
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 5, 2011

Metallic black jibes: MIC wants sterner action

Its Youth wing says DAP seemed to be racist when dealing with its undisciplined members.

KUALA LUMPUR: MIC Youth today urged DAP to take sterner action against Pantai Remis state Assemblyman Nga Kor Ming over his “metallic black person” remarks.

Its information chief S Subramaniam said DAP seemed to be racist in dealing with its undisciplined members.

“Is Nga so influential in DAP that no action can be taken against him? It seems that DAP is now showing its racist stripes,” he said, referring to DAP chairman Karpal Singh’s statement that Nga will merely be given a warning.

He pointed out that DAP’s Kota Alam Shah assemblyman, M Manoharan, was given a six-month suspension for his comments on the Malaysian flag, but party secretary-geneal Lim Guan Eng was let off the hook for his alleged comments that Johor was unsafe in Singapore.

“Is DAP only for the Chinese? Why was Manoharan suspended from the party but no action was taken against Nga and Lim? Is it because if a member is an Indian, he gets a harsher punishment while a Chinese would only be let off with a warning? Why the different standards?” asked Subramaniam.

Subramaniam said that Nga’s “metallic black” jibes at Perak Menteri Besar Zambry Abdul Kadir insults all those of darker skins, and especially hurt the Indians.

“Why are those Indian representatives in DAP quiet about this? Do they not feel insulted or are their voices being drowned within DAP?”

“MIC Youth challenges all the MPs and state assemblymen of Indian descent (in the DAP ) to voice out their anger. A wrong is a wrong. DAP that fights for democracy is hardly democratic in this issue.”

Yesterday, Karpal warned Nga, who is also DAP Perak secretary and Taiping MP, against making any racist remarks in the future and that the party would take stern action if the latter did not watch his mouth.

Nga had previously apologised for his remarks. However, he had maintained he was not referring to Zambry’s skin colour or Indians.

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