
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

An Evil Open House In Batu Caves

An Evil Open House In Batu Caves

Deepavali or Diwali is celebrated globally by Hindus to mark the victory of good over evil. Yet, ironically, MIC is planning to have its Deepavali open house in the Batu Caves temple grounds. This is an outrage because what does MIC represent if not evil?

Corruption, thievery, cheating and thuggery are universally held to be evil. Those are the traits that the MIC has exhibited throughout its existence and particularly so in the last 30 years.

Worse, the MIC specializes in robbing it’s own kind. On those occasions where funds would be allocated to the Indians it would be channeled through the MIC. Needless to say, little, if any, ever reached the poor.

When low cost houses were allocated to the Indians, it would inevitably end up in the hands of some branch chairman, or his relatives. These were the everyday petty tyrannies that the Indians lived with for decades. But there was worse, much worse.

Feeding like hogs at the Maika cash trough

Not content with siphoning off monies allocated to the Indians, Samy Vellu launched a grand plan, in the form of Maika, a scam from day 1, to part the Indians from their hard earned savings. Most would never see their money again. It became Samy’s personal piggy bank into which he would bury his sticky fingers whenever he required funds.

The management of Maika were picked not for business acumen but for being yes-men. Samy’s whole family would live off Maika, paying themselves salaries and other perks including paying for their credit cards, car loans, phone bills and you name it.

Naturally, no investigation was conducted by Malaysia’s always partial enforcement agencies into this brazen misuse of public funds. They all looked the other way, while Samy, his friends and his relatives stuffed themselves like hogs at the trough.

Even the 'doctor' dream was not sacred

Eventually, of course, the money would run out. So Samy would come up with a new angle, like AIMST college. To convince the Indians to yet again open their wallets, Samy played on the one sacred dream of the typical Indian parent; to see their children become doctors.

Why Indian parents in particular are fixated on this vocation for their children is not clear. Perhaps some enterprising anthropologist would research into it in the future. Suffice to say it involved hundreds of millions, mostly in cash, which was just how Samy and pals liked it.

And who were Samy’s nodding assistants at this time? Palanivel for one. Subramaniam. Both now Ministers. Saravanan, Devamany, Sothinathan, Murugesan and many others. All branded with the mark of Samy. All who cheered him on, and still do. They also comprise the current leaders of the MIC.

No interest to fight for the people

The Indians have been marginalized, left behind and trampelled on because of the commissions and omissions of the MIC. The corruption within the MIC is systemic and not limited to individuals. Every one of them wants something, a contract, a position or simply a handout. And they will go to great lengths to get it.

They have neither the time nor the inclination to ‘fight’ for the people. Other than the bags of rice or 50 ringgit bills they hand out openly during elections. They are the Asuras of Indian mythology.

It would be an outrage to have them living it up on temple grounds during the festival that celebrates the victory of good over evil, for they are surely evil.

A fitting place for the MIC’s open house would be a graveyard, along with all the other jackals and bloodsuckers (pisase).

Malaysia Chronicle

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