
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, October 1, 2011

DAP state rep claims RM150,000 offer to jump ship

Bentayan state assemblyperson Gwee Tiong Hiang today reveal that an offer has been made by parties claiming to be representing the prime minister to leave DAP and declare himself an independent representative.

At a press conference at the DAP headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, Gwee said he was offered RM150,000 in cash, 50 acres of land, at least RM5,000 extra monthly allowance, a service centre and a private assistant if he agrees to defect.

He added that a man, Wee Pao Chin, who first contacted him via telephone on Sept 26 and claims to be the secretary-general of the Johor Baru Wee clan association, also guaranteed that Gwee, will be given support if he contests in the next general election against DAP.

Gwee furnished a transcript of a recording of another phone conversation which he had with Wee four days after the initial contact.

He said the 'agent', who claim to be representing the PM, said the money offered will come from the federal coffers, but will be funneled through the clan association.

The recording of the Sept 30 conversation in Mandarin was also played during the press conference.

Gwee said the 'agent', who along with a Malay man whom Gwee claimed to be representing the Prime Minister's Department, met with the Johor assemblyperson on Sept 28 to first offer RM50,000 and 50 acres of land.

dap pc 011011 01"The man said he feels sorry for me; that we share the same surname and that he wants to help me because my party does not want me anymore...

"But I feel I am still a DAP (assemblyperson). This BN offer was not right, I have to expose it. I can tell the BN that not every (assemblyperson) or MP of DAP can be bought over. I love the party. My party is only DAP," said Gwee, who broke into tears.

Meeting set up with Najib

Gwee claimed that the 'agent' also promised to set up a meeting with PM Najib Razak on Oct 3.

Gwee, who reported the matter to the DAP central executive committee on Sept 29, said he will lodge a police report later today in Muar.

He will also file a report to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in nearby Pahang next week. Muar, where the Bentayan state constituency is located, does not have an MACC office.

The assemblyperson was Sept 24 suspended for six months by the party for improprieties relating to party funding, although party discplinary committee chairperson Tan Kok Wai, who sat beside Gwee at the press conference, said the funds were used for a good cause.

According to Gwee, the agent, who claimed to also work for Felda Plantations, had called him six times including yesterday, where the two spoke on the phone for one hour and 10 minutes.

The Bentayan assemblyperson said Wee also assured him that they will restore his image after the defection by solving issues pertaining to local councils and land matter in the constituency.

In addition, there will be media interviews with BN-controlled TV3 and other media so that Gwee's name will not be dragged through the mud like what happened to former DAP Jelapang assemblyperson Hee Yit Foong.

Through their phone conversations, it was gleaned that Wee had "in depth" knowledge of the Bentayan constituency, and was able to correctly cite the winning chances of each polling districts.

Also present today was publicity chief Tony Pua, who demanded a response from the Prime Minister's Department to the damning claim.

"We want the PM's Department to declare if they are involved in this exercise.

"If not, we call upon relevant departments to take all necessary action against these individuals who have approached the Bentayan (assemblyperson), for impersonating or making false representation in the attempt to entice (Gwee to defect)," Pua said.

The Petaling Jaya Utara MP added that should the PM's Department stay mum on the issue, it will only serve to show the department's "complicity in the exercise".

Asked if the party will review Gwee's suspension in light of the fact that he had reported the matter to the party, Tan said this matter could only be decided by the CEC (central executive committee), which will convene a meeting on Oct 7.

Also suspended for six months by the party on Sept 24 was Kota Alam Shah assemblyman M Manoharan, for suggesting that the Jalur Gemilang be replaced.

Agent denies all claims

When contacted by Malaysiakini, Wee said there was "no such thing" before quickly terminating the telephone call.

Below are excerpts of the telephone conversation on Sept 30, based on the English translation of the transcript provided by DAP:

Agent: I am calling to ask you to prepare your curriculum vitae, and I will coordinate with Kuala Lumpur in the next two days.

Gwee: Who are you coordinating with on the KL side?

Agent: I contact the PM direct. His relatives include the one we met the other day (in Muar on Sept 28).

Gwee: What is the name of the Malay (man) we met the other day?

Agent: His real name is Rahim. He is like me, we are political volunteers, except he gets a salary...

Gwee: Then who do you represent?

Agent: My job is to help out the PM as a Chinese coordinator. When there are political and economic crisis, they will ask me to handle it. Johor is for me to deal with...

After much coordination, and after talking to all parties concerned, apart from your current state assemblyperson allowance, once you become independent, you will be given a fully-funded special assistant, plus a salary for you (of) more than RM5,000 as your allowance to do other work...

Gwee: How can you prove that there will really be those extra allowances?

Agent: Trust me. I will see you on Sunday morning, and in the afternoon we will go to KL, spend one night there, go to Putrajaya on Monday where you will meet our big boss (who is not Najib).

Gwee: What is the name of your boss?

Agent: I will tell you when I see you.


Gwee: How can you prove that you are really representing Najib?

Agent: I won't say it so directly as I don't want it to become an issue. I am now contacting you as a fellow clan man. I am also an important person... When I see you, I will let you talk to him over the phone, okay?...

We'll give you another chance come next election, and if all goes well, you will be the assemblyperson for another term. There will be people helping you on your constituency matters, people such as myself and other political volunteers, to deal with public's complain and to apply for allocations...

Gwee: Where does the allocation from from?

Agent: Apart from the menteri besar, it will also come from the PM's Department...

Gwee: How much is the allocation?

Agent: RM150,000 for your expenses, not considered part of your allocation but for you to deal with your office... RM150,000 in cash. I'll sort it out for you, don't worry...

(The) allocation from the federal (government) will be more - this RM150,000 does not include the allocation you ask for, but as your two years' expenses need, you can do whatever you like with it - there's is no need to be accountable for it, no need for records...


We will go to Putrajaya, arrange (a meeting) with the PM... When you see the PM in Putrajaya, you sit with him and he will announce that you have become independent, and after that you can use all the resources, understand?


Once we come back, we will arrange for a press conference for you in Muar, you then list our your vision... and explain why you want to become independent...

Gwee: How to ensure that once I become independent, my windscreen won't be smashed or that my house won't be splashed with paint?

Agent: We have arranged everything, you won't notice (any change)! Now there are Special Branch officers around your house, I have met them.

The SB is my good friend... His name is Nazad, from the JB office... We will protect you ,your children, and we can arrange for a personal bodyguard for you...

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