
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tajuddin vindicated!

The Malaysian Insiders (MI) today advertised an apology to Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli on their websie. Subsequently, an apology will be advertised in the New Straits Times and Berita Harian for their continuing a wild accusation that have been spreading for a decade that MAS lost an aggregated RM8 billion under his Chairmanship.

Bigdog had the tip-off last Friday. Read here.

He wrote of opposition leaders insistance on continually making the unsubstantiated claims despite police have cleared Tajuddin of any wrongdoing and his case NFAed between 2004-2005.

MI's admittance is also a validation and attestation to the ICC arbitration court judgement in April 2007 that should have acquited Tajuddin of any wrongdoings as in all the alleged reports made to the police and MACC, statements by barking dogs the like of Tan Sri Robert Phang, Salahuddin Ayub and now Dato Zin Ibrahim, and hate blog postings by Din Merican.

The vindication on the various injustices on Tajuddin will await for the global settlements with the Government. On the side, Tan Sri Nor Yakcop is uneasily looking at the events unfolding.

Its coming closer to him.

Salahuddin Ayub and Harakah has a leading role in demonising Tajuddin with the fictitous loss and is liable.

So too are Saifuddin Nasution and Dato Mahfudz Omar who had repeated the same allegations in public.

MAS officios, like Dr Mohamaddon Abdullah and Shaari Sulaiman, who mentioned the RM8 billion alleged loss in their reports are open to investigation for making false report.

The alleged unsubstantiated loss first surface in a letter from Dato Ramli Yusof, Head of PDRM's Commercial Crime to Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in March 2007. This did not come out of the blue and strong suspicion is it came from "crooked" lawyer Rosli Dahlan with some insidious hands within MAS' Legal Department.

Despite Ramli Yusof being the first to make that accusation in a letter to the Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, that loss was not substantiated but the letter delved more on alleged indiscretion by Tajuddin in the Hahn Cargo Airport deal.

Ramli Yusof reopened the case upon his return from Sabah to head PDRM's Commercial Crime Unit in May 2005. He was influenced by his friend and MAS's hired "crooked" lawyer, Rosli Dahlan.

Both of them may have suspiciously initiated a conspiracy with former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, conspirator-spinmaster, former Bernama Chairman Dato Annuar Zaini, then Chairman Dato Munir Majid, the CEO appointed on December 1st 2005, Dato Idris Jala, and Legal Counsel Dr Wafi Nazrin to pin something on Tajuddin.

Read about the juicy detail here.

They never managed to pin Tajuddin with anything. They was nothing to pin him with.

By demonising Tajuddin with such losses, the suspicion was that it justify their plan to cut MAS to pieces and to be later swallowed by Air Asia as we see happening today.

In fact, the contentious issue of the Hahn Cargo Airport was long resolved in April 2007 by the ICC arbitration in Geneva around the time the dogs were barking.

MAS lost their case and did not dispute the judgement. In addition, MAS had obligingly honoured to pay the determined sum.

Not only was there no case of an aggregated loss of RM8 billion, the repeated issues of non-disclosure of interest and conflict of interest by Tajuddin in Ramli's letter, police reports by MAS officio and allegations by Raja Petra, Din Merican, and Tan Sri Robert Phang were untrue.

How could there be a conflict of interest when Tajuddin was expected by the Board of Director of MAS to risk his money into the venture as a sign of commitment?

The moment Tajuddin left in February 2001, it was MAS that did not honour their commitment. They canceled the deal immediately on July 2001 and also great opportunity to develop a "spoke and wheel" air transporation hub between Malaysia and Europe.

They claimed the agreement was unfair. But the ICC arbitration saw otherwise, it was a fair agreement.

Read it at length here.

The advertisement by MI and a tidy sum of off-court settlement is a vindication for Tajuddin who have suffered bad publicity and been keeping himself quiet and away from the public.

Not only is the issue of his lawsuit against MI, Tajuddin is now in the wake of negotiating a global settlement with the Government.

He had been unfairly treated during the financial crisis by Danaharta and the then Adviser to the Prime Minister, Tan Sri Nor Mohamad Yakcop Minister who sold his shares in Celcom at an exorbitantly low price and also his stake in Naluri.

There is also an issue with MAS over the Hahn Cargo Airport.

The global settlement is no bailout but similar to an arbitration process to find a best solution to protect the interest of Tajuddin, Government and GLCs.

It is handled by judges. Read The Star below:

Friday September 30, 2011

Zaharah is new managing judge in Tajudin settlement with GLCs

KUALA LUMPUR: Court of Appeal judge Justice Zaharah Ibrahim is the new managing judge for the proposed mega settlement involving former Malaysia Airlines (MAS) executive chairman Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli and government-linked companies (GLCs).

Previously, it was handled by Justice Md Raus Sharif, who is now Court of Appeal president.

Yesterday, Justice Zaharah met the parties at the court complex here.

Sources told The Star that the parties had to report to Justice Zaharah on the progress of their negotiations next month.

Tajudin’s lawyer Lim Kian Leong confirmed that the matter had been fixed for further case management on Nov 3.

However, Lim declined to disclose details of the proposed negotiations.

The media had reported last month that the Government and Tajudin were negotiating a settlement of all legal cases involving him and the GLCs.

The proposed settlement, which includes appeal cases, covers more than 10 suits pending at the courts here. The cases include a breach of contract suit filed in 2004.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz had said in an interview then that any out-of-court settlement must not be at the expense of the Government.

He stressed that the Government had no plan to bail out any party in order to settle the suits.

He said the Government considered that there were counter-claims involved in the cases and that they could be settled without any party paying any damages.

Among the GLCs involved in the proposed settlement are Naluri Corp Bhd, Telekom Malaysia Bhd, Celcom (M) Bhd, Altan Holdings Bhd, Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Bhd and MAS.
All this arise from the vengeful actions of Nor Yakcop against Tajuddin. The same Nor Yakcop had irresponsibly lost RM16 billion of Bank Negara money and it was Tajuddin that came to help bailout Bank Negara.

Tajuddin has a case and chances are he could win it.

Can the Government afford RM15 billion, or maybe with interest cost running over 10 years, it has reached RM23 billion?

By the look of it, it will be Tajuddin that will have to compromise again for the sake of the nation. One wonders will there be people out there who appreciate his sacrifice?

- Another Brick in the Wall

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