
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

MB With Two Wives Arrested for close proximity with another woman, now his third wife? (BREAKING NEWS)

Sekadar Menempek

LATEST A author of a news portal called me just a couple of minutes ago to seek a clarification of a Mentri Besar (chief minister) who is said to have married another. The tragedy occurred during recent Ramadan month. MB was arrested for having been with this women who was then not married to him but has now become his third wife.

The new wife is his third marriage. MB has created history as the only MB that has more than two wives at one given time.

MB was married to the woman after the two were arrested in close proximity during a raid conducted by religious officers while he claimed that the woman is his proxy in his business.

The author claims that this story is known by a lot of politicians while no charges have been made in court for fear and do not want to expose it.

Why? Ask the author to me. I explained not sure but have heard a new term MB has been arrested for close proximity at a hotel in the capital city of KualaLumpur.

Which hotel? I usually meet with this MB at this hotel and have met him about three times. Every time he comes over, he stays at this hotel and he usually comes alone (without his two wives) which creates suspicious. He claims he has business meetings in KL and will stay at this hotel. This hotel is his favourite since a long time ago.

I believe the first and second wives of this MB are still unaware of this new MB's wife because it is still confidential.

More will be revealed later - in a day or two, claims the author of the news portal.

Translated from Malay:

BARU sekejap tadi seorang pengarang sebuah portal berita menghubungi saya untuk meminta pengesahan berhubung seorang Menteri Besar yang dikatakan telah berkahwin seorang lagi. Kejadian itu berlaku pada bulan Ramadhan lalu. MB itu katanya ditangkap berkhalwat dengan perempuan yang kini sudah menjadi isterinya itu.

Isteri yang baru dikahwinkan itu merupakan yang ketiga. MB ini mencatat sejarah sebagai satu-satunya MB yang mempunyai lebih dari dua isteri dalam satu masa.

MB itu mengahwini perempuan itu selepas dua kali ditangkap khalwat. Semasa para pegawai agama menyerbu beliau memberi alasan perempuan itu adalah proksinya dalam perniagaan.

Kata Pengarang itu kisah ini didiamkan saja dan tidak dibawa ke mahkamah. Sudah ramai kalangan ahli politik yang separti dengannya tahu, tetapi seorang pun tidak berani mendedahkannya.

Kenapa? Tanya pengarang itu kepada saya. Saya menjelaskan tidak berapa pasti tetapi ada terdengar yang MB yang baru sepenggal itu ditangkap khalwat di sebuah hotel di ibu Kota Kuala Lumpur.

Hotel mana? Saya pernah berjumpa dengan MB berkenaan di hotel berkenaan lebih dari tiga kali. Setiap kali terserempak MB itu bersendirian saja dan keadaannya memang mencurigakan. Katanya kalau dia ada urusan di KL dia akan menginap di hotel itu. Hotel itu menjadi tempat fevourite nya sejak lama dulu.

Saya percaya isteri pertama dan kedua MB itu tidak mengetahui akan isteri baru MB itu kerana ianya masih dirahsiakan.

Untuk mengetahui kisah selanjut mengenai kes ini sila lawat ke protal berkenaan kerana sehari dua lagi Pengarang protal itu akan membuat pendedahan mengenai kejadaian ini.[wm.kl.11:27 am 25/10/11]

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