
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Hypocrisy of the Uneducated Educationists

The most visible evidence of apartheid policy in BolehLand is in the education system. There are schools specially for Chinese Language, Tamil and Bahasa Melayu. At college level the apartheid policy is seen in MARA schools being reserved exclusively for one race.

But then in BolehLand, issues like race, religion and education fall into a sensitive area called privileges which can get one branded as committing treason question such rights and privileges enshrined in the Constitution.

The present issue over the use of the English Language in the teaching of Science and Maths shows the MESS of the education system. And the victims are the students who are forced to become a confused lot by confused teachers.

The education officials may think themselves great academics and intelligent. Perhaps they have very high scores in examinations, but all brains and no common smart sense makes one only alive up from the neck.

Why are we not accepting that the English Language is part of BolehLand's culture and it has brought us where we are today! Of course nationalists will say it has nothing to do with language but we are so filthy rich in resources the foreign elements are dying to invest here and in the process develop the nation, no?

The height of hypocrisy of the BN government and the uneducated hypocritical education ministry and officials is the proposal to introduce Cambridge syllabus in junior Mara Science college, exclusively reserved for the Malays.

One can assume if it is going to be Cambridge syllabus surely the medium of instruction will be ENGLISH for Science and Maths too right?

Not many know that MARA colleges use a hell of a lot of ENGLISH in their teaching!!!

So why is so hypocritical if parents are demanding the English be retained at least for the whole lot of kids who have started using it than to suddnely FORCE them to learn in Bahasa Melayu mid way?

PAGE and those who are advocating for English should not be looked upon at challenging the supremacy of the national language. Or force those kids especially in the rural area to fail their exams and not stand a chance when they grow up.

Currently graduates, especially those weak in English are not marketable in the private sector that depends these days on foreign trade and sales to survive. Let's be honest we are not able to progress if we depend on domestic consumption alone. Though a former PM advocate for us to have 70 million with a simplistic logic they will consume more milk and what not. But then our food are imported! And we depend a lot of foreign trade as well as foreign traders to pump in money!

Noone has the political will because each want to be selfish to retain their political power to decide on the future of our students. What is the point of being good in any language if you are not smart!

University lecturers lament the students may be good in Bahasa Melayu but they have very little understanding of even basic science or humanistic subjects at university level? How to understand the books in libraries if a large percentage of science subjects are in English.

We are producing half bake students who are neither proficient in a language or basic knowledge of basic subjects! It's a double whammy really.

No wonder we have half bake and lalang professors who expound ridiculous version of history and what not!

The rural folks are not given the true picture of the real world and the demands of businesses. They are using language as well as race to win votes at the expense of the future of the children!

Why are we willing to kill each other to retain our respective language in schools just to kill English forever being relegated to a language subject?

What is the use of asking students to learn English when it is not even encouraged to be used in other syllabus?

How large do we need to expand the civil service just to accommodate those who can't survive in a working environment where other languages other than Bahasa Melayu is important huh?

The BN government think a sudden switch is like biting the bullet. We thought we bit the bullet ten years ago?

This flip flop reflects how much politicised BolehLand is. And it shows how uneducated our education official are. They think by adopting a quick solution they will resolve the issue. And worse, slam the door to any more consideration or discussions.

And when parents take matters into their own hands and prefer home study, the government are in a panicky stage and are out to kill or perhaps one day criminalise those who opt to educate their child via the home study route. Think that won't happen? Imagine, if the home study kids have better opportunities, those from public schools who don't do well will politicised the issue.

Think it is not possible for the BN government to pass a law criminalising those who home study their kids and also make it a crime for a school going kid to be taught in English or enter international school?! And that all home study MUST be taught in Bahasa Melayu and no school kid in home study are allowed to sit for external exams, except MARA schools.

Our children are suffering because of a language issue. Soon they and their parents may be made criminals because they choose to educate themselves on their own and use a language other than Bahasa Melayu. Except in exclusive Malay MARA colleges that English is allowed without being questioned or considered a crime, no?

Are parents being selfish to fight for their kids future? Why are we trying to pit parents even belonging to one same race and whose mother tongue is Bahasa Melayu over the English Language?

Kids who study in national schools and due to their parent's foresight are able to speak English are also being victimised as being a selfish lot. Worse label them as anti nationalistic or patriotic if they don't speak Bahasa Melayu! The simple question to ask those ultra nationalists is, I put food on the plate for me and my family because I choose to use English. Is there anything wrong with that. Similarly too, another put food on the plate for himself and loved ones working in a Bahasa Melayu environment. Why should one be discriminated and another not huh?

And why are vernacular school dead against the use of English, as if the product of their education system guarantees one a job in other countries except communist China huh? - YAHMEH!!!

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