
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How The Hunter Became The Hunted

Once upon a time before GE 12, Pakatan Rakyat had the luxury of attacking the government (and its leaders) with an endless array of issues. In fact, they never seemed to run short of ammunition to attack the government which was on the defensive, busy defending themselves and warding off blow after blow.

Naturally, the internet was aflame with the corruption scandals which plagued the Malaysian government while the MSM had a field day painting picture perfect scenarios on the ground to create a ‘feel good’ ambiance with complete indifference to the prevailing sentiment in cyberspace.

In the country's 12th GE, opposition parties took 82 seats in the federal parliament, compared to 20 seats in the 11th GE (2004). Significant political casualties for the coalition included the Minister of works; the Minister of Women, Family and Community Development; and the Minister of Information. Five of the 13 states also fell to opposition control.

Since Pakatan Rakyat clinched the tsunami victory in 2008, they seem to have run out of steam. In reality, it is not easy to maintain that level of being on the offensive all the time.

Naturally, Pakatan slowed down in their offensive as they also had to get down to the brass tags of governance. However, what they did not expect was how the government has turned around and started attacking the opposition and in a bitter twist of fate, it is the opposition that is busy defending itself now as the government is giving them a taste of their own medicine.

What we see today is the slow decapitation of Pakatan Rakyat whereby the status quo is slowly, steadily and stealthily weakening the coalition by their continual onslaught on selected leaders, starting with Anwar Ibrahim, Mat Sabu and now Lim Guan Eng. Who is next?

At the beginning, the opposition worked closely with the 'alternative media'. And then the reversal of fortunes began when Pakatan gradually became a bit sombong and seemed to have regarded some in the alternative media as the enemy.

So, the alternative media and Pakatan have taken separate routes which do not seem to converge at all.

Since then, BN-Umno have mobilised the pro-govt Blogs and alternative media into a coordinate force and theirs will be a force to be reckoned with!

The harsh reality is that today, BN is where Pakatan Rakyat used to be a few years ago!

If one were to scrutinize the situation, BN has recognised the value of the alternative media. They learnt their lesson well from the result of the 2008 GE where BN got an unforgettable whacking.

In the mean time, Pakatan has left the alternative media behind or left them out of their plans. In fact, some perceive that Pakatan, however, views the alternative media as a nuisance and would rather distance itself from it.

Most ironically, BN is now doing what Pakatan used to do but no longer does any more!

On one hand, we can see how Najib has been hosting meetings and dinners with the pro-BN alternative media while Pakatan however ignores and shuns the pro-opposition alternative media to their detriment.

Have PR engaged the alternative media at all of late? For instance, are Bloggers on their mailing list? Do they get invited to press conferences? Do they host 'meet the media' sessions organised for Bloggers etc?

In fact, it almost seems as though Pakatan would rather the alternative media shut up.

All this while, BN is embracing the alternative media and is trying to work with the alternative media. In fact, each of their component parties has been reiterating in various summits or meetings the importance of the alternative media and engaging people via social networks.

Let's not forget that the 2008 tsunami was partly the result of the efforts of the alternative media. While BN recognises that, Pakatan seems to deny that now. So we see a role reversal where the hunter has now become the hunted!

We can see how DSAI, LGE, Mat Sabu, Nik Aziz, etc. are under attack and issues like Hudud, Communist, Bukit Kepong, etc, are raised and Pakatan is scrambling like the Americans at Pearl Harbour.

Sun Tzu has already taught us that the best form of defense is attack. This was Pakatan's forte in the past and they seem to have lost it. In sharp contrast, this is what BN is doing now.

As such, we can see how Pakatan is running around in circles when in the past this was what BN used to be doing.

Pakatan Rakyat hopes to win the election by default. They hope people will vote opposition because they hate BN and not because they love PR. That is a very dangerous strategy to put your money on.

Until today, PR has NOT shown us their Shadow Cabinet even though they have had the courage to talk about a Shadow Budget and presented us with a 'shadow prime minister', Anwar Ibrahim.

I will vote Pakatan Rakyat no matter what BUT I really hope that they will buck up, get their act together, deliver their promises for I fear that if the rot, disunity and lack of focus/strategy persist, they might be shipped out in the next GE.

The opposition MUST really start making plans of forming the government now because they cannot hope for another miraculous tsunami to sweep away unresolved issues. Avoid any issues that can cause a split in the coalition or anything that can stir the wrath of voters whose anger, frustration or disappointment cannot be underestimated.

Yes, change IS imperative but Pakatan must also change for the better so that we can vote for them confidently! Are you ready for that, PR?

- masterwordsmith

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