
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 24, 2011

Muhyiddin never attacked LGE’s son

Anya confirms never molested by Guan Eng's son: How now, Umno?

The Malaysian Insider never learn, despite getting a RM 200 million law suit from Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli for writing something slanderous with malicious intent and later unable to substantiate it, made a public apology and even via mainstream newspapers.

They asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd. Yassin on the expose’ made by bloggers on purported Lim Guan Eng’s son inexcusable behaviour in school. Tan Sri Muhyiddin asked the aggrieved party not to to blame anyone, especially if they did no wrong and instead do a Police report and allow room for the full investigation.

Later, The Malaysian Insider used Tan Sri Muhyiddin’s answer to perpetuate a spin for questions meant for Opposition Leaders’ negative response. Obviously, the response is a completely different story from the context on how it was asked to Tan Sri Muhyiddin in the first place:

Guan Eng labels Muhyiddin a ‘coward’ for attacking his son

By Yow Hong Chieh

October 23, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 23 — Lim Guan Eng has called Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin a “coward” for repeating claims by pro-Umno bloggers that his son had molested a schoolmate.

The Penang chief minister said he was “appalled and disgusted” that Muhyiddin had attacked his son for political mileage and told the Umno number two to focus efforts on him instead.

“If Muhyiddin hates me so much, he can do his worst to finish me off politically,” he said in a statement.

“But Muhyiddin should not join the craven pack of cowards to pick on my 16-year old son and put my son again through this traumatic experience.”

Lim (picture) said Muhyiddin had failed the moral and ethical test to be prime minister by repeating “lies” about a teenager who could not defend himself, even after the alleged victim had come forward to deny the claims.

He added that the deputy prime minister risked losing the respect of the public if he continued to repeat the allegations.

“Muhyiddin loses the respect of decent Malaysians if he behaves in the same arrogant manner as those ferocious Umno beasts who know only how to bully my 16-year old son and feast on a child’s innocence,” he said.

Pro-Umno bloggers had claimed that Lim’s son had assaulted a 16-year-old schoolmate and tried to escape punishment by using his father’s name.

Lim, who is also DAP secretary-general, denied the allegations, saying he was furious with the “barbaric lies” made about his teenage son by “pro-Umno ferocious beasts”.

The DAP later said the picture of the purported victim used by pro-Umno bloggers was of 21-year-old chess grandmaster Anya Sun Corke, who is studying at Wellesley College in the US.

On Friday, Corke denied ever having met or heard of Lim’s son.

Lim’s colleagues in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) also came out strongly in support of the DAP secretary-general against what they call “the lowest gutter politics” seen in decades.

Muhyiddin yesterday called on Lim to let the police to investigate the claims if he had nothing to hide


And this one, where other Opposition Leaders’ negative response is sought based on part of DPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin’s response:

Pakatan says Muhyiddin supporting attacks on Guan Eng’s son

By Melissa Chi
October 23, 2011

Pakatan Rakyat leaders condemn Muhyiddin’s ‘implicit’ support to the allegations against Lim Guan Eng’s son. – file pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 23 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has accused Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin of giving “implicit support to pro-Umno bloggers” over attacks against Lim Guan Eng’s son.“The deputy prime minister needs to have his head seriously inspected. The onus to prove the scurrilous allegations are on the accusers, and not those unjustly maligned.

“Datuk Seri Najib Razak must reprimand his Deputy, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for giving implicit support to the Umno bloggers to defame and destroy an innocent 16-year-old child,” DAP Publicity Chief Tony Pua said.

Muhyiddin said yesterday that Lim’s denying sexual harassment claims against his son was inadequate.

The Umno deputy president said if the Penang chief minister “thinks it is important to correct the information, then he has to come up with a strong statement.

“Mere denial is not enough,” he said.

Pro-Umno bloggers had claimed that Lim’s son had assaulted a 16-year-old schoolmate and tried to escape punishment by using his father’s name.

Lim had denied the allegations on Tuesday, saying he was furious with the “barbaric lies” made about his teenage son by “pro-Umno ferocious beasts”.

The DAP held a press conference on Wednesday identifying the photograph of the purported “victim” used by Umno bloggers was that of 21-year-old chess grandmaster Anya Sun Corke who is studying at Wellesley College in the United States.

Corke had also denied ever having met or heard of the 16-year-old schoolboy.

Pua said despite Lim having nothing else to prove, Muhyiddin “has chosen to lend credence to the despicable rumours and give support implicit to the Umno bloggers” by stating that “mere denial is not enough”.

“Instead of taking stern action against those perpetrating the evil lies to humiliate the Penang Chief Minister’s family, especially since they are all Umno leaders and members, Tan Sri Muhyiddin has chosen to defend the indefensible,” he said.

PKR Vice-President N. Surendran also called Muhyiddin’s remarks a “deliberate and calculated” attempt to keep the slander against Lim’s son alive.

“The DPM’s conduct is thus no different from that of the malicious pro-UmnO bloggers and Umno Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin who instigated and perpetuated this vicious rumour about this innocent boy.

“It is extremely disturbing to note that slander and baseless character attacks of a sexual nature has become the norm for Umno and the ruling Barisan Nasional pollitical coalition.

“Umno and BN are relying on personal attacks, vulgar abuse and blatant falsehood for political survival,” he said.


This is actual transcript from the question from The Malaysian Insider that was asked to Tan Sri Muhyiddin at an event in Universiti Putra Malaysia on Saturday 22 Oct 2011:

Question from Melissa, MalaysianInsider: Tan Sri can u comment on the sexual harassment claim on lim guan eng son by pro-umno bloggers…?

A; Dont blame anybody, there is a tendency for opposition or pakatan.. and there think theres a problem, for all problem, they blame UMNO… we dont blame u, we dont blame anybody else, if theres a fault, we have to find out what is the main cause if it..

Jadi dalam soal itu, saya pun tak tahu sebenarnya, infact I do not know, apa keadaan sebenarnya, samada betul atau tidak, jadi pihak Guan Eng dengan Lim Kit Siang dan Tony Pua saya lihat sudah buat kenyataan very strong, defend dan buat tuduhan pelbagai-bagai…

Biasanya dalam keadaan soal begini orang kata, kalau kita nak clear everything, kita minta pihak polis siasat, kalau betul takde berlaku, apa yang kita worry? I mean that is the way orang biasa lah… supaya kita orang kata dapat bersihkan diri kita, saya tidak nak tuduh, because saya sendiri tak tahu, dan tak adillah for me to blame or whatever it is, I know and understand dia nak exploit apa yang statement yang saya gunakan, saya pun buat, I’m sure what I’m saying is..

Kalau dia pikir penting bagi dia untuk dibersihkan ataupun dibetulkan maklumat itu, dia mesti buat kenyataan tegas, penafian sahaja tidak mencukupi, rakyat akan bertanya oh, dia nafi betullah dia kena nafi, tapi kalau betul tidak ada, macam kes-kes yang lain, kita minta pihak berkuasa siasat membantu kitalah, membantu dia, membantu keluarga dia, baru itu tidak berlaku, jadi kalau dah buat begitu, baru, setakat hari ini saya boleh bercakap itu sajalah…

Q: Tan Sri ada terima laporan daripada pejabat pelajaran Negeri Penang?

A: Tiada.


Obviously, DPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin’s reponse to The Malaysian Insider question was manipulated. It is very clear how The Malaysian Insider use response and information even if it is the truth will be spun into something malice, meant to cause uneasiness and even anger for certain parties.

No wonder they were sued and had to apologise for their slander. It is their blood to do the wrong thing.

- bigdogdotcom

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