
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Zaid's long-time aide suspended from Kita

Trouble is brewing in the newly formed opposition party Kita with the announcement of the suspension of a key party leader and the termination of the party secretary.

The duo are president Zaid Ibrahim's hitherto long time right-hand man Muhd Firdaus Christopher, a central committee member, and party secretary Abd Latif A Tambi.

NONEIn a statement issued by the party's executive secretary Masrum Dayat, Firdaus (left) was suspended because of he allegedly made “wild accusations that are without basis” online against the party and Zaid.

“His actions, done through his Facebook social account have been overboard and adversely affected the good name of the party,” said Masrum, in a statement issued late this evening.

Masrum added that Firdaus had made the posting in relations to the suspension of his monthly allowance.

“The Kita party is a small party with limited funds,” said Masrum.

He also stated that the Kita website, Twitter and Facebookaccounts - which have of late been inaccessible - may have been attacked by “irresponsible quarters”.

“The party management is trying to rehabilitate them, and they are expected to be functioning as usual next week,” Masrum added.

Firdaus: 'Arrogant tyrant' heading party

The statement also said the party wishes to expresses its gratitude to Abd Latif, whose services ended today.

NONEWhen contacted, Firdaus questioned the legitimacy of the press statement and said that due process were not followed.

“I'm a bit surprised and taken aback. Procedures were not followed. There were no show cause letters nor disciplinary proceedings,” he said.

Furthermore, he said that such statements should be issued either by the party secretary or the party president and not the executive secretary.

Masrum was not even a party member, he added.

Firdaus stressed that his online postings were based on facts and were never intended as a form of attack against a party he helped form last year.

“I reiterate that whatever said (online) was not mainly about the party but the way this arrogant tyrant runs the party,” he said.

He adds that he may be issuing further clarifications later through a written statement or he might hold a press conference.

Attempts to contact Zaid (above) for comments were unsuccessful. Kita was launched in January.

1 comment:

  1. Parti Kita dalam proses pemutihan dari virus2 yang tidak membawa kebaikkan pada parti apatah lagi kepada Masyarakat. Parti KITA bukanlah tempat untuk menimba emas atau mencari publisiti murahan. Mana2 parti pun mesti berkehendakkan kepimpinan yang ikhlas berjuang untuk rakyat. Takkan disebabkan tidak lagi menerima elaun maka terus parti dilabel sebagai muflis?, berusaha keras mensabotaj Parti dengan memburuk2kan Ketua Parti yang pernah berjasa membayar gaji buta pada beliau selama berbulan2..tanya pada diri sendiri, sepanjang memegang potfolio sebagai Ahli Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Pusat dan menerima elaun setaraf pegawai bank, berapa ramai ahli yang telah dibawa masuk oleh beliau dan berapa banyak cawangan negeri yang berjaya di buka?.. Dato' Zaid sanggup membelanjakan wang dari poket sendiri sebanyak hampir 20 ribu sebulan untuk badut2 ini.. takkan terima gaji untuk kerja2 twitt atau ber FB saja.. Parti KITA mempunyai kewangan yang selesa untuk menghadapi PRU 13 tapi bukan untuk membayar gaji buta pada badut2 ini...Patut2 la broooo..


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