing has never been made clear. Does using the term Allah within the Malay-language Bible constitute an act of proselytizing? Can a Christian talk about his beliefs before a Muslim and not be charged for proselytizing?

These are areas of contention that have been exploited by politicians to gain mileage over the decades. UMNO plays this card readily and is now positioning itself to be the new guardian of all things Islam in Malaysia, especially in the wake of the rise of the moderates in PAS. Strangely enough, it is PAS who is winning the hearts and minds of the non-Muslims with their moderate and less fanatical stance in light of recent religious incidents.

Politics pervade the Islamic departments and system

The latest spat involving JAIS and DUMC further highlights the interlocking ties politicians have with the various religious departments in Malaysia. There is no clear separation of politics and religion and almost anything can be used to gain political footing and mileage. Nothing is held sacred but history has proven that when politics overshadow religion, then disaster and calamity lurk.

The role of UMNO in the JAIS-DUMC incident was highlighted by PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali, who has insisted he will not apologize and would rather meet Selangor UMNO in court and. The PAS leader also reiterated that he had proof UMNO was behind the JAIS raid into the DUMC, where JAIS officers had gate-crashed an AIDS charity dinner, insisting that Muslims attendees were being proselytized by the organiser and church officials.

Mustafa had urged PAS leaders and members not to fall into UMNO’s trap as he had received "highly reliable internal information" that UMNO had a role in the JAIS operation during the dinner event held by DUMC.

"I will not apologise and I stand by my claim. We will meet in court. I will produce proof if this is brought to court," said Mustafa.

“I must reveal such information as there has been much speculation about the raid. Normally, the Selangor Menteri Besar, the state Exco and JAIS director will be responsible for the department’s actions but all three were only informed after the raid was conducted. The aim is to destabilise the Selangor government and disunity among the Pakatan Rakyat component parties."

It is worth noting that Selangor Mentri Besar has announced the Sultan has agreed to form a special Syura council to resolve the controversy, which would take matter out of JAIS' hands and into more neutral ground.

Easy answers but no shepherd to lead the flock forward

For Christians, again they feel they have been made the convenient scape-goats in an incident deemed offensive to Muslims in Malaysia. The high-handed manner taken by Selangor UMNO leaders, their supporters and media has offended and further enraged the community. If UMNO persists in such behavious, it won't be unfair to say that not a single Christian in Selangor would vote for it.

It is wrong to keep insinuating that Christians are a threat to Muslims. Why be so presumptous to assume Christians have so many designs or have so much time to spend trying to 'control' the Muslims. The JAIS delay in presenting its report seems to be an attempt to milk the issue for all it is worth. By the time a report is presented and the findings, whatever they may be are made known, the mind-set of the Muslim Malaysian may have already been primed and set by the likes of Utusan Malaysia and other government-owned newspapers and television.

Moderate Malaysians must therefore demand that religious bodies be left untouched by political entities who have only the ideals of their parties in mind and not the universal ideals of love, hope and peace for all mankind.

It is time that Malaysia takes a serious look at the separation of state and religion. Are the nation's politics based on universal ideals and good values or have they been hijacked by ruthlessness, megalomania and corruption? So, why should Malaysians want their religion bto be guided by political misguidance?

These are the questions for Malaysians and while the answers are easy, achieving the results won't be unless there is determination, unity of purpose and good leadership.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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