
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Will the sultans tick off Perkasa, Utusan, too?

your say'How I wish the sultans also have the wisdom to speak up against the vileness of Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia and Perkasa.'

Johor sultan offended by Guan Eng's comments

Josephine: As for our royalty, I have nothing against any of them making comments against any party. As a ruler who loves their subjects, they should step forward when matters warrant their intervention.

However, in real life, the royalties of Malaysia only step forward to share their wisdom when it comes to 'ketuk-ing' (knocking down) Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

How I wish they also have the wisdom to speak up against the vileness of Utusan Malaysia and Perkasa. When they do, they will have our respect.

Anonymous_5fb: It is an open secret that many crime victims (Malaysian as well as Singaporeans) in Johor choose not to make police reports for reasons we know best.

I am not sure whether the Johor sultan is aware of this. Given this, the official statistics on the crime rate in Johor is not accurate. Even then, it is still higher than the other states. So can you imagine how serious the security problem is down there?

Quigonbond: It's one thing to be upset when someone is telling a lie, but not when it is the truth.

Would you prefer a ball-carrying Umno MB telling you a lie just so that you think everything is okay, or to know for a fact that there is a prevailing and almost universal perception that Johor Bahru is crime-ridden?

The truth sets us free and this is no exception. It is better be equipped with the truth and to remedy a problem, rather than to act under false premises, which is typical of Umno conduct.

AnakBangsaMalaysia: It is a simple fact that Johor and its state capital, Johor Bahru, have the highest crime rates in the country - even by Malaysia's dismal standards.

Let those who are offended by Penang CM Lim Guan Eng's statement put their heads where their mouth is by letting their families live in JB by themselves.

Guan Eng was merely stating an ugly public truth. Instead of buckling down to the real work of cleaning up the corrupt police force so that the police can do their actual work of safeguarding public security for the rakyat, the sultan decides to engage in some public posturing instead, which makes it very clear where his priorities are.

Tkc: It is okay to be offended, but we should not be in denial. If the crime rate in Johor Bahru is not what it is, we would not be having this discussion, would we?

Compared to its next-door neighbour, the difference in safety factor is like night and day. Besides safety, if a tourist crosses the Causeway from Singapore to Johor Bahru, he/she will get a culture shock because the landscape changes from a beautifully manicured garden city to one that is haphazard, dirty and gloomy.

Sometimes, I wish that Petaling Jaya or Subang Jaya is located next to Singapore. At least, not so 'malu lah'.

JBGUY: As a Johorean, I am upset with statements like this, but I am also pragmatic and realise that the crime rates are indeed high. The only solution here is to identify the causes and root out the criminals.

HRH the Sultan is offended as he rightfully should be and he should make sure that the PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) carries out its duties to the best of their abilities.

As for Lim's apology, I think it isn't necessary as he was merely stating the obvious as the issue had been widely spoken about long before his press conference in Singapore.

Wira: I hope his Royal Highness will make a comment about the deteriorating crime rate in his state. Unhappy about someone who is politically impolite is one thing, but that the matter is a fact is another.

As a ruler, he should be concerned of the security of his state and the safety of his subjects.

Dood: I think the sultan should feel more offended that there isn't more police action being taken in Johor to actually keep the state safer.

I mean, come on, it's not like Johor is the safest place in Malaysia. Just ask the man on the street what they think of Johor and crime.

Anonymous: Dood, I agree with you - just ask the man on the street on how safe is Johor Bahru and its suburbs. I am quite shock to read that the sultan said that the Johor police led by Mokhtar Shariff are doing their job well.

Johoreans, what is your experience? Please let the sultan know for His Majesty is concerned. I am afraid the police might have sugar-coated reports for the sultan's ears.

Ferdtan: In 2007, there was a loud outcry by Johoreans against increase in crimes that they rallied together to sign a petition calling for action by the police. It was so successful that within hours, many thousands signed up, and many came to the town hall to lend support.

The then sultan, Almarhum Sultan Mahmud Iskandar, who is the father of the present king didn't feel offended that many of his subjects 'bad-mouthed' their beloved state?

Or is it the person, an opposition leader by the name of Lim Guan Eng, who said it that makes it bad? Many worse bad deeds happened in Johor, especially by Umno men, but there is not a whimper from the palace.

Avatar 111: I go back to Johor frequently and I know exactly how safe the place is. Whether LGE apologises or not, the fact remains the place is unsafe.

Of course, people high up with all the securities accorded to them will never feel or experience the same as commoners. - Malaysiakini

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