
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Giving a Black Eye to Human Rights

Where does ole cops, top cops go after retiremet?

Most would likely try and do good deeds and confess to God for the many times they have not upheld justices but were holding the crown jewels of their political masters during service!

Yet others will be involved in charities and impart their experience and wisdom to make the community safer or build a better caring community.

In BolehLand, one retired top cop decided to show his true self or rather resurrect the personality most suspect he has while in service.

This can be seen by the remark the ex top cop did at a gathering that reported he liken the human rights movement to the communists movement! Read here

This ex cop is remembered by the nation for tying about the black incident, that even the then No1 leaders made a remark at the same level as our dear prosecutor at TBH inquest when questioning our Thai forensic expert that it was a self inflicted black eye, like the self strangulation of the unsolved death of TBH!

So is our ex cop equating human rights activists as some communists thug masquerading under the human rights cause?

His attitude and behaviour now should be taken into account if ever some researcher decided to research on the action of the force under his watch and whether those action against the opposition and non pro BN group, NGOs and even human rights organisations have been clouded by this attitude he just revealed!

For a person supposedly trained professionally to safeguard and protect those who exploit, harm and cause injustice to another human, to now reveal a somewhat disdain attitude towards human rights, it certainly gives a black eye to the human rights record of the government. And certainly leaves a black mark on his institution he was the head!

Perhaps, this law enforcer would protect at all cost the social contract that exploits another. His statement if reported correctly, "They (human rights) question the self-evident [social contract], as though they’re trivialising what was agreed upon.” reveals the racist mentality!

So the social contract is an immutable piece of legislation and if he has his way would put it as an edict in the holy book! That way, noone can even question it as it will amount to committing sedition and even treason right?

So the social contract must be protected at all cost and has been done all this while and ad infinitum we can supposed. Which means the human rights of those not in the group will likely be abused! The DEP has seen a fair share of violation of human rights of those not privileged or the chosen race!

To protect the social contract will also give those defenders every right to wallop anyone and lock them up. And arrest those who hold gatherings, be they candlelight or cycling to protest injustice and racism that have emerged as a result of the extremism from those protecting the 'social contract'!

If one cannot question the social contract and you criminalise anyone, including those given such privileges but wish to dismantle it, does it amount to violating the human rights of these people including those who feel marginalised and seeking justice to also be fairly treated?

The ones who consider the social contract cast in stone and immutable, are the ones being blinded by this obsession that the rights and privileges are the reserve for only one race for perpetuity. Those whom you clobber and give them a black eye because they seek justice against the abuses of the social contract on the human rights of those not endowed by this man made privilege, are the victims of human rights abuse, no?

What the devil has gone into this fellow to be at such a place, make such statements and connection? Is the present attitude and thinking of this ex top cop a recent one post retirement? With nothing to keep one's mind occupy as they say 'an idle mind is a devil's workshop.'

Or did this former top cop had this chip on his shoulder about human rights hidden away from the public's eye while serving as top cop? Did the prejudice attitude that 'human rights=communism' clouded his professionalism and blinded him from respecting the rights of all those humans especially those who questioned the social contract, huh?

Perkasa must feel elated to have by their side another champion of the social contract ready to violate the human rights of others who seek justice against the abuses and injustice being committed by those who take refuge under the social contract huh?

Where do ole top cops go and what do they do after their retirement? One such BolehLand ex top cop decides to make himself a kind of ole Hang Tuah warrior to deliver a black eye on the human rights record of BolehLand. We must really be proud and feel safe we have really dependable professional fellos defending our human rights right? - YAHMEH!!!

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