
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wah So Many Illegal Foreigners!

Our suspicion of the millions of illegal foreigners here is confirmed in the latest registration of them! This is not the first time that such a registration exercised is undertaken.

If we add up the previous registration exercises, does it mean that BolehLand is like some 'black hole' drawing in millions of illegal foreigners!

And it was reported that Putrajaya has the largest number registered! See report below.

And we wonder why the opposition is claiming that that illegal foreigners will be an important factor in the next GE of propping up the government of the day hah!

It's odd that the government knows that number of illegals but can't register them huh? And with Putrajaya being 'invaded' by illegals, how safe and secure are our national secrets? Where are these people living and working in Putrajaya? In government quarter? or in the Wetlands? What work are they doing, as janitors in the government palace or even the multi million ringgit abode of 1Malaysia?

If they are being employed illegally in contract work upkeeping the government complex, it's really a shame because shouldn't such contract be employing local people to win the job!!! Is the government leading by example ensuring local people are employed to take care of public buildings than foreign labour and probably illegal ones at that.

Or it is a lesser evil to have illegals working in legal places than local people doing it so our standard of living is not high? But are we not told we want to have a high income society huh?

And why are the employers not fined for employing illegals??? Why are we so lenient on illegal foreigners and so harsh on our own people? Why are the not a threat because they all have NO IDENTITY and can do anything without being traced over our six accused of treason huh?

The fault lies in the agencies concerned with keeping track and ensuring that those who enter have proper document and are legally processed!!! The question is are they willing to enforce the law? Go around KL at night and you find homeless people sleeping at tourist spots and large corporations compounds. Noone seems to bother or want to ask if these are legal people and if so why are they sleeping on the streets if they are here legally employed?

How many 'traffic summmons' kind of amnesty are we going to give to these illegal people? Is not such millions over illegals a threat to our security and way of life? Perhaps our intelligence think those held under EO have links to these illegals to use them to threaten the King and country huh?

The recent pardon of Immigration Officials for human trafficking sense the wrong message that illegal human trafficking is not a threat and you can go scot free if you get caught close to some religious festivals huh? What kind of human trafficking is permissible now and not a threat to the nation? We humiliate and brand foreigners who were caught in raids but these people who are involved in human trafficking gets free because they felt sorry and repeat never to do it again. Can that be also applied to those caught in massage parlours and entertainer centres too huh? Will those detained under the EO and now charged say sorry and vow never to wear a Bersih T shirt be also not charged too huh? This is the kind of 'suka suka tiga suka' justice we have form our MOHA and encourage people to commit crimes in the hope the Minister flip flops again!!!

And what is the point of finger printing them when there is no follow up if they leave the country after they complete their assignments here? Will exit points at beaches and illegal points have database for officials to check if those leaving and entering are repeat or new ones?

If there is little political will to solve the illegal migrants in Peninsular we may end up like what happen in Sabah.

And there are claims that these illegal and legal foreigners are given identity cards!!! But there is no denial nor an investigation into such allegations while others which are politically motivated are immediately pounced on! Even a tweet that is a thought landed a Pakatan women in trouble but not allegations by the opposition on this claim.

If our powers be has their ears on the ground they will hear BolehLand folks lamenting it's easier to be an illegal foreigner because you are treated better than those born here and have been seeking citizenship for the past 50 years or so!!! Seems those who are born here well before the illegal migrant phenomena which is hardly 10 years ole have a worst deal than our illegals!!!

Those kena summons are threatening with warrants and handcuff arrests. There hardly is a campaign on the penalty for those harbouring illegals as well as the illegals itself. It's odd we are so proud of claiming success to processing refugees and keeping them 'locked' up so they won't disappear into the community but allow millions of illegal foreigners to enter!!!

Are we afraid of incurring international wrath if we want to resolve the illegal foreigners issue? We are ready to hand harsh ISA treatment on our own people be it religious or political reasons. But to illegal foreigners we give kid glove treatment and amnesty!!! and then complain crime rate because of them so does the standard of living in our neighbour!

Even for crimes committed, we give huge reports to those done by BolehLand folks and seem kinder to those committed by illegals. Our religious officials are ever ready to prosecute and humiliate locals caught committing 'haram' activities and what not. We hardly hear any crimes reported by illegals which gives us the assurance these illegal foreigners are actually well behaved and more civic than us right? Perhaps that may be a reason we are okay with millions of well behaved illegal foreigners! These may tell their folks back home to illegally come to BolehLand because it's really a land of milk and honey perhaps huh?

As long as illegal foreigners read that the locals are more harshly treated and punished than them, they will continue to stay and feel 'protected and safe' no?

Why not a NKRA on eliminating this illegal millions worker scourge? Or is it we want them to come so that we can have cheaper whatever we want to build because we pay them pittance?

So what's next fingerprinting these illegals to make them legal? Is anyone going to monitor their movement? If using biometrics can't resolve this issue, no wonder it's use in the elections is suspect too right? Or are these different issues?


Over 127,000 illegal immigrants in the peninsula have registered for amnesty under the 6P programme within three days of its launch on Aug 1.
According to the Home Ministry, a total of 127,049 illegals have registered at the 197 immigration offices and 336 appointed agents.
The highest number was ­recorded in Putrajaya with 5,306, followed by Selangor (4,822), Perak (4,295), Kedah (4,026), Negri Sembilan (3,021), Kuala Lumpur (2,783), Penang (2,395) and Johor (2,346).
In other states, the numbers were Pahang (1,849), Malacca (977), ­Terengganu (912), Kelantan (793), Perlis (394) and Labuan (54), said Home Ministry deputy secretary-general (Immigration Policy and National Registration) Datuk Alwi Ibrahim yesterday.
Meanwhile, 137,217 illegals in Sabah have registered under the amnesty programme since the registration exercise began on July 18. It ends on Aug 8.
He said a total of 733,662 legal foreign workers in the country have undergone biometric registration at immigration offices as of Wednesday. This represents about 61% of the total 1.2 million legal foreign workers – not including domestic maids – in the country... Aug 2, Media reports


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