
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 24, 2011

Will Selangor sultan stop the madness?

YOURSAY 'Many find Aziz Bari no less respectable than he already is, and one with enough guts to say what he means and mean what he says.'

Aziz Bari strikes back with notices of demand

your sayOnyourtoes: The funny thing about this episode is that Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has not made any statement or expressed any feeling (as far as I know), and yet we have all the loudmouths talking as if they know the sultan's stand.

In fact, one of them was behaving like an emperor and still thinks he can issue ‘edicts' from time to time.

After eight years out of power, Dr Mahathir Mohamad still believes his moronic policies must be followed and none of his successors were worthy, never mind that he has messed up this country completely over the past 22 years.

Save Malaysia Now: This is the opportune time for the Selangor sultan to come out and show his compassion to Universiti Islam Antarabangsa's Abdul Aziz Bari.

What better time for His Majesty to direct the reinstatement of the law professor to his previous post. There is nothing disrespectful about Aziz Bari's statement. He was just stating the facts.

Gandhi: All of those who are being sued by Prof Abdul Aziz deserves some kind of check against the abuse of their position. Mahathir is one who thinks he is right all the time. I hope this statement by him fixes him proper and good.

Lets Be Fair: Prof Aziz, they'll try their best to 'put sand in your rice bow' and silence you. We are truly glad you have a whole good bunch of truth-seeking and awakened Malaysians willing to stand up against your illegal suspension or eventual dismissal.

Keep your lamp of truth burning to enlighten the nation.

Artchan: And all this is happening because the sultan issued a decree that was neither here nor there, despite having advisers.

Human Being: When I first read Prof Aziz Bari's statement, I thought it was just a simple statement and no big deal because it was common knowledge.

But when Utusan Malaysia, senator Mohd Ezam Nor and Kulim-Bandar Baharu MP Zulkifli Noordin responded, it was so clear that these men cannot even comprehend such a simple thing. With their religious and political pride, they have invited trouble for themselves.

Way to go Prof Aziz, sue them and show to Malaysians that there must be academic freedom. The UIA rector should not restrict academic discussions in class, whether students (who pay fees) like to hear it or not.

Geronimo: If Umno is as benevolent as they claim to be, I hope there's a sultan who is courageous enough to exercise his pre-1983 rights.

This is a test case for Umno. We will then know for sure whether they are truly loyal to the sultan or will they immediately institute legal proceedings against the sultan for breaching the law, which on all accounts is against his interests anyway.

Your royal highnesses, do the right thing for once. At least, Pakatan Rakyat have said they will restore the rights to the sultans should they take over the administration of the country. So what is there left to do but to seize the initiative?

Fencesitter: Professor Abdul Aziz, since they have pushed you to the cliff, either you jump into the ocean or you fight back. I'm glad that you've fought back.

Take the old man to court and uncover 1983 for the younger generations. Whatever the outcome, the gainer is the younger generation - those 30 and below - who will know how the government tried to curtail the rulers' power.

Lover Boy: Mahathir did the country a favour by removing the powers of that sultan who used a hockey stick to assault a coach. Remember the shooting incident?

Now his mistake is accusing Aziz Bari of disrespectful to the sultan, but this is because of his senility. Give him a break.

Passerby: Prof Aziz, put your foot down and you will win hands down. The students from all universities should join in the protest and show the authorities once and for all that they will not tolerate any nonsense any more.

Keturunan Malaysia: Aziz exercised his right to "strike back with notices of demand".

For us ordinary men on the street, with or without him striking back, it makes very little difference. We have already made up our minds with regards to what Aziz Bari said.

Many of us with enough good common sense find him no less respectable or credible than he already is, and one with enough guts to say what he means and mean what he says.

Academics lament personal attacks on Aziz Bari

Tan Kim Keong: The Jaafar School Alumni president Syed Hussien Al-Habshee's comparison of Abdul Aziz's suspension by UIA to the sacking of the Selangor government's Universiti Selangor (Unisel) three staff member is another case of stupidity after DPM Muhyiddin Yassin's statement regarding Lim Guan Eng's son.

Abdul Aziz is a professor who is well-qualified and within his field of expertise to speak about the royalty and constitutional matters. His comments have real substance.

Unisel's case has nothing to do with comments about the current polity. It is like comparing an apple with a durian. This really reflects the poor level of intellect in the 'leadership' of this alumni.

Multi Racial: The time has come for the Jaafar School Alumni to elect a new president. Having Syed Hussien as their president will only bring shame to the alumni for failing to come out to defend Aziz Bari.

It is common sense that we should encourage our experts to give their views on important subjects such as the constitution. Those who disagree with his views could engage him in a debate over the subject matter.

Indeed, the UIA undergraduates did the right thing to defend Aziz Bari.

My THOR: "Threats and personal attacks are inappropriate and unprofessional. If anyone disagrees with him, they should be engaging him (Aziz Bari) in a rational and professional discourse," said Ilmuan president Dr Mohd Fuad Mohd Salleh.

That applies not only to Aziz Bari - look at what Umno had done to Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng (LGE) after failing to discredit him personally. It will not be long Aziz Bari's children will suffer the same fate as LGE's.

Bender: We're beginning to see a pattern emerging here. For the likes of Umno-BN, whenever their attempt at arguing using rational thinking and intellectual prowess falters, they would go for the kick in the stomach.

In the case of Lim Guan Eng, as soon as they ran out of ammunition in attacking his leadership, they began attacking his son with one of the dirtiest trick ever - slandering a child and a young woman who happen to live thousands of miles apart.

Stupid move? Yes, but don't forget we're dealing with a bunch of desperados here.

In Aziz Bari's case, personal attacks became the weapon of choice when they know that they have nothing to hold against him and that they have no one in their team capable of challenging Aziz's credibility and intellect.

Hence, the use personal attacks as a way of to gaining sympathy from the public (whom they think as stupid as they are). Other clear-cut cases are of course, sodomy I, II and the sex tape. I wonder what comes next? - Malaysiakini

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