
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 27, 2011

A gathering of misfits at Perkasa AGM

YOURSAY 'It is amazing how former IGP Rahim Noor can associate a good thing to a bad thing in order to make it sound bad.'

Ex-IGP Rahim Noor warns of 'human rights wave'

your sayBy Election Fan: Beware of a "human rights wave" that would threatened the principles on which the country was founded. What are you talking about, ex-police chief Abdul Rahim Noor?

Human rights is never a threat to anybody. Human rights is only feared by the dirty politicians, particularly from Umno, and corrupt civil servants.

Compass: Rahim is right. If human rights is not curtailed, dictators will not fall like in Egypt and Libya, and police chiefs won't be able to smash the faces of opposition leaders with impunity anymore. That would be disastrous.

Goodness, is that all Perkasa can boast of - a disgraced former police chief?

Swipenter: This ex-convict is talking of perpetuating the ‘ketuanan' doctrine under the guise of Malay unity by using the Chinese/communist bogey.

Also any Malay who fought and is fighting for the universal ideals of freedom, equality and justice is a stooge of the communists and a traitor to his race and religion, according to his warped logic.

I would like him to explain the "principles on which the country was founded". Is he talking about the ‘manufactured social contract' where ‘ketuanan' doctrine was founded and justified.

Nobody has proven the existence of the ‘social contract'. We just have to take the word of
Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Umno that it exists, thereby justifying all kinds discrimination based on race, creed and religion in our country.

AnakPinang: This ex-police officer, entrusted with enforcing the law so that our rights are protected, is warning us about the 'dangers' of civil society demanding their rights? The ironies in Malaysia never end!

But then again, one doesn't have to be a Perkasa member or an Umno stooge to be their lackeys. Rahim Noor ought to be ashamed of himself.

After the debacle with DSAI (Anwar Ibrahim), he should realise that a man with his kind of baggage should just go quietly into the night.

Onyourtoes: Rahim, you punched someone to pulp when you were the number one law enforcer in the country, so what credibility and credential have you got to speak on anything?

What are you talking about - that this country was founded not based on human rights principles? So it was based on what - master and slavery?

Gerard Samuel Vijayan: This is not surprising coming from Rahim Noor, an ex-IGP (inspector-general of police) who encouraged a culture of lawlessness among the police.

The force was not only corrupt but also condoned violence towards detainees and suspects, a total disregard for human rights and the rule of law and the summary execution of those whom the police felt deserved to be killed, rather than arrested and put on trial.

This man was, and is, a disgrace to the force and his comments only confirm his long-held view that the police should be part and parcel of a system that oppresses, intimidates, stifles and controls the people without any accountability and transparency so as to negate their freedoms and fundamental rights and render our democracy illusory.

The man is still living in a time warp where the communists and Western imperialists are still the threat and the police nothing but the extension of an autocratic and feudal state.

Victor Johan: "This new wave, he said, was similar to the ‘communist wave' that hit our shores in 1930s and 1940s, which was dominated by the Chinese. Rahim said the communists had attempted to form an ‘enterprise' with Malay leftists to form a People's Republic of Malaya."

So isn't what Rahim 'Tumbok Mata' Noor is saying is that in the 1930s and 1940s, the Malay rightists, who were actually the elite Malays, including Orang Kaya Pekan, etc, had formed an ‘enterprise' to rule British Malaya with the British chieftains and the elite Chinese and Indian businessmen?

Bender: It's very telling of what Perkasa really stands for when a known thug like Rahim Noor is given such a celebratory status in one of its key ceremonies.

It's one thing that Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali (the gutless flip-flopping self-appointed Malay hero) is given the top position in the organisation, but this monster of a man as a keynote speaker is quite another.

What kind of organisation gives such honour to a jailbird and a known thug? And to top it all up, Kulim-Bandar Baharu MP Zulkifli Noordin was made Perkasa vice-president, which sums up the situation quite well.

It all boils down to only one conclusion - that Perkasa is nothing but a bully organisation that capitalises on the sentiment of ‘Ketuanan Melayu', and their modus operandi is clearly centred on forcing the ‘ketuanan' agenda without much justification.

My THOR: Though declaring he is not a member of Umno or Perkasa, Rahim had copied action taken by Umno and Perkasa by condemning non-Malays, especially the Chinese, hoping to unite Malays for his and Umno's gains.

What Rahim Noor failed to understand is the righteous Malays are well informed of all the ‘sins' committed by Umno leaders and cronies.
Rahim, with your opening speech at Perkasa 2nd Annual General Assembly, your membership with ‘Hate Anwar Club' has been confirmed. Birds of a feather flock together.

Manjit Bhatia: Rahim Noor, a criminal convict, has a job to do for Perkasa and Umno, both of whom inhere criminality as their core.

It is to promote the political and moral 'legitimacy' of both groups amongst the Malays, more and more of whom are beginning to move away from them, by wedging the non-Malays.

And what better way to do this than what Perkasa and Umno have been doing - to demonise and vilify non-Malay citizens through a scare campaign.

But nobody in the right minds in the Malay community are going to believe Rahim Noor, and none of them, I think, would even believe that a version of 'communism' is making its return to Malaysia.

Rahim Noor knows peanuts because he is a peanut, like Ibrahim Ali, his patron. If intelligent Malaysians continue educating the lesser educated one amongst them, the human rights wave will win out against these tyrants and thieves eventually, but hopefully soon.

Dark Knight: Perkasa seems to attract all kinds of discredited characters. Rahim Noor is another who is attempting to rewrite Malaysian history.

And as one who misused and abused his powers as the former IGP, the respect for human rights is surely something very alien to him.

Nik V: It is amazing how this school kid bully can associate a good thing to a bad thing in order to make it sound bad. It's just an old man's sense of warped logic.

But what is worst is there are gullible followers willing to accept it. Then with his kind of logic, we can assume that since he was put into his position by Umno's BN therefore he was just a corrupt BN stooge planted there and not really an IGP. - Malaysiakini

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