
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 20, 2011

So can non-Muslims also have their Himpun?

YOURSAY 'Would BN-Umno be singing the same tune if there was an alternative gathering of non-Muslims in a show of unity?'

Don't fear Himpun, minister Jamil Khir tells PAS

your sayOnyourtoes: Slowly, one by one, they will surface and show their true colours. Events around the world are rarely random; they are always planned and orchestrated for a reason.

Didn't I say earlier that we can quite easily ascertain who is behind this rally by looking at the speed in which the police permit is obtained?

Sure, the rally is held in the stadium and therefore assumed safe and orderly. Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Jamil Khir Baharom, you have not answered the question as to what is the purpose of this rally.

Whose position or interests are under threat? Whose fundamental rights are being stifled and snatched away? If there is the need for rally, it is the minority and the Christians.

But of course, we know our position in this country - we are not ‘tuan', we do not practise the official religion, we don't have the numbers, we do not have state support, and we can't get police permit.

Louis: Most of the Malays that I know do not believe that Christianity is a threat to Islam. In my whole life as a Christian, I have yet to meet a Malay Muslim who has converted to Christianity.

The gathering this weekend is nothing but a ploy to drag PAS into the fray so that Christians, too, will reject Pakatan Rakyat.

I am sure Muslims in PAS have a better picture of the whole situation and know the threat to Islam in Malaysia does not exist. With or without Umno, Islam is as solid as a rock.

Garrulous Gary: Everyone can see now that this so-called apolitical gathering of bigots has the sanction of the government.

AkuMelayuIslam: Saya cadangkan dua juta umat Islam berhimpun bagi mengatasi masalah perangai orang Islam sendiri, seperti suka fitnah, rasuah, lucah, boros, malas, menipu, hiburan berlebihan, pergaulan bebas, buang bayi, rempit, dadah, berpecah, tolak hukum Allah, dan lain-lain. Masalah ini dihadapi oleh berjuta juta umat Islam.

Ini lah masalah sebenar yang dihadapi umat islam sekarang, bukan dikristiankan yang melibatkan mungkin beberapa ratus orang. Wassalam.

Dood: This ‘Himpun' nonsense is nothing but an attempt to cause disarray and disunity among Pakatan parties as well as an attempt to incite racial and religious tension.

Would BN-Umno be singing the same tune if there was an alternative gathering of non-Muslims in a stadium in a show of solidarity and unity against alleged Muslim oppression against non-Muslim interests?

I think we can all see the police squad cars and the elite forces storming the organisers' offices and homes before we can even say ‘ISA'.

Anonymous_5fb: "When a rally is held in a stadium, there are less problems," said Jamil, who is in charge of Islamic affairs.

You said it - 'less problems' means there are still problems. Previously, Bersih 2.0 gave the commitment of 'no problem', yet PM Najib Razak refused to give them a stadium of their choice even though he had made a promise earlier. You people are hypocrites.

Disbeliever: The question is, why have the rally in the first place when the issue of "defending Islam for the sake of the umat" is much ado about nothing? It is making a mountain out of a molehill.

With Perak mufti Harussani Zakaria claiming 250,000 having converted to Christianity in the last few years, are Muslims so naive as to believe this to be the gospel truth? As a Muslim, one has to be strong in the akidah (faith).

I can only see more negative outcome to the rally rather than positive - perhaps the only positive side to it is to show or brag to others that Muslim Malaysians are united (whatever the cause, just or unjust).

The negative impact would be creating more mistrust and disharmony among multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious Malaysians.

Please prove me wrong, but I think only Muslims resort to such show of unity. I don't see this happening with the other religions.

Joker: Who is this Himpun? Are they a registered body? If not, the police should not have given them a permit as in the case of Bersih 2.0.

I also had no idea that there are 1,000 Muslim NGOs in Malaysia. There are so many Muslim NGOs and still some Muslims are going to Harapan Komuniti for financial help?

I hope the organisers will not receive handouts and support in whatever form from the government, thereby using the rakyat's money to entice people to join.

They are saying that this Himpun is to gauge Muslim unity (whatever that means) so they shouldn't bribe people to come with free bus rides, free food and free handouts.

RR: This Himpun is a sure divider of the multi-racial and multi-religious society. The majority in the country are Muslims, therefore there should be no fear of Islam being threatened.

In actual fact, it is the other religions of the minorities that should have felt threatened, as it is happening in some other Muslim countries. Islam is safe and strong in Malaysia. The police should therefore advise the organisers properly.

Kev: I thought protests and rallies are not part of their culture as previously mentioned by Umno leaders a few months ago? - Malaysiakini

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