
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Isa Samad makes his move but Felda settlers call for his removal as co-op chief

Isa Samad makes his move but Felda settlers call for his removal as co-op chief

Controversial former Negri Sembilan chief minister Isa Samad is in the news again over possible abuse of power. Now the Felda chairman, Isa recently appointed himself the new head of the sprawling land agency's co-operative unit, Koperasi Permodalan Felda Berhad or KPF.

The appointment raised eyebrows because Isa will be replacing Felda director-general Dzulkifli Abd Wahad at KPF. Settlers say Dzulkifli has beeing doing a good job for KPF, which is on the list of the 10 most successful cooperatives in the country. It won the Anugerah Koperasi Cemerlang (Kluster Besar) in 2011.

There is also unhappiness because of Isa's own personal track record. The Umno leader and Bagan Pinang assemblyman is considered a political appointee and his suspension for money politics from Umno several years ago have prompted concerns that he may put his personal and party interests ahead of the settlers'.

"KPF is owned by the settlers and for them, the leadership of the KPF chairman, Datuk Dzulkifli Abd Wahad, should not have been changed because throughout his leadership, KPF was never at a loss and it was even successful to give a 15 per cent dividend last year," PAS information chief Tuan Ibrahim said in a statement.


According to Pakatan Rakyat leaders, Isa's appointment was suspicious because it was against the Cooperatives Acts, Regulations and Laws, which states that such appointments must be conducted at a general meeting and not just at a board meeting. They want his appointment to be revoked.

Isa had appointed himself during a board meeting at the end of Ramadan. Furthermore, KPF only accepts settlers and Felda staff as members and although Isa is chairman of the main Felda body, he is not considered an eligible staff for KPF membership.

As such, he is not qualified to become a KPF member, let alone be its chairman, said Tuan Ibrahim. "Isa is only appointed for a certain period of time and not a KPF officer is not qualified to become a member," Tuan Ibrahim added.

Support letter from Najib

According to the PAS leader Ibrahim, who lives in the Felda Jengka area in Pahang area, Isa's justification for his self-appointment was based on a support letter from Prime Minister Najib Razak.

What the Felda settlers found more insulting, he said, was that the appointment was made when Dzulkifli was not in the country.

"This action shows the true colors of the new Felda chairman who is clearly not respecting the existing KPF leadership and this is strong objected to by the KPF members," said Ibrahim, reiterating his call for the authorities to revoke the appointment.

Parent body, Felda is a rural land resettlement scheme initiated to help the poor Malays make a living by tilling the land and contributing to the nation's agricultural sector. The corporatized agency has been under Prime Minister Najib's stewardship since 1997.

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim told Parliament earlier this year that while Felda might look strong in its financials, huge overseas losses incurred by its investment arm Felda Global Ventures have built up and could plunge the entire group into financial chaos.

Among issues that remain unexplained to settlers, despite constant needling by Pkatan MPs are a RM6 billion loan taken from the Employee Provident Fund without any known or clearly-stated intention.

Another sore point was the surety of the entire Felda Plantation granted to its investors, Felda Global Ventures for 60 years. Again, this was done when Dzulkifli was away for umrah (prayers in Mecca).

Malaysia Chronicle

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