
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, October 4, 2011

'Pakatan-bashing at seminar for teachers'

A number of teachers were made to attend a compulsory Education Ministry seminar which morphed into a political 'brainwashing' session, according to PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan.

NONEThe seminar was held on Sept 28 for teachers in the east coast region, and the keynote speech was delivered by Deputy Education Minister Mohd Fuad Zarkashi, he said.

"The seminar turned into a PAS, PKR, DAP-bashing session by Umno and urged teachers to support Umno in the next general election,” Nasrudinsaid in a statement today.

"They were also told to identify other teachers who are suspected of supporting the opposition and bring them back into the Umno fold.”

He further claimed that teachers and principals in particular were told to campaign for Umno and were promised "lucractive allowances".

NONENasrudin (right)produced photographic evidence of materials to back his claim.

“The seminar (organiser) supplied a series of phamplets loaded with criticism and vilification of PAS and Pakatan Rakyat, as well as a VCD in a file which had the words 'Aminudin Baki Institute, Ministry of Education' printed on it.”

"What is even more regretful is this seminar, which was supposedly to strengthen our educators, used government funding through the ministry in an attempt to repair Umno's reputation."

Nasrudin, who said the next seminar will be held in Kuantan, Pahang, on Thursday, warned Umno to stop abusing government machinery for its political campaign.

Describing the move as "unprofessional", he said the ministry must apologise to the rakyat and educators for abusing public funds".

The 13th general election is not due until 2013 but political parties have been actively campaigning as speculation is rife that it may be called sooner.

Both BN and Pakatan Rakyat have in the past been accused of abusing federal and state government machinery for political purposes.

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