
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Jui Meng slams Ka Siong over MCA's fast-heating 'glamorous babes' issue

Jui Meng slams Ka Siong over MCA's fast-heating 'glamorous babes' issue

It looks like MCA has stirred up another of cauldron of fire and hypocrisy that critics say can only burn up the last shreds of whatever credibility the party has left.

Even as Wee Ka Siong, the MCA Youth chief, rushed to grab a slice of public sympathy for himself over the Beliawanis or MCA women's youth wing) issue, news has already erupted all over town that indeed, at least 4 of a group of stunning looking young girls who 'graced' the party's Youth annual assembly recently were hired models.

But Ka Siong refused to acknowledge the latest development, choosing to focus on blaming PKR Youth leaders who had first questioned if the girls were indeed 'real' MCA members.

“Logically, one can make the connection following comments from several PKR Youth leaders who criticised MCA,” the Star quoted Wee as saying. He even threatened to take legal action.

Wee was immediately shot down by PKR vice president Chua Jui Meng, who ticked him for accusing without basis or proper evidence.

"Only a fool would be so rash as to make such accusations, especially when there are already grounds to suggest that Khai Loon and Pei Nei were right in their assessment. We have every confidence that PKR members would not resort to gutter politicking and we would like to invite MCA president Chua Soi Lek himself to explain the latest news reports about the girls being hired models," Jui Meng toldMalaysia Chronicle.

"Also, Soi Lek owes the public an explanation as to why did Ka Siong and the Youth wing try to give the impression these girls were part and parcel of the MCA. As they, those who eat chilli feel the heat. Maybe, this is why Ka Siong and Beliawanis are making so much noise without offering an iota of proof."

The sudden U-turn into hypocrisy

A news portal had a day ago reported that four of the 10 girls were professional models, not MCA members, citing a forum user who goes by the handle ‘hdcyng' on the cari.com.my website.

Beliawanis MCA chief Tee Hooi Ling and her deputy Nicole Wong, who have been at the forefront of the attack against PKR Youth leader Lee Khai Loon and Rawang assemblywoman Gan Pei Nei, often slamming Pei Nei for disrespecting her own female gender, were strangely quite when approached for confirmation.

Tee directed Malaysiakini to Selangor MCA Youth chief Kow Cheong Wei, saying she was overseas. Kow, in turn, refused to confirm if the women in question were MCA members, stating only that the media should not focus on just certain AGM participants.

Tee and MCA's sudden reticence is starkly against the harsh and even smug tone they adopted on October 5.

“That is not true, they are all members, I think some of them were from the Subang division. I don’t know how people can come up with such allegations,” Malaysiakini reported Tee as saying.

To compound Tee's hypocrisy, she even added it was “very disgusting” of netizens to question the women’s membership just because they thought the women were pretty.

Pundits said when the truth is finally unveiled, it would interesting to see who were really abusing women and using them as sex objects, and all for the sake of gaining political favour.

"Let the truth surface naturally. There is no point to cover up or try to hide because the Beliawanis also initially attacked PKR for suggesting pretty women could niot be in politics. Now they dare not answer if Wee or MCA had hired the four to be models for, of all functions, the male MCA Youth AGM. So macho, is that what Wee was trying to insinuate? Join MCA Youth and get to mingle with luscious babes? What type of a recruitment campaign can that be," PKR veteran Eddie Wong told Malaysia Chronicle.

Mirror websites and fooling the ignorant

Wee, who is also the deputy Education minister had blamed the opposition leaders for a website that carried the domain name Suara Keadilan Malaysia but is not connected to PKR or its magazine Suara Keadilan in any way.The PKR news website is under the domain namehttp://www.keadilandaily.com/.

In fact, the website is frequently used by pro-Umno bloggers to unleash their anti-opposition propaganda. The website had shown photos of the faces of several 'Beliawanis members' superimposed on figures in pornographic poses.

"Mirror websites are so common. One of the most famlous is freemalaysiakini. Then in Selangor, Umno Selangor openly prints their version of Selangorkini to out-shout Pakatan Rakyat. To pretend he doesn't know such things exist shows Wee is either not up-to-date in his knowledge or he is pretending not to know. But it is no excuse. As deputy Education minister, he must not try to deceive the ignorant, he should raise their knowledge, not try and bluff those who don't know," said Eddie.

Malaysia Chronicle

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