
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, August 6, 2011


WONDER….. KK MP Hiew, Edward Ewol Mujie, Taufik Ruschi and the PR members at the Beaufort club house.


MANY people including club members from Beaufort has approached Taufik Ruschi of PKR on the issue why the famous Beaufort Club with a long history since the British time has recently became the head office of UMNO in Beaufort.

The people said they want to know the reason why the club house is taken over by the UMNO without the consent and agreement of the club members. Who had decided to allow UMNO to use the building? The property is belonging to the club, and the club members shall decide on all matters.

Besides, the people also asked why the big piece of land next to the club house has a supermarket erected there. What has happened to it? Is it sold, rented or leased out?

Taufik said since this is a case concerning the people and the club members in Beaufort, the Chairman and his committee of the club should make known of any arrangement made. They have the right to know because the property of the club is not a private property, but belongs to every club members. There should not be any abuses and unauthorized dealings behind the back of the members.

The club house is used to be a prestigious place where the club members and the community gathered and relax during leisure hours. With the UMNO moving into the club house and converting it into its head quarters, the people now have no place to go to now.

Taufik said it is better to reverse the club house back for the use by the club member, and turn the place into a popular gathering place for its members. Further improvement can be installed to upgrade the facilities of the club, and he would like the club members to come forward to work together to bring the club back into live. The Beaufort people should be proud of the historical club and getting it revived.

- Sabahkini

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