
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

'Taib's huge personal wealth should be source of embarrassment'

'Taib's huge personal wealth should be source of embarrassment'

Prime Minister Najib Razak and the Barisan Nasional government should feel embarrassed over the excessive personal wealth of Sarawak chief minister Abdul Taib Mahmud, which now has turned into an international issue, said PAS vice president Salahuddin Ayub.

Salahuddin was referring to a statement by former Australian premier Kevin Rudd, now the foreign minister, at the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crimetaking, which took responsibility over Taib's stash of wealth there.

The matter has been referred to the Australian Attorney General’s Department for action after a request by whistleblower website Sarawak Report, PKR's Sarawak chief Baru Bian and Bruno Manser Fund head Lukas Straumann, calling for an investigation into Taib's much publicised foreign assets.

Taib’s wealth has also not gone unnoticed in Switzerland, Germany and also Canada.

According to Salahuddin, such an embarrassment could be avoided had the government acted quickly when Taib's lifestyle was exposed.

“Prime Minister (Najib) is personally responsible on the matter as the government knew this all along. Not only did he failed to exhibit the will to act appropriately, Najib even appointed Taib to represent BN in Sarawak," said Salahuddin.


  1. Am writing from NZ, rated among the world most democratic, uncorrupt countries:
    Sarawak’s biggest criminal & his cronies have stolen directly or indirectly, billions of $ from the people. He was elected to serve his people, instead he made himself a King and continued self-aggrandization for 31 years to this day, without the slightest trace of humility or remorse. He still stands & speaks proudly. Gosh! How can you tolerate this another day! Sit-ins, stop-work, blockages, protests, marches, should have started 30 years ago by NZ’s standard. Has no one in Sarawak got any guts? The PM obviously supports deception, cheating & multi-billion thefts on a grand scale. Where is his sense of shame? And his legitimacy to remain in office?

  2. A registered letter, which we sent in December 2011 and was signed by 15 NGOs from eight countries calling on Malaysia’s authorities to arrest Taib and 13 family members, has been left unanswered. Has the PM got any trace of moral, dignity and sense of shame left? Watching from NZ, rated top for democracy, and transparency, this is despicable, this is a disgrace to the whole Country Malaysia. Why are Sarawakians & Malaysian tolerating this rot & stench?

    Political leaders should never think and behave like they own the country. They were only elected to serve the electorates! The likes of Mubarak, Gaddafi & Ashad weren’t even elected. UMNO, BN, PBB & their cronies’ Pillaging, plundering and preying on the people with gerrymandering, vote-rigging, controlled deceptive media and muti-billion thefts are crime and evil of the highest degree, because these destroy the livelihood of many, or millions. These criminals must be severely punished.


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